The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 719

There is no one to disturb the pavilion of light moon. Yunqianyue sleeps soundly. When she woke up again, it was already dark. When she opened her eyes, she saw a figure with a long neck standing in front of the bed. The figure was covered under the dark curtain. She was a little familiar. She was stunned for a moment, and then recognized that it was yundushan. She looked at him in surprise, "brother?"

Cloud evening cold smell speech turn around, light smile to her, "wake up?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, do not know white cloud evening cold how to appear here. She looked out, did not see Ling Lian and Yi Xue, to cloud evening cold voice asked, "when did brother come?"

"It's been a while!" Cold clouds stood still in front of the window.

"Why don't you wake me up? I was so sleepy that I didn't hear you come in. Ling Lian and Yi Xue didn't call me? Where are they? " Cloud shallow moon sat up, holding the quilt, looking at the cold cloud evening. She had no idea when he came in.

"I won't let them shout! They are in the kitchen now, about to prepare dinner. " It's cold at dusk.

"Oh Cloud shallow moon nods, just wake up of the head some heavy, can't turn strong.

Cloud evening cold no longer speak, just looking at the cloud shallow moon. There was no lamp in the room, and he carried the window on his back, so although Yun Qianyue felt his eyes, he could not see the expression on his face.

"What about ye Qian?" Cloud shallow moon half ring, do not see cloud evening cold talk, their own mouth to ask.

"She was in the palace of the emissary in southern Xinjiang to prepare for her return journey." It's cold at dusk.

"Return journey?" Cloud shallow moon thinks Ye Qian should leave in a hurry. After all, after all, the king's body in southern Xinjiang should be almost exhausted. "When will you come back?" she asked

"Tomorrow!" It's cold at dusk.

Cloud shallow moon nods, tomorrow south Ling Rui also returns to South Liang, pour is along the way. She looked at the cold clouds and asked, "what about you?"

"I went with him to southern Xinjiang." It's cold at dusk.

Yun Xiaoyue nodded again, "does the emperor know that you are going to leave together tomorrow? Although you have been given the Royal Decree of marriage, and there are letters from the king of Southern Xinjiang, after all, the date of marriage and the ceremony have not been agreed yet. "

"Princess ye said everything should be simple." Cloud dusk cold voice light, "and these things back to southern Xinjiang do the same."

"It's true!" Cloud shallow moon smile, "Ye Qian is the southern Xinjiang Princess after all, the big marriage words certainly won't lose etiquette!"

The clouds are cold and silent.

Cloud shallow month a time also don't know what to say, can only silence down.

"Are you awake, miss?" Ling Lian's voice comes from outside.

"Well!" The moon answered.

Ling Lian pushes open the door to come in, followed by Yi Xue, two people carrying food in their hands. Since their arrival, listening to snow and rain has rarely appeared in her house. Two people came to the table, put down the meal, palm lamp, and back out.

"Brother, I remember we haven't had a table yet! Let's eat together Cloud shallow moon got out of bed and came to the table.

"The annual feast is still a table. I have had a total of eight new year dinners with you in ten years since I came to the cloud palace. In the first year, I didn't attend the annual banquet. Five years ago, you didn't attend the banquet. " It's cold at dusk.

Cloud shallow month a Leng, hee hee a smile, "yes! There is a new year's feast! I forgot it! But a large family, I mean we haven't had dinner together yet! To the South When he was there, we ate together almost every day. Either in the West Maple Garden or in the shallow moon Pavilion. "

Cloud evening cold naturally knew that he was nanlingrui. He nodded, sat down and said, "this year's annual banquet is not in the cloud palace! I don't think there will be any chance in the future. " After a pause, he said, "my brother didn't do a good job, so that you have not been close to me all the time."

"What did you say? I was not good before. If I had known you were a cousin, I would not have been cold for so many years Cloud shallow month smile, to south Ling Rui clip a bamboo shoot, "I know elder brother likes to eat bamboo shoots most."

Cloud evening cold a Zheng, surprised to see the cloud shallow moon.

"Strange? I also know my brother's daily habits. " Cloud shallow month to him mysterious smile, "perhaps you don't know, you just came that half a year, I lie on the West Maple Garden every day on your roof to observe you. So I know what you like

Cloud evening cold Leng for a moment, way: "I didn't know you actually observed me for half a year."

"Although I don't know why you came to the cloud palace and became my brother, I later learned that you didn't mean anything to the cloud palace. Although I'm not close to you, I don't want to drive you away. Just trying to figure out something. Later, I finally understood that you were Prince Nanliang or my cousin Yunqianyue also laughed, blinked her eyes and said, "but I grew up at that time, or I can't stick to you like I did when I was a child." Cloud evening cold suddenly smile, hang down the head way: "I hope you stick to me."

"You've never been stuck by me. You ask him, or ask Ye Tianqing. You know, sometimes they want to throw me out Cloud shallow moon smile way.

Cloud evening cold smile no longer speak.

"Eat!" Cloud light moon also no longer speak, sleep for a day, but do not feel appetite. Cloud dusk cold to leave, let her heart born thick not give up. He stayed in the cloud palace for ten years. In addition to the first two years of exclusion, she gradually got used to it. After knowing that he was a cousin three years ago, there was a trace of kinship. But it never came near. The most contact is the half month after her amnesia that he forced her to read. At that time, she hated him, but now I think it's a bit nostalgic and funny."Well!" Cloud evening cold should a, also no longer speak.

The next two people are no longer words, cloud shallow moon no appetite, but from time to time to cloud evening cold clip vegetables. Cloud evening cold also seems to have no appetite, but will cloud shallow moon to his clip vegetables all ate. Knowing that he couldn't eat any more, he shook his head to the moon.

Yun Qianyue put down her chopsticks and looked at the cold in the evening and said with a smile: "my brother has gone to southern Xinjiang now. It's only a long way to go in southern Xinjiang. Now, why don't you leave me

Cloud dusk cold face some moving, want to pull out a trace of smile, but it seems that how can not pull out, half ring way: "yes, it is just a long distance."

Yunqianyue tried to relax her mood and suddenly proposed: "brother, or you can teach me to read!"

Cloud dusk cold one Zheng, looking at the cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue winked at him, "just like you forced me to learn Chinese characters two months ago."

"Good!" Cloud evening cold nod.

Cloud shallow month called out to the outside, Ling Lian and Yi Xue came in and cleaned up the leftovers on the table. She spread rice paper and ground ink for the cold cloud evening. Cloud evening cold looks at her, after a moment, cloud shallow moon will ink grinding, cloud evening cold picked up the pen, began to write the names of people in the mansion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!