The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 727

Yunqianyue pursed her lips and suddenly laughed. Her smile was very light, as light as the wind. In a moment, she looked up and looked at Ye Tianyi's eyes. "Although you look like that person, I haven't identified you with him for years. Even when I'm drunk the most, you are you and he is him. "

The night is quiet.

Yunqianyue moved her eyes and looked into the distance. The motorcade left by Nanliang and Nanjiang envoys seemed to have only a small black spot. She said faintly: "his weight in my heart is like a hard rock, which can't be touched or touched. I've always known that. And you are you, you are the seventh Prince of heaven, I have always known, and very clear. So, for him, I don't think you have the right to know. "

"Moon, do I have weight in your heart?" Ye Tianyi looks at the cloud and the moon, and suddenly his voice is very light.

"Nature!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"How much does it weigh?" Asked Ye Tianyi.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, "cannot say out!"

"What about the scenery?" Ye Tianyi asked again.

"As heavy as life, light as the whole world." Cloud shallow moon is very sure tunnel.

Ye Tianyi suddenly burst into a sad smile, "yue'er, since I came back from northern Xinjiang, I have to hurt you every time I see you. Are you happy to hurt me? I'm afraid I don't know the position of Rongjing in your heart? "

"Since you ask me, I don't want to deceive you, so tell me! Do you want me to lie? " Cloud shallow moon looks at night Tianyi miserable smile, light voice way: "that blue jade flute you give me! My heart is now full of scenery and can no longer accommodate others. If you like, I will always regard you as a friend. "

"Friend? It's impossible! My heart falls on you. Even if I want to take it back, I can't take it back. " Ye Tianyi shook his head, "I will not return the jade flute to you."

The moon is silent.

"You said that your heart is now full of Rongjing. What about the person in your heart?" Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

"For the sake of the scenery, I would like to try to forget him. Until one day, no longer remember. " Cloud light moon road.

Ye Tianyi's face changed slightly, and he was staring at the cloud moon. "Yue Er, if you compare the cloud palace with Rongjing, one day the lives of thousands of people in the cloud Palace are compared with the life of Rongjing, who would you choose?"

"Rongjing!" Cloud light moon does not hesitate.

"Is it?" Ye Tianyi suddenly smiles, "I know nanlingrui wants to take you to Nanliang. The king of Nanliang has been in good health and in his prime. Nanlingrui, the crown prince, has been dating for a few years, which will surely protect your safety. The reason why you don't go with him is not because of Rongjing, but because of the cloud palace? "

"Who said that heaven saint is going to be in chaos, I should go?" Yunqianyue reached out to hold the wall and pressed all the weight of her body on the top of the wall. Learning from Rongjing's earlier tone, she said: "the cloud palace is my home, and I naturally want to protect it. But if you can't protect it one day, it will die out in accordance with current events. It's no big deal. "

"What about grandfather Yun?" Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

"How many years can my grandfather live when he is old? I don't like that bad old man. He went to the ground earlier to reassure me Cloud shallow moon hummed.

"What about the cloud Lord?" Ye Tianyi asked again.

"He's not nice to me. He has no feelings for me these years. You don't know." Yunqianyue glanced at Ye Tianyi and said, "Tianyi, what do you want to tell me? It's better not to tell me that you want to threaten me with the cloud palace. You should know my temperament. This set doesn't work. "

"Rongjing is more important than all the people in the world. If it is a threat, I should use him." Ye Tianyi looks a little gloomy.

"I don't mind if you can be too dark for the scene." Yun Xiaoyue shrugged and stood up. "You asked me to come here just to say that? If I just say this, it will make me feel that I didn't eat breakfast and you stand here to blow the wind is not worth it

"Moon, you've always been in front of me, that's it!" Ye Tianyi turned to look at the carriage at the gate of the city and said, "Rongjing is in your car now? So you just came here, and you can't wait to go back. "

The moon is not sure.

