The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 723

"You haven't had enough sleep yet?" Cloud shallow moon looks at him, before how did not discover Rong Jing so love to make a sleepy can sleep!

"Some time ago, I received envoys to Beijing, but I didn't get enough sleep every day." Rongjing explains to the cloud and the moon.

"Sleep, then." Yunqianyue nodded, lying in his arms, smelling the fragrance of snow lotus on his body, listening to the regular rhythm of the wheels pressing on the ground, a sense of steadiness rose in his heart.

Rongjing really went to sleep again.

"Miss, shall we go to the delivery Pavilion ten miles away or go to the Nanliang messenger palace?" Ling Lian asked in a low voice outside.

"Go and wait in the pavilion." Cloud light moon road.

Linglian should a, no longer speak, the carriage all the way out of the city.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped by the pavilion. Cloud shallow moon looks up to see Rong Jing, see he is still asleep, she moved the body, see him hold tightly, she whispered: "you continue to sleep, I go out to breathe."

Rong Jingsong opened his hand, and yunqianyue slowly retreated from his arms and lifted the curtain to get out of the car.

It's a fine day with a fine breeze. Apart from her carriage, the pavilion was empty. Opposite is Wangjun Pavilion, and between the two pavilions is a very wide official road. She could not see the end of the road. She thought that today she was going to send off her two brothers. She felt a strange emotion in her heart. In addition to not giving up, there was also sour.

Maybe she's really changed! Li Yun is no longer the one who believes in the world and can give up everything else. Fifteen years in this world is enough to change a lot of things, including her soul, and her cold and tough heart.

Yunqianyue stood for a moment. She heard the sound of horse hooves behind her. She looked back and saw one man and one horse galloping forward. The people sitting on the horse were wearing brocade robes and jade belts. It was night light dye who was sitting on the horse. She put away her reluctant mood and watched night light dye approach.

Night light dye comes near, to cloud shallow moon smile way: "little girl, how so early? I thought I was the first to see you off. I didn't think you were earlier than me

"I'll be here when I get up!" Cloud shallow moon smile, looking at night light dye, see him although the dress is bright, but it is difficult to conceal the fatigue between the eyebrows and eyes, she picks eyebrows, "and two days did not sleep?"

"Well!" Night light dye nodded, threw the reins, turned over and dismounted, "Uncle Huang was hit by a secret weapon. What a big thing happened in the golden palace? I took the military post again. How can I have leisure?"

Cloud shallow month pulled pull pull a corner of the mouth, "emperor uncle's injury how?"

"Hold on! But after all, I am old and need to be cultivated. I'm afraid it's hard to get out of bed without a month and a half. " Night light dye road.

Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Little girl, who are you here to send? Nanlingrui, or Ye Qian, or cloud Twilight cold? " Night light dye asked.

"Send them all!" Cloud light moon road.

"I'm not here to send Ye Qian that woman. I wish she'd go away early!" Night light dye hums a sound, suddenly look at the carriage of cloud shallow moon, carry a step to walk, walk side way: "little girl, I borrow your carriage to sleep first. I'll see them off when they call me

Yunqianyue thinks that Rongjing is in her carriage. If night light dye goes in, she will naturally find that Rongjing is not hurt. Her eyes flash, thinking that he is night light dye and there is Rongjing, she smiles and nods, "OK, go to sleep!"

Night light dye comes to the front of the car and stretches out his hand to lift the curtain. Then he only hears him open his eyes in surprise and shouts, "weak beauty? Why are you here? "

"I'm not here. Where am I?" Rong Jing raised his eyelids and took a lazy look at the night.

"You're not hurt!" Night light dye looks at Rong Jing, suddenly spits out a sentence of hatred.

"It's not easy for me to get hurt!" Rong Jing light way.

Night light dye cold hum, dead staring at Rong Jing, "the golden palace thing is you do?"

"Aren't you keeping an eye on me these days? You should know better than anyone if I did it Rong Jing glanced at the night, and it seemed that he didn't want to say anything more. His voice was very weak, "the curtain has fallen, and the sun has shaken my face!"

"Where is the sun, you..." Night light dye said half, a red sun rose from the eastern sky, but in a moment he was away from the horizon, dazzling, he took back his sight, looked at the scene strangely.

Cloud shallow moon mouth opened, some funny looking at a car inside and outside two people.

"I said," drop the curtain! " Rongjing emphasized again. He said that he could not see how strong night light dye was. He was forced to loosen his hand holding the curtain. He stepped back a few steps. Before the curtain fell, he closed his eyes again.

"How fast does it recover?" Night light dye surprised to look at the scene.

Yunqianyue thinks that Rongjing's power has recovered quickly. I don't know what the trick is.

"Little girl, how do you like such a black heart? He has a lot of problems. In my opinion, everyone is better than him. Why do you like him Night light dye comes back again, looking at the cloud light moon. The golden sun hit her purple Ruan Yan Luo, her face is beautiful, unspeakably smart and beautiful.

"I want to know too!" Cloud shallow month smile, to night light dye pick eyebrow, "do not sleep?""No sleep! If you had said that the weak beauty was in the car, I would not have gone there! " Night light dye hums.

Cloud shallow moon smile but do not speak.

"Why don't you come yet?" Ye qingran frowned at the direction of the gate of the city. She lifted her clothes and sat on a stone. She took back her sight and said to Yun Qianyue, "little girl, the song you played that day is really good. Now you have nothing to do, please play another tune!"

"No piano!" It is not a blind play to think of "Phoenix seeking a mate" by Yun Qianyue. You can't shoot everyone.

"I have!" Ye qingran points to his horse.

Yunqianyue looked along his finger and saw a piano hanging in front of the saddle. She had not noticed it. She looked at the night light dye some speechless, just about to speak, just listen to the cool voice of the scene from the car, "night light dye, do you want to break that piano?"

"Weak beauty, you are so mean! Even if the little girl likes you, you can't bully her, can't you? " What's more, there's something you've done to the prince's house? Maybe you are black hearted and ignore it. When people come to you, you can be treacherous, but you will break the hundred year old signboard of Lord Rong's residence. Do you want to let granddad Rong bump into the wall? So, the little girl is not necessarily yours. Are you too broad? "

"It's my business to be too lenient. In any case, it seems that it has nothing to do with you dyeing little prince." The voice of Rongjing is very weak.

"I don't believe you dare to destroy Qin in the hands of a little girl." Night light dye cold hum, look to the cloud shallow moon, "little girl, with our friendship, you play a song for me is not too much?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!