The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 726

"See you later!" Ye Qiandao.

"See you later!" Rong Jing also said.

"Departure!" Ye Qian a wave of hand, legs a clip horse belly, the body mounted to walk up.

Cloud Twilight cold deeply looked at the cloud shallow moon one eye, also followed the legs a clip horse abdomen, Jun Ma and ye Qian walked side by side.

The troops in southern Xinjiang left slowly.

Yunqianyue looks at the figure of Ye Qian and yundushan side by side, and thinks that if ye Qian and yundushan this marriage affair can really blossom and bear fruit one day. I hope Ye Qian's heart is not so high, and I hope that the cold clouds are not so deep for her

Night light dye takes back sight, reaches out to touch cloud shallow moon's head, "go back!"

Cloud shallow moon nods, "you go first! I'll stay a little longer! "

"No problem!" Night light dye glanced at the carriage, turned on the horse, turned the horse's head, no longer stayed, and went to the city gate.

Yunqianyue continued to look at the south, quietly watching the emissaries of Nanliang and Nanjiang go far away. She did not take back her sight until there was no shadow. She went back to the car, reached out to lift the curtain and got on the car.

In the car, Rongjing lies lazily with his eyes closed. He has an empty wine jar at his hand. The rich aroma of wine is floating in the car, which contaminates his breath like snow and lotus, and blends the light wine fragrance, so that it has a different flavor.

"Night light dye gives you wine, you really drink it!" The moon glanced at the empty wine jar and frowned.

Rongjing "um" a, breath is very light.

Cloud shallow month no longer look at him, also some tired lean against the car wall, close eyes, to the outside order, "Ling Lian, Yi Xue, back to the house!"

"Yes, miss!" They immediately got into the carriage and sat in front of it. The carriage turned its head and went to the gate of the city.

Not long after the carriage was on, Rongjing stretched out his hand and took the cloud moon into his arms. His voice was a little depressed, "you are not allowed to play the piano for others in the future."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to embrace Rong Jing's waist, the head lightly rubbed in his chest, very clever ground nods, "good!"

Rongjing's mouth was hooked and he stopped talking.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer talks. I think that after leaving nanlingrui, ye Qian, yundushan, Princess Qingwan and yunxianghe, the sky of Tiansheng capital has changed, but not changed. However, no matter what changes or does not change, these years always make her feel depressed. It seems that after her mother left, after the birthday banquet ten years ago, after the king Rong and Princess Rong had gone, after the house of marquis Wenbo was destroyed overnight, it seems that after Princess LAN and his family were uprooted five years ago, it seems that after returning from night Tianyi, she seems to have gone back from the Jade Maiden pool on the birthday banquet day After the Jindian secret weapon storm Now being held in her arms by Rongjing, she only feels that there is so much helpless that people can't bear. Fortunately, she still has him. His arms can make her relaxed and stable.

The road back to the city is quiet. I can only hear the sound of wheels pressing on the ground, which is very shallow and light. Until we came to the gate of the city, the official road was very quiet and there was no pedestrian. Ten miles, enough cloud light moon to clean up a good mood.

A guard at the gate of the city stopped in front of the car and said respectfully to the car, "is that Miss shallow moon sitting inside?"

"Yes, it's my lady!" Ling Lian looks at the guard and answers.

"The seventh Prince is now on the city wall. Let his subordinates come and ask Miss Qianyue to go to the city wall." The guard road.

Ling Lian hears the speech and looks at the carriage.

Yunqianyue moved and Rongjing's arms tightened. She opened her eyes and looked at him with her eyes closed. She said in a soft voice, "I'll go there! Since he is here, he must have some ideas. I can only know how to deal with it when I meet him. "

The scene was motionless, as if he had not heard of it.

"Rongjing!" Cloud light moon gently called out.

Rong Jing's eyelids moved, slowly let her go, and said in a low voice, "hurry up! I didn't eat in the morning. I'm hungry

"Good!" Yunqianyue withdrew from his arms, stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the car and got off the car.

"The seventh Prince is on the wall!" The guard pointed to the wall.

Cloud light moon along his finger to see, night Tianyi back hand standing on the wall, a little far away, can not see his expression. But it was clearly felt that his eyes were looking at her. She nodded to the guard, tapped her toes, and flew to the city wall. She had just started when she heard a burst of admiration from the soldiers at the gate of the city. Her face is light, in close to the half wall waist of the wall, shake out the red brocade, hook the corner of the wall, with the help of floating body fell on the wall.

"Yueer's martial arts have improved again!" Night Tianyi see cloud light moon fly up, eyes light micro flash.

Yunqianyue doesn't agree. Since the release of the Phoenix robbery, her daily skills have improved slightly. She can rise to a level in 10 days and a half months. She looked at Ye Tianyi and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Seeing you off here is a little farther than seeing you off ten miles away." Ye Tianyi winked at her as before.

Cloud shallow moon shallow smile, "be to stand tall!"

"Well! Only when you stand high can you see far. " Ye Tianyi nods.

Cloud light moon eyes to the front, from the gate of heaven to the South 30 Li are flat and vast land. She has seen the troops of nanlingrui, yeqian and yundushan in the farewell Pavilion. When she got to the city wall, she still vaguely saw the long-distance group. The mood she had just cleared up gave up again."Yueer, you are very good to nanlingrui!" Ye Tianyi also looks forward.

Cloud shallow moon thought move, motionless way: "yes, it is rare to cast spleen. Although he is a flowery prince, he is not obnoxious and does not give up. "

"You are also very good to the cold clouds and dusk!" Night nature is also the way.

"My brother, of course I will be nice to him." Cloud light moon a faint smile.

"Is it?" Night Tianyi's voice is suddenly very light.

"Nature!" The moon looks the same.

"You used to be nice to me, too." Night nature is also the way.

Cloud shallow moon does not know what to say, silent down.

"Moon, I want to hear about you and that man." Night Tianyi is also silent, a moment later.

Cloud shallow month did not respond to come over for a moment, turn head to look at Ye Tianyi, "which person?"

"The person in your heart, who is very similar to me, the person you look at through me every time. Don't tell me it's Rongjing. " Ye Tianyi also looks at the moon.

Cloud shallow moon in the heart of a click, and then release. She grew up with Ye Tianyi when she was young. Ye Tianyi was very smart. From the first time she met, she took him out of ronghua palace. Then she played with him for five years and exchanged letters for five years. I'm afraid it's not too much to say that this person knows himself best. She was silent.

"Moon, don't you want to say that?" Ye Tianyi looks at the moon and raises her eyebrows.

"Well!" The moon answered.

"I think I should be the one who has the most right to know!" Night sky inclined to look at the cloud shallow moon down the eyelashes, voice slightly heavy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!