The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 720

Yunqianyue looks at him carefully.

The next step is to teach and learn, which seems to review the situation two months ago. Cloud shallow moon just found that the original cloud dusk cold at that time was so lovely, but at that time she hated to death.

Two or three hours passed, and it was late at night!

Cloud evening cold put down a pen, suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the cloud shallow moon into his arms, cloud shallow moon a startle, just about to withdraw, only listen to the cloud dusk cold voice very low cry a, "sister!"

Cloud shallow moon action a meal, no longer push away him, eye socket some pan red, "elder brother!"

Cloud evening cold should a, voice is very low, but no longer open mouth.

It's a wonderful thing to think about blood relationship. As long as she thinks that her mother is the aunt of the man who holds him, and his father is her uncle. Since he was a child, because his brother was abandoned, what he lost was more than the crown prince? It's all about Nanliang. She wants to be nice to him. Compared with him, he thinks nanlingrui is too happy. Therefore, she is willing to bear another burden on her body, which is about the cold at night. She should be kind to this brother and treat him as a married brother.

Don't know how long, cloud evening cold finally let go of her, did not look at her again, lift step to go out.

Yun Qianyue immediately reached out and grabbed him. Yuntwilhan looked back at her. She put a token into his hand and said to him, "this is the token of Fengge in southern Xinjiang. Take this token and go directly to zuixiang building in southern Xinjiang and show it to the shopkeeper. He will take you to see the master of Nanjiang. As long as you see this token, all the people in Fengge in southern Xinjiang will follow your orders. There are also hidden piles and forces in the wind Pavilion, as well as shops and financial channels. "

Cloud Twilight cold looked down at the token in his hand and saw a dragon symbol unique to southern Xinjiang on the token. He looked again at the moon.

"What I said to you in Xifeng garden that night was not a joke. What I said to Ye Qian at the birthday banquet of the old emperor was not a joke. You're my brother, and I'll always be. " Cloud light moon road.

Cloud evening cold nodded and held the token in his hand. The cloud moon released his hand and turned out of the door.

Yunqianyue looks at the cloud Twilight cold figure out of the shallow moon Pavilion, submerged in the night, she gently breathes a sigh, reaches out and rubs her forehead, turns back to sit on the soft couch. In a moment, she suddenly raises her head and looks out of the window and says, "Rongjing, do you plan to blow the cold wind outside all the time?"

Cloud light moon words fall, there is no movement outside the window, the wind is quiet, shallow moon Pavilion is silent.

"If you don't come in, I'll turn off the light and go to bed." Cloud shallow moon again said to the window. Earlier, she was troubled by the reluctant mood of the cold cloud evening, and did not find him coming, but when the cloud evening cold hugged her, she clearly felt the familiar breath, only then knew that he was coming. Or this person's martial arts is too high, even if she is not bothered by the mood of the cold at night, if he doesn't show his breath, she can hardly find him outside.

There was still no movement outside the window.

The moon turned her lips and waved to turn off the lights.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside, Rongjing did not come in, but stood at the door, looking at her quietly.

Yunqianyue stops waving and looks at Rongjing. He is covered with a layer of frost on his white robe. Although he didn't enter the room, there was a faint cool air from his body. Obviously, he has been outside for a long time. Seeing that he did not speak, she frowned and asked, "when did you come?"

Rongjing looks at her as if she hasn't heard of her. Yun Qianyue frowns and thinks that this person may be eating dry vinegar again. She didn't want to pay attention to him, but now it's late at night. The frost is heavy in the deep of the night. His thin figure is hidden outside the curtain at the door, which makes me feel heartache. She sighed, thinking that Rongjing was born to treat her. She stood up, walked up to him, went to him and stood in front of him, and asked him, "don't you hear me? When did you come

Rongjing is still silent.

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, imitate his appearance this morning: "Rong childe, do you smell? There is a sour smell in the room? From this house, it has been drifting to the outside of the pavilion of light moon. "

Rong Jing suddenly hummed and looked at Yun Qianyue, saying, "that's because I drank a jar of vinegar!"

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

Rongjing goes around her and walks into the house.

Cloud shallow month looks at Rong Jing to enter a room, blink an eye, he said he drank a jar of vinegar? Admit to being jealous? Seeing that he went straight to the bed, he took off his robe and lay down on her bed with her quilt covered. Suddenly, she couldn't keep up with his thoughts and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Sleep!" Rongjing closed his eyes.

Cloud shallow moon raises step to come to the bed, walk to the front of the bed to stand, pick eyebrow to look at Rong Jing, "you come to me this is to sleep?"

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

"How long have you been waiting outside? Come to sleep? " Cloud shallow moon some can't believe.

"I'll come when the cold comes at night!" Rongjing snorted.

"Three hours?" The moon was startled.

"Cloud light moon, you also know three hours?" Rong Jing opened his eyes, took a deep look at the cloud and the moon, and then closed his eyes."Then why don't you come in?" It's no wonder he's so cold! In the middle of the night, there is still a cold wind for three hours.

"I just want to see what he's going to do! Fortunately, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary with you, otherwise I can't spare him. " Rong Jing pulled the quilt on her body, and her warm voice was a little heavy.

Looking at Rongjing, yunqianyue asked, "Rongjing, are you eighteen, aren't you?"

"Don't you know? When I was eight years old, I kissed you in Yuanyang pool. Don't tell me you don't remember. " The tone of Rongjing is not good.

Yunqianyue is speechless, which has always made her feel that Rongjing is not a human being. How could she forget it? I guess she will never forget it in her whole life. She was molested by an eight year old kid. He looked at Rongjing half ring, see he no longer speak, she reached out to push him, "do you eat?"

"No!" Rongjing snorted.

"Find your own punishment!" Cloud shallow month glared at him, just about to shout outside to let Ling Lian and Yi Xue get another meal, her wrist was suddenly caught by Rong Jing, she looked down at him.

"I'll have your steak!" Yung King Road.

"Mr. Rong, it's late at night now." Cloud shallow moon can not help but remind.

"You didn't feel sleepy after a day's sleep." Rong Jing opened his eyes and glanced at the cloud and the moon.

"Well, it's late at night." The cloud light moon emphasizes, outside the night is thick. She didn't try it in the middle of the night.

"No matter, I'll eat it anyway!" Rongjing closed his eyes again.

"No!" The moon shakes her head. How does she feel that Rongjing talks like a child? , the fastest update of the webnovel!