"He didn't get a hidden weapon at all, did he?" Yetianqing continued: "my father tried to kill me and kill him and Nanliang national master by the way. Unfortunately, he was smart and was mistaken. He didn't plan on others. Instead, he hurt himself in bed. Nanliang Guoshi left, he wanted to stop nanlingrui, but also powerless. So the prince and his brother can only be the scapegoat. "

Cloud shallow Moon continues to be silent.

"Rongjing is really important in your heart. I'd like to know what will happen to him when the princess of Donghai comes. " Ye Tianyi also said: "I don't know if he will really commit treachery, so that he and Rong Wang Fu's hundred year reputation will be destroyed."

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, still did not speak.

"I'm looking forward to Donghai Princess coming!" Night sky inclines suddenly a smile, "moon son, she came, I will not let you have the opportunity to kill her. And I will spare no effort to promote good things. "

"It depends on your ability! I'm looking forward to her coming, too Cloud light moon a faint smile.

Ye Tianyi no longer talks.Cloud shallow moon looked at him, feel no longer necessary to stay, toe light, floating under the wall. Feet just fell to the ground, then lifted the curtain into the car, Ling Lian and Yi snow command, "back to the house!"

Two people should a, a wave of horsewhip, carriage into the city.

In the car, Rongjing is still with his eyes closed. Yunqianyue approaches him and reaches for his waist. He puts his body close to his arms. Rongjing reaches for yunqianyue's waist and doesn't speak.

Ye Tianyi looks at Yun Qianyue getting on the bus and looking at the carriage entering the city. He still looks at it, some pale, some cold, some fierce and some indifferent. For a long time, he took out the Jade Flute and stroked it twice with his hand, and walked down the wall step by step.

All the soldiers on the wall were extremely respectful to the seventh prince.

The cloud shallow moon leans in the Rong Jing bosom to close the eye, thought night Tianyi and she said that one words meaning. Now yetianqing's incarceration is a turning point for the regime of Tiansheng capital, and it is also a turning point for ye Tianyi. It is certain that he will not return the green jade flute to her. When he talks about Donghai princess, he looks as if he has made up his mind that Donghai princess will come to Tiansheng to fulfill his promise. Is he connected with Donghai in these years without her knowing? Or have you been paying attention to things in the east sea?

"What are you thinking?" Rongjing suddenly made a sound.

"Thinking of the princess of Donghai." Cloud light moon road.

"Oh?" Rong Jing chuckled, "I didn't know you were thinking about her so much!"

"I shouldn't have thought about it?" Cloud shallow moon looks up at face, pick eyebrow to look at Rong Jing.

Rong Jing's smile grew deeper and deeper. Suddenly, he picked up the empty wine jar around him and threw it out. He said to the outside, "Ling Lian, go and fetch a jar of vinegar for your young lady!"

Ling Lian hugs the wine jar, some speechless.

Yunqianyue's eyelids turned over and knocked Rongjing's chest hard with her hand. She hated and said, "you're lucky to have peach blossom before you're born. You're the one who's born to make peach blossom."

"You've been in love since you were born. You're half a dozen with me." Rong Jing's deep smile was suddenly a little shallow, "take today, how many peach blossoms are there around you? Playing the piano and meeting on the city wall. Cloud shallow moon, do you think I am a dead man

"Ling Lian, go and get a jar of vinegar. Jing Shizi wants to drink more than I do." Cloud light moon outside the road.

Ling Lian looked at the empty wine jar is speechless, but no action.

Rong Jing suddenly pulled the cloud shallow moon, bent down his head, covered her lips on her lips, mercilessly tossed and twisted.

Cloud shallow moon beat Rongjing two times, Chui can not open him, can only bear his kiss, let him micro wine gas snow lotus breath will her package. The carriage was full of spring.

Until the cloud is shallow and the moon is out of breath, no more strength. Rongjingcai let go of her, the lips close to her lips, gently gasping. After a while, he suddenly said, "the princess of Donghai is said to have set off from Donghai! Now they are heading for the heavenly capital. "

The cloud shallow moon body suddenly a stiff, originally the eye son of dazzled eyes suddenly opens big.

Rong Jing looks at the cloud shallow moon, suddenly low smile, stick to her lip not to leave, the voice is gentle and shallow, "you are really jealous!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!