The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 729

Rong Feng seems a Zheng, "Ming Fei Niang knows you come?"

"Well!" The seventh Princess nodded, "my mother's concubine ordered someone to give me a pulse yesterday. She was very happy to know that I was well. Knowing that I wanted to come here, I was allowed to come. "

"Is it? The empress Ming Fei is very tolerant to you. " Rong Feng's voice suddenly faded.

"Rongfeng, I..." Seven princess looks at Rong Jing, seem a little embarrassed, "I am hungry, did not eat breakfast in the morning."

"I'll take you back to the palace! Your meal will certainly be prepared in the palace. " Rong Feng walked out.

Seven princesses bite the lip petal to look at Rong Feng, the vision is a bit gloomy, murmur way: "I want to eat here in you."

Let the maple step a meal.

The seventh Princess stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve. The tone was soft and pitiful. "I remember that I used to come here to play with you. I always went back to the palace after eating with you... "

"It used to be, but now it's different! You are a princess. You can't eat at the emperor's servants' house. " Rong Feng stretched out his hand and clenched the seven princess's sleeve. Her voice was a little light and her tone could not be refused, "I'll send you back to the palace! I've been here for a long time. The empress should be worried. "

The seventh Princess hung her head and said nothing.

Rong Feng walked forward, no matter whether the seven princesses followed or not, the head did not return, until he came out of the yard, the seven princesses finally took steps to chase out. They were soon out of the main court. From the beginning to the end, we did not find two people in the dark corner of the roof.

"Ah, it's another concubine who is in love. Lang has no intention." Cloud shallow moon looks at the figure that two people walk far a sigh.

"Back to the house!" Rong Jing took her waist and gently touched her toes and left the house of marquis Wenbo.

Yunqianyue thinks about whether the affairs of Wenbo Marquis's house are related to the Ming imperial concubine, and does Rongfeng know anything? Otherwise, why did seven princesses just mention Ming Fei, Rong Feng changed her attitude? She turned her head to look at Rong Jing, "did you find out the murder of Wenbo Marquis's house?"

"No!" Rong Jing looks at the front with a pale face.

"I didn't offend you, did I?" The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns. Thinking about whether the people in the Rong Wang mansion are changing their faces as fast as turning over books.

"It's time for you to prepare for the wedding ceremony." Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon.

"Well? Whose? You and the princess of Donghai Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

"Go back to the house! Let's drink vinegar together! You are the one who needs to drink most Rong Jing does not answer, with the cloud shallow moon body shape accelerated.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid rolled, no longer speak. Who would you like to prepare? Rongfeng and the seventh princess? Not necessarily! Now the old emperor is ill in bed and the prince is in prison. The air of Tiansheng is dark and depressing. Can you use the wedding ceremony? Can you make the wedding?

Back to the cloud palace, Rongjing takes the cloud and the moon directly back to the moon Pavilion.

The curtain was lifted and they drifted into the house. There was a man in the room, dressed in plain clothes, who was the queen. Cloud shallow month a Zheng, surprised to cry out, "aunt?"

"You are back!" The empress looked at them and turned her eyes around Rongjing. Seeing that he was not hurt, she had a trace of clarity.

"Auntie!" Rong Jing also called out, pulling the cloud shallow moon to walk in the past.

"Aunt, why are you here?" Yunqianyue could not have imagined that the queen would be out of the palace at this time. Looking at her plain clothes, she was obviously sneaking out of the palace. She guessed that there should be something wrong, otherwise it would be OK to send someone to inform her, so that she would not leave the palace in person.

"I've come to tell you something." The queen had been drinking tea. At this time, she put down her tea cup and said to Yun Qianyue, "I'm pregnant!"

Cloud shallow month a Leng, can't believe ground looks at empress, "aunt? You said you Didn't my mother show you that you can't have any more children in your life? What's the matter

"I want to know! That's why I came to you. " The queen looked at Rongjing and continued: "and I know that King Shizi should be with you. You are good at medicine. Show me what's going on

The cloud shallow moon hears speech to reach out to the Queen's pulse, her pulse has the sign of sliding, her eyes open wide, really like pregnant pulse, she put a half ring, also did not find out anything abnormal, just the hand, looked at Rongjing, "you come to pulse for aunt!"

Let the scenic spot nod and press her hand on the Queen's pulse.

Yunqianyue and the queen looked at Rong Jing's face together. His face was clear and light, and he could not see any difference. For a moment, he withdrew his hand and said to the second: "my aunt is really pregnant!"

Cloud light moon face color a change, "how to return a responsibility?"

"I'm going to ask my aunt! What did your aunt eat in the last year? Or what you've eaten in the last six months. " Rong Jing looked at the queen. Seeing the Queen's doubts, his voice sank slightly. "If my diagnosis is good, my aunt should have eaten the fruit."

The cloud is light and the moon's face sinks.

"Bearing fruit? What is that? " The Queen looks at Rongjing.

"The fruit is produced in Donghai. It is said that it is a tree in Xiandao of the East China Sea. It only blooms and bears fruit every 20 years. The fruit produced is the fruit bearing fruit. It's hard to find fruits and seeds. A tree has only two flowers and fruits in 20 years. Two fruits are twins. One is a Yin fruit, the other is a Yang fruit. Yin fruit is a poisonous fruit. If you take it, you will not be able to bear any child, while Yang fruit is the real fruit. My aunt couldn't bear children earlier because she took a Yin fruit, which was poisoned and sealed the uterus. Now I can get pregnant, but also because I ate another Yang fruit and solved the toxicity. " Rongjing explains slowly.The queen reached out and stroked her abdomen. Looking at Rongjing, her voice trembled, "is that true? Am I really pregnant? "

"Well! My aunt is indeed pregnant Rongjing nodded and affirmed the tunnel.

"I haven't come to kuishui for two months. I'm always tired. Thinking I'm sick, I secretly went to a doctor in Taiji hospital to diagnose. The doctor said that she was pregnant. I didn't believe it. So I came to see you. It turns out to be pregnant The queen was surprised. She reached out and grabbed Yun Qianyue's hand. "Yue'er, I'm pregnant. I always wanted to have a baby. When your mother diagnosed me that I would never be pregnant again in my life, I still don't believe it. Now it's true that I haven't realized it Really, I have children... "

Yunqianyue was seized by the queen, but she was half happy. Looking at the queen, she almost cried with joy. She whispered, "Auntie, did the emperor give you some fruit?"

"I think so! I don't know when I ate it either The queen shook her head.

"Who knows about it now?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

The queen shook her head. "No one knows but the doctor."

Yunqianyue nodded, took a look at Rongjing, pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment on the Queen's happy face, and solemnly said, "aunt, this child can't be taken!"

The queen was pleased to receive, "moon?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!