The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 724

"Not too much!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Then play it for me." Night light dye raises eyebrows triumphantly.

"You can play a song, but you can't play" Feng Qiu Huang. " Cloud light moon smile at night light dye, "you want to agree to play." The implication is that if you don't agree.

Night light dye skimmed her lips, "OK! As long as you play, I love to hear it

Yunqianyue reached out her hand and gently touched the piano in front of the horse at night. Although this one is not as good as the one that allows scenery, it is also a good Guqin. She reached out to adjust the strings, thought for a moment, and then played a piece of "high mountains and flowing water". High mountains and flowing water seek bosom friends. Night light dye and her interest are similar, send him this song is not outside the frame.

The sound of the zither floats far away, covering the pavilion of sending the king in the mountains and flowing water. Even the air seemed to be fresh.

Night light dye while listening to the music, while eyebrows raised, mouth also hook up a very happy arc, provocatively looking at the carriage.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue look at the expression of dye Xiao Wang Ye, and think about dyeing Xiao Wang Ye's provocative appearance. Let alone Jing Shizi, anyone who looks at it wants to punch. The two of them took a look at each other. They were surprised that jingshizi was really like the little prince ran said. Because the Qin was in the hands of the young lady, he didn't destroy it.

A song falls, night light dye loudly praises: "little girl's Qin skill is really good indeed!" After that, he laughed and said, "what can I say, weak beauty? You dare not destroy it? "

Rongjing seems to have not heard the night light dye words, there is no movement in the car.

Night light dye sees to cloud shallow moon, wave to her happily, "little girl, throw the piano over, I also wrote down the song, give you back a song!"

Cloud light moon looks at the night light dye, the face is strange.

"What's the matter?" Night light dye by cloud shallow moon see inexplicable, reach out to touch oneself.

"I'm afraid I can't give you the piano!" Yun Qianyue's hand on the string slowly loosened, and saw a complete good piano instantly turned into pieces. She looked at night light dye and said with a bitter smile: "she was destroyed before I played it, but I solidified it with my internal force, so that you can listen to a song."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue open their eyes to look at the powder Qin, and immediately look at the cloud shallow moon with admiration, and feel that the young lady is so powerful.

Ye qingran couldn't believe it and looked at the powdered Qin. After staring at it for half a time, he suddenly became angry and waved a hand at the carriage. "You really dare to destroy Xiao Wang's Qin. You don't want to live, do you?"

The night light dye palm wind is extremely fierce, just waved, cloud light moon sleeve in the red brocade also floats out the cuff, stops his palm wind, reminds way: "night light dye, that is my carriage, what did you destroy me to sit in?"

Night light dye palm wind to stop, face angry, looking at the carriage, as if gnashing teeth, "he is really hateful!"

"Yes, he's very hateful. Didn't you know that for a long time?" Cloud shallow moon looked at the night light dye one eye, light voice way: "after all, you listen to the music, even if it is!"

"Little girl, you are really towards him!" Night light dye discontented to look at the cloud shallow moon.

"She's not towards me, is she towards you?" Rong Jing sneered and warned, "night light dye, don't forget that she is my woman! Let you listen to a song today. If I hear her play it again, it will not be the piano that will be destroyed! "

"Is she your woman? Thank you for saying it! Wait until she becomes your woman Night light dye also chided one, moved the wrist, murmured discontentedly to the cloud shallow moon, "little girl, the world's great good men are more than thousands, you are willing to be tied by this black hearted?"

Cloud shallow month withdraws the beauty brocade, to night light dye a smile, "tie also has nothing bad!"

Night light dye cold hum, "you are poisoned!"

"Well, it's just called Rongjing's poison!" Cloud shallow moon smile nod, look to the direction of the city gate, received a smile: "we wait for the people to come!"

Night light dye also looks to the direction of the gate, only to see a faint motorcade to this side. The distance is still a little far away, but you can see the flag of Nanliang hanging in front. He took back his sight and said to the cloud: "little girl, Nanling Rui is good for you!"

"Well!" The cloud is light, the moon is light and the eyes are shining.

"I used to think that he and ye Qian would have a result, but I didn't expect Ye Qian chose your brother yunmuhan." Night light dye again road.

"I didn't think of it either!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Did you kill Princess Qingwan?" Night light dye asked.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon confessed.

"I guess so!" Night light dye looks at the light face of cloud shallow moon, "you are afraid she becomes the burden of cloud evening cold, but did not think that cheap Ye Qian that woman! The cold cloud evening to the south of Xinjiang, can become a great help to southern Xinjiang. Ye Qian really knows how to calculate. "

The moon is not sure.

"That woman's heart is deep and she has patience. After me for years, it's just for the snake Night light dye suddenly sneers, "South Xinjiang is in her hand, the future is also unknown, even if there is a cloud evening cold."

Yunqianyue remembers the rouge snake that was dyed by night. She destroyed it in order to save the third young master, but broke the king of ten thousand mantras. Is the king of mantra still in Rongjing's hands? Did he and ye Qian agree on the terms or what? Mo Li was told by her to go to southern Xinjiang, calculate the day also should come back?Night light dye see oneself talk for a long time, cloud shallow moon no longer speak, he also no longer speak.

When the procession approached, it was clear that the procession of Nanliang was walking ahead. The jade chariot of the king of Nanliang was still protected in the middle as the Tathagata. It's just the jade chariot that nanlingrui rode when he came and went back to the city. Behind him were the envoys of Southern Xinjiang. Ye Qian and Yun Muhan were two horses walking side by side in front of him. The emperor's wedding ceremony and the gift prepared by King Yun's mansion were behind. There are more than a dozen carriages.

When they came to the pavilion to send the king off, the curtain of the jade chariot was lifted from the inside. Nanlingrui showed a smiling face and said to Yun Qianyue and night light dye with a smile, "little girl, dye little prince, you came to see me off so early, which really moved the prince."

"You really spare no effort to carry the United States with you. Be careful not to go back to Nanliang." Night light dye looks at the south Ling Rui, the vision sweeps the woman in his arms, hum.

The moon also saw the woman in the jade chariot, which was the essence of zuixiang tower. She blinked her long eyelashes. Su Su Su is from the Red Pavilion. It is the best protection to leave with nanlingrui. This is the best way. She takes a look at Su Su. Su Su Wo smiles at her in nanlingrui's arms. She reaches out to tease Zhu Chai on her head and gives her a look that you can rest assured. Yun Xiaoyue sees her head invisibly. Then she says to nanlingrui with a smile: "if you are moved, you should shed two tears. How can I not see your tears?"

"Prince Ben is moved in his heart." Nanling Rui smiles and looks at the cloud shallow moon, embraces Su Su's hand to his bosom tightly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!