The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 722

"Well!" The moon answered.

"Today is Prince Rui, Princess Nanjiang and your brother leaving Beijing. Are you going to see you off? " Ling Lian asked.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes with her eyes closed and looked out of the window. The sky was already slightly bright. She took back her eyes and looked at her side. She saw that Rongjing was still asleep. Her complexion was much better than that when she came late last night. She put her hand on his forehead, which was not hot. It seemed that she had not been infected with cold. She hesitated for a moment and said to the outside: "go! Get me a horse

"It's a standby car!" Rongjing suddenly made a sound.

"Well?" Cloud shallow moon looks at him, see he has opened his eyes, just wake up the eye light is clear and pure, like a piece of clear jade. She raised her eyebrows, thinking that the black hearted guy had such a pair of pure eyes.

"I'll go too!" Yung King Road.

"You too? Don't you need to heal? " Cloud shallow moon frown, "don't let people see that you are in the secret weapon is false!"

"I'm in your car and nobody sees me." Yung King Road.

"Well! Then prepare the car Cloud light moon to the outside command.

Ling Lian answered and immediately went down.

Cloud shallow moon got out of bed, dressed properly, and Rongjing was still lying there. She frowned, "aren't you going? Don't get up soon. "

"You dress me!" Rongjing looks at her.

Yunqianyue's eyelids turned violently and reminded him, "Rongjing, you are not injured. You have long hands!"

"I want you to dress me!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow month suddenly again put his hand on his forehead and looked at him suspiciously, "you don't have a fever! Or Rongjing? Why don't I know you? "

Rongjing looked at her and blinked her long eyelashes twice.

Cloud shallow month suddenly a grip his collar, ferocious way: "you quickly return my scenery, command you, immediately, immediately, quickly return back!"

Rong Jing looked at her with her eyes and did not speak.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly loose hand, drop a word, "love to not go! Love to get up but not to get up! I'll go by myself if you don't get up! " Then she turned to the basin. From last night to this morning, she seemed to owe him 800 yuan.

Rongjing still did not speak. He followed her figure, looked at her clean face, looked at her sitting in front of the dressing mirror, watched her put the hairpin in her hair, watched her stand up and walked to the door, he never moved.

Cloud shallow moon walked to the door, originally wanted to be cruel to leave, but how can't ignore the line of sight on the bed. She stood outside the door, some speechless looking at the sky outside. In a moment, she turned around and came to the bed.

"Get up! I'll dress you Yunqianyue stood in front of the bed and held out her hand to him.

The corner of Rongjing's mouth suddenly rose with pleasure, and the faint eyes faded into a gentle smile. He held out his hand to the cloud and said with a low smile, "I know you won't ignore me."

Yunqianyue snorted and pulled him up. She took his white robe and put it on him. Rongjing cooperated with Yun Qianyue's movements and stretched out her arms. She glared at his smiling face and stretched out her voice in an angry voice: "Rong Gongzi, how old are you this year?"

"Miss Yun, it's not that I haven't dressed you!" Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow month aphasia, think of her amnesia period, he specially let Qingchang get the most complex clothes, bully her can not wear clothes, she ruthlessly dug Rongjing one eye, scolded: "black heart!"

"Not only black heart, but also black liver and black lung." Yung King Road.

"I wish you knew that!" Cloud shallow moon is amused.

"I don't think it's hard to remember that you've been saying that in front of me all day." Rongjing held out his arm to hold the cloud and the moon, with a sigh and a trace of satisfaction, "or are you by my side, I sleep soundly. I decided to sleep with you every night

"Aren't you afraid I'm a wolf?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows. Don't be angry when you think of her sending him to the door twice.

"If you really incarnate into a wolf, I can't help but follow you." Rong Jing hesitated for a moment, some helpless tunnel.

The moon was angry, but she thought that it was not cost-effective to be angry in the morning. She would feel uncomfortable all day. She immediately burst into a smile. She wanted to be more gentle and gentle. "Mr. Rong, you don't have to be hard pressed. You don't have to worry. I can't see it even if you take all the money off."

"That's the best!" Rongjing nodded as if relieved.

Cloud shallow month feels she has vomit blood posture, immediately shut up, no longer pay attention to him.

Rong Jing smiles at her and sits there waiting for her to dress.

Yunqianyuexia dressed him properly and pulled him to walk out. When he came to the door, he suddenly remembered something that had fallen down. He took him back to the room and came to the water basin. He took the water and ran it on his face twice. Then he wiped him with juanpa and pulled him out.

"You have to take me directly into the car, or if you are seen, the emperor's edict will check the Rong Palace tomorrow." Rongjing reminds cloud of the moon.

On the one hand, she grabs the napkin in her hands. She covers Rongjing's face and takes his toes lightly, like a touch of smoke, and floats out of the pavilion.When she came to the gate of the cloud palace, her carriage was ready to stop there. She flashed with Rongjing's figure and floated into the carriage. The curtain opened and fell in the blink of an eye.

The people at the gate of the cloud palace almost didn't see the people clearly, only saw the curtain floating.

Although Ling Lian and Yi Xue didn't see very clearly, they were better than the guards at the gate. She and Yi Xue took a look at each other. They sat in front of the car, instead of the coachman. With a whip, the carriage left the gate of the cloud palace.

On the carriage, the cloud shallow month lets go of the scene, stretched a stretch, complained: "be held by you all over the body stiff and numb."

"Why don't I think so?" Rong Jing pulls off the veil on her head and raises eyebrows at the cloud and the moon.

"You sleep like a pig, naturally you don't feel it!" The cloud is shallow and the moon is white.

"I don't know who pushed me all the time and pushed me to the corner! I pushed several times without waking up. That man is not Rongjing. " Rong Jing looks at the cloud and moon, lazily leaning against the wall of the car.

Cloud light moon face a red, she sleep is dishonest, secretly angry, no longer answer.

Rong Jing waved to the moon, "come here!"

"What did you do in the past?" Cloud shallow moon looks at Rongjing in a bad mood.

Rong Jing stretched out his hand and pointed to his arms, and the cloud shallow moon hummed, "you don't feel too hot to bake pancakes on a hot day!"

"It's still morning! There is no sun Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon.

"No! Why don't you come here? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Rong Jing reached out and rubbed his forehead, sighed and compromised: "then I'll come here." Words down, he sat down from the opposite to the cloud shallow moon side, reached out to her body into the arms, and closed his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!