The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 721

"I haven't eaten for a day since you left. If you have the heart, starve me!" Rongjing's tone is a little low.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid turn over, "why not eat?"

"Angry with you!" Rongjing snorted.

The cloud shallow month thought of her to leave as if to say some angry words. She looked up at the top of the shed and said in a little annoyance, "that's what you pissed me off first. If you are not angry with me, will I be angry with you? "

Rongjing stopped talking.

"You have to let go of your steak! If you don't let go of the steak, you can fly into your mouth? " Cloud shallow moon to withdraw hand.

Rong Jing slowly released her hand, and there was a trace of cool cool in the lingering part of her fingertips.

Cloud shallow month can only turn to go out, push open the door, see Ling Lian and Yi snow to hear the movement has been standing at the door, she looked at two people, some depressed way: "Zhao mother, they all sleep?"

"All asleep!" Ling Lian nodded and took a look at the room and knew that the scene was coming. In my heart, Jing Shizi's martial arts are so high that they didn't hear anything in the room. If they had not heard the talk in the room, they would not have known that Jing Shizi had come to the shallow moon Pavilion!

"Is there beef in the kitchen?" Cloud shallow moon rubs forehead to ask.

"Yes!" Ling Lian nods.

"Good! You go to bed! I'm going to the kitchen to make steak Cloud shallow moon raises a step to go to kitchen. Thinking that fortunately there is ready-made beef, or even if she is a clever woman, she can't cook without rice. I never knew that Rongjing was such a troublemaker.

"I'm not sleepy either. I'll give you a hand." Ling Lian looks at Yi Xue, Yi Xue immediately nods.

"No problem!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Three people came to the small kitchen, Ling Lian lantern, Yi Xue looking for beef, yunqianyue to take care of the seasoning, a toss, the beef marinated. Cloud shallow moon asks two people, "about night sky incline matter how?"

"After the prince's house was copied, his royal highness was jailed. Many ministers knelt outside the Shengyang hall and begged for mercy, but the emperor was nowhere to be seen. Now only the seventh Prince is in the emperor's Shengyang palace. The emperor ordered the fourth prince to thoroughly investigate the matter, and the seventh prince was temporarily in custody. " Ling Lian Dao.

"Night day Yu thoroughly investigate how?" Cloud shallow moon asks again. Thinking about night Tianyi supervising the country, this is the first step out of imperial power. It's not far from being the crown prince.

"The fourth Prince has just made a move, but I can't see any big action." Ling Lian Dao.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, thinking night day Yu if smart words, must understand that if this time will night sky tilt completely collapse to him is not good. In recent years, although he competed with yetianqing in private, he did not have nightlife at that time. Now night Tianyi is in charge of the state affairs. If he collapses the night sky, he is definitely not the opponent of night Tianyi. Therefore, it is not known how night Tianyu acts. The trump card of this matter is in his hands. It depends on what ye Tianyu will do. She suddenly felt that maybe it was another move of the old emperor. He is the one who holds chess when he regards his country and Heavenly Emperor as a chessboard and his sons as chess pieces. He knows what the idea is in his heart as long as he knows it.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue no longer ask or speak when they see the moon.

Well pickled steak, cloud light moon began to light a fire, the steak pot, not long, the smell will be floating out of the kitchen. Yunqianyue turns the steak into a plate and walks to the room.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at it, turn off the kitchen light and go back to the room.

Back in the room, Yun Xiaoyue put the plate on the table and walked to the bed. He saw that Rongjing was asleep, and the sound of even breathing was coming out. There were two strong shadows in his eyebrows and eyes, clearly telling that he had not slept well these two days. She pursed her lips, looked at him, and then at the steak, wondering if she should wake him up.

"Hello Is cloud shallow moon hesitation time, Rongjing suddenly out of voice.

"You're not asleep?" Asked the moon.

"I fell asleep and woke up hungry again." Rongjing closed his eyes and did not open, some sleepy tunnel.

"Then you get up and eat at the table." Cloud shallow moon sees him lie still, stretch out a hand to push him.

"No, you take it!" Rong Jing shakes his head.

Cloud shallow moon stares, suddenly feel this person is a man? It's just a child. When is it so hard to serve? She stares for a moment. Seeing that Rongjing doesn't even open her eyes, she can't help being discouraged. She can only go to the table and cut the steak into small pieces with a dagger. Then she takes the fork and goes back to the bed and says to Rongjing: "how can you sit up! Eating on your back is not good for your appetite

Rongjing reached out to her, "you pull me up."

Yun Xiaoyue rolled her eyes, but she still reached out to pull him up. Seeing him sitting lazily with his eyes still closed, it seemed that he was very sleepy. She reluctantly took the pillow and leaned against his back and let him lean against the head of the bed. After doing this, she forked a piece of steak and put it on his lips, "open your mouth!"

Rong Jing cooperatively opened his mouth, and the steak was contained in his mouth, and then he went down three or two times.

Cloud shallow month raises an eye to look at him, see him still close eye, she does not have good spirit way: "you can't open an eye?"

"Sleepy!" Rong Jing spits out a word.Cloud shallow month no longer speak, fork beef again put on his lips, he swallowed again. Obviously it is a very fast swallowing movement, but in his doing it is extremely elegant. Even if you close your eyes and don't open them, it makes people feel very quiet. It seems that the fresh spring water has washed the taste of the green mountains, which is very exciting.

This man! Cloud shallow month heart murmurs a, try not to see, just fork the steak to his lips.

After two cups of tea, he ate up the two steaks. Seeing that he was still waiting with his mouth open, she was angry and funny, "do you know how much you ate? Eat with your mouth open? "

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

"No! Go to bed Cloud light moon tone some ferocious, withdraw his pillow behind.

Rong Jing closed his mouth and lay down with his eyes still open.

Cloud shallow moon some speechless ground looks at him. Why can Rongjing be respected by people all over the world? From Royal relatives to peddlers, everyone worshipped him as a God. However, in her opinion, this man was just a child, and he was also a child who liked to be sour and jealous and had a bad temper. She stood up, went to the table, put the dishes away, reached for the curtain, turned off the light, went back to the bed, dragged his shoes, pushed him inside, and lay down beside him.

As soon as she lay down, Rongjing stretched out her hand and hugged her in her arms. She lifted her eyes to see Rongjing, and saw that his low and shallow breath was very even. She yawned, sleepy and sleepy.

The next day, when it was just light, Ling Lian's low voice came from outside, "miss!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!