The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 730

"As Rongjing said just now, there are two kinds of fruit: Yin fruit and Yang fruit. Yin fruit is poisonous, but it also has the same benefit, that is, beauty. Do you know why your skin is so good and your face is so young? Because of the effect of Yin fruit. But it can make you infertile. You have been suffering from Yin fruit for so many years, and the toxicity has penetrated into your heart and spleen. Now, although you have solved the toxicity, you are pregnant, but because of the combination of yin and Yang, you need all the blood essence of your body to raise children. During pregnancy, your body's blood loss is very fast, which will accelerate your aging. When you give birth to him, you will die of exhaustion of blood Cloud shallow moon every word of the tunnel.

The Queen's face changed. She stood up from her chair and couldn't believe it.

"I mean it! I don't believe you ask Rongjing. " Cloud shallow moon looks at empress, really can't bear to tell this matter to her. She knew how much her aunt liked children. How could she not be happy to have a child now? But this child is really can't want.

The Queen looks at Rongjing.

Let the scenic spot nod, "she said well!"

The empress got Rong Jing's affirmation, her body trembled violently, her face turned white, "is there no other way?"

"No!" Rong Jing shakes his head, "unless you beat the child, can keep you."

The queen stepped back and covered her abdomen with her hand. She nearly fell over the chair. Rong Jing gently waved her sleeve and dragged her body. Her face was a little gray and she sat down on the chair.

"Aunt, you don't like the emperor, do you? For a man you don't like, you disdain to have his children. Knock it out Cloud shallow moon is cruel, she must want aunt to have nothing to do. Children are the seed of the old emperor. It's better not to have them.

The queen did not move as if she had not heard of it.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing. Rongjing reaches out and holds her hand. There is a touch of worry between her eyebrows and eyes.

The house was quiet, and for a moment all three people stopped talking.

For a long time, the queen looked up at the cloud and said, "moon, my aunt knows you are for my good, but I want this child!"

"Auntie!" "You can't have..."

The queen waved her hand and said bitterly, "I have been living in the palace these years. I am like a rotten wood. Every day I live is like a year. From the day your mother gave me the pulse, I knew that I could not be pregnant again. I thought that my life would be hopeless and I would die in the palace. At that time, your mother didn't say that I was the Yin fruit of bearing fruit. I thought it was the poison that I couldn't get pregnant for life, so I never looked forward to it. But do you know how envious I am to see all the women in the palace have children all these years

Cloud shallow moon suddenly silent down. Every mother wants to have a child!

"Although my highness the prince and the fourth prince are fostered in my name. But it's not your own. I can't bring up a lot of feelings for them The queen slowly stroked her stomach, "although the child came suddenly, I don't know when I took the Yang fruit to relieve the toxicity, but now that I have a child, although it is the man's, but he grows in my stomach, how can I bear to beat him?"

"But he will kill you!" The moon reminds the queen.

"I'd rather have a child than an old man for life. One of my children. " The queen sighed.

"Aunt, this may be a conspiracy of the emperor! Why have you not been pregnant for so many years? Why did you suddenly lose fruit? Don't you doubt it? " The moon looks at the queen. At this time, her aunt was pregnant, and she had to suspect that it was the old emperor's conspiracy again.

"Even if it's a conspiracy, I'll admit it! What I want is a child. " Queen's road.

"But you will let yourself die when you give birth to a child. How can he grow up without a mother?" The cloud is shallow and the moon's voice rises unconsciously.

The queen was silent.

"Aunt, listen to me. Don't ask for it, OK? After I went from my mother, I was closest to you. I didn't treat you as an aunt, but took you as a mother. You and me, you're not yourself. Maybe one day I can take you out of the cage of the palace and live the life you want. " Yunqianyue stepped forward, half kneeling in front of the queen, and held her hand. The Queen's hand was cold, so that her hand also followed a shudder, coolness swept over her heart along the palm.

"Moon, I also take you as my daughter." The queen held Yun Qianyue's hand, tears spilled from her eyes, and dropped on the hands of two people. She whispered, "a woman is a complete woman if she has a child of her own. My aunt doesn't want to leave with regret. "

Cloud light moon lips close, looking at the queen.

"If my aunt is dead, you will raise him up for me. I will be satisfied if I burn a stick of incense in front of my grave in the future." The queen said again.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly turned away, can't bear to see the queen. Her mother left early. Over the years, she really regarded her aunt as her mother, but after all, she was still an aunt, and her niece was still a niece, and she would never become a mother and daughter. No matter how much she loved her aunt, she had no right to kill her child and deprive her of the right to be a mother when she was so determined to have a child.

The queen no longer spoke, cool fingers to brush cloud shallow moon's eyebrows, fingertips came to shiver.Cloud shallow moon finally can't help, a drop of clear tears along the Queen's fingers.

"Don't cry, my aunt is very happy! Having a child is something I never dared to think about. " The queen whispered.

The moon does not speak. She is not a woman, at most a girl, and she can't understand this kind of maternal love.

"Miss!" Ling Lian's voice sounded outside.

"What's the matter?" Cloud shallow moon pressure hard, ask outside.

"Duke Wen of the palace came and said that the emperor would wake up to see the queen. Knowing that the queen was not in the palace, he sent him to the cloud palace to announce the Queen's return to the palace." Ling Lian said softly.

Cloud shallow moon purses lips, looks at Queen.

The queen stood up, loosened her hand and said, "my aunt is back to the palace! It's settled. Don't be sad. You should be happy for your aunt. "

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, how can she be happy?

The queen looked at Rongjing, "King Shizi, Yueer can't accept it for a moment. Please advise her for me. You are by her side and treat her well. Even if I die one day, I can trust to give you the moon. You two have taken care of this child for me, which is also a wish of all my years

Rong Jing took a look at the cloud and the moon, and his voice was warm and moist, "don't worry about it!"

The queen nodded and said no more. She walked out of the door, and Ling Lian sent her out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the Queen's figure disappearing at the gate of the shallow moon Pavilion, and suddenly reaches out to cover her face, tears are running down.

Rongjing held her in her arms with a gentle voice, "cry if you want to!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!