The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 725

Cloud shallow moon naturally understand what he means by this move, naturally is in allusion to her red Pavilion thing. If she didn't speak, Su Su, who belonged to the Red Pavilion, could not have gone to Nanliang with him. With the Red Pavilion escorting him all the way, his safety is certainly no problem. She rolled her eyes and warned, "Prince Rui, you should cherish your body all the way. The three thousand beauties in Prince Nanliang's residence are waiting for you! Don't get tired just because of a plain girl. It's not worth the loss. " It was a hint that he should not take a plain idea.

"Well, Prince Ben will be more relaxed." Nanlingrui eyebrows a Yang, the other hand did not hold Su Su waist from behind to take out a wine jar to night light dye, and from behind take out a wine jar to hold in his hand, to night light dye way: "drink it, this prince from came to heaven, but have not drunk with you."

Night light dye heft wine jar, to Nanling Rui pick eyebrow, "this jar of wine is not less?"

"Less?" Nanlingrui's eyebrows are high.

"There are few of them!" Night light dye way: "how also want three big altar!"

"There is nothing else. There is only wine on Prince Ben's jade chariot except for beauties." Nanlingrui throws the wine jar in his hand to night light dye, and reaches out to take it behind him.

Cloud shallow moon Cu frown, to night light dye way: "if you are drunk, I am not responsible for you to carry back!"

"Little girl, you are not responsible!" Night light dye glimpses cloud shallow moon one eye.

Yunqianyue looks at nanlingrui and thinks about his last half month's intoxication because of Rongjing's orchids. It's a dangerous journey. She doesn't want Hongge to be upset because he's drunk. Just as she was about to speak, Su Su Su winked at her and took back what she was going to say.

"Your Highness, if you are drunk, Susu won't be in the same car with you. I don't want to be in the same car with the drunkard." Su Su grabs nanlingrui's wrist and stops him from taking the wine. She speaks softly.

Nanlingrui moves for a moment. His eyes sweep the face of yunqianyue's disapproval. He suddenly raises his lips and smiles and withdraws the action of taking the wine. He says to night qingran helplessly: "although I want to have a good drink with you, there are beauties in my arms now. How can we fail the beauty's kindness? Forget it today

Night light dye cold hum, open the wine jar, Gudong Gudong drink a breath, wipe the wine stains on the corner of the mouth with the sleeve, disdain the way: "sooner or later you will die in the hands of women!"

"If you die under the peony, it's also romantic to be a ghost." Nanling Rui peach blossom eyes slightly turn, look at the carriage not far away, pick pick eyebrows, "King son of the world is also in the car?"

"Your nose is sensitive!" Night light dye will not open a piston in the hands of a wine jar down the carriage, "weak beauty, this jar of wine to you!"

The wine jar flew into the carriage along the curtain, and there was no sound in the car.

"It's not that I have a sharp nose, but how can he not come today?" Nanlingrui looked at the carriage, and the peach blossom eyes were turning. He looked forward to his flying voice. His voice was a bit frivolous. "King Shizi, the crown prince is still thinking about the little girl. If you offend her any day, I will take her to Nanliang."

"I don't think you have a chance!" Rong Jing's voice is three points light, three scattered diffuse, and there is no doubt.

"That's the best!" Nanlingrui laughs lazily and looks at Xiangyun Xiaoyue. He hooks her lips and says, "Nanliang has beautiful scenery, outstanding people and good style. If you're tired of the sea bass, you can go there. It's delicious. "

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods, the hand in sleeve tightly curls up. My brother is telling her that if one day Tiansheng can't stay any longer, he will let her go to Nanliang. Compared with ten years ago, her brother was quietly replaced. Today, she can see him off at the pavilion and know where he is going.

"Prince Ben is on his way!" Nanlingrui stretched out his hand and dropped the curtain, and said lazily, "set off."

The garrison was ordered to go at once.

The voice of south Ling Rui spreads out again, "Su Su, sing a song."

"Yes Su Su answered, as if thinking for a while, the delicate and graceful song sounded, all the way far away.

Cloud light moon's eyes follow nanlingrui's jade chariot to leave, the eye light does not blink. I don't know how long it will change in the world. He just hopes that one day, her closest people can be with her and lead a happy and leisurely life. Unfortunately, she knew in her heart that maybe it was luxury. If the world is in chaos one day, how many people can be peaceful in the end?

"Little girl, there is no feast that will not end. Don't be miserable!" Night light dye takes back her sight and looks at the moon road.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon not light not heavy ground should a, can't hear what mood.

The Nanliang team passed by, and the team from southern Xinjiang came. Ye Qian and cloud evening cold stop in front of the cloud light moon and night light dye.

"You, this woman, are very careful. It's no waste to have a trip to Tiansheng. You've got a son-in-law to go back!" Night light dye looks at Ye Qian, the face is full of sneer, "you chase after this Xiaowang so many years, all abandoned south Ling Rui, until now is such chase? It means that you are good at water! It's better to say that you have many intrigues

"Night light dye, this princess is not mean to you, speak so mean?" Ye Qian's face did not contain anger, and said lightly: "originally, the princess wanted to recruit you as the son-in-law. However, you don't know the good fortune. Naturally, the princess chooses one who knows the good fortune."Night light dye cold hum, no longer look at Ye Qian, the hands of half a jar of wine to cloud evening cold, "drink! Brother Mu Han, I hope you and I can play another game some other day. "

After a while, he nodded at the wine jar! If it has a chance, it will play a game. "

"You are a good man, don't be bullied by this woman!" Night light dye again road.

Cloud evening cold suddenly smile, look to cloud shallow moon, shout a, "sister!"

"Brother!" Cloud shallow moon pulled out a trace of smile, extremely warm, "brother take care of yourself!"

"Well!" Cloud evening cold should be a, Mou Guang mood hidden very well, but inevitably overflow some astringent ran.

"Ye Qian, you should remember the words on the golden palace that day! It works at all times. " Cloud shallow month looks to Ye Qian, solemnly way, "if you really bully my elder brother, I certainly will not let you off!"

"I am, he is." Ye Qian also seriously looked at the cloud shallow moon, to her pick eyebrows, "this time you don't worry about it!"

Yunqianyue nodded and stopped talking, thinking that ye Qian was at least better than Princess Qingwan. She killed Princess Qingwan, and even if ye Qian had a chance to take advantage of her, she did not regret it.

"King Shizi!" Ye Qian turned to the carriage, and her beautiful eyes flowed, fixed on the closed curtain, and called out.

"Princess Ye!" Rong Jing's voice was still a little rambling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!