The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 716

"Yes Yunli nods.

"If you don't come to me, I'll tell you about it." Cloud shallow moon smile.

The color of the cloud changed slightly.

"Are you willing or not?" Cloud shallow moon looks at cloud to leave the change of look, see him do not speak, she raises eyebrow, "you do not want?"

Cloud from shaking his head, and nodding, for a moment, his voice a little low, "I'm afraid I can't do it."

"No one is born to eat, dress, make a bed or fold a quilt. No one is born to read, read and do things. No one is born to be an emperor or a prince, and no one is born to be a son. " Yunqianyue looks at Yunli, clearly seeing his uneasiness and timidity. She thinks that although Yunli is talented, she has been staying in the remote Cloud City because of the collateral relationship of the cloud palace. A talent to write "Jiangshan Fu", but because of the filial piety of the prince, the old emperor abolished all his efforts. It must have hit him hard. Now that he was given a chance to ascend the sky step by step, he did not dare.

Yunli looks at the cloud shallow moon.

"Our surname is a cloud character, the blood from an ancestor, broken bones and tendons. You are my elder brother by two years. After all, I am a woman. The cloud palace has been prosperous for a hundred years. I can't take over the hereditary throne of the cloud palace just because I've gone through a cloud Twilight cold. So if you are ambitious, I will build a bridge for you Cloud shallow moon looks at cloud leave, smile light, "of course, if you don't want to have someone else. In short, the cloud palace is still the cloud palace. "

Clouds are silent.

"You don't have to be afraid or feel like you can't do it. If you don't want to live your life like this, then this is your chance. You've got it. Maybe it's going up. It's broken. After all, the glory of your identity is proportional to your responsibility and the darkness behind it. But no matter whether it's up or down, there's no doubt that you'll have a place in the ancestral hall of the cloud palace in a hundred years. Maybe in the records of Tiansheng historical records. The word "Yunli", a descendant of the cloud palace. " Cloud shallow moon looked at the cloud from, continued: "if you do not seize, then perhaps this life will not have such an opportunity. Sometimes opportunities are given only once. "

Cloud from suddenly raised his head, straight looking at the cloud shallow moon, "I am willing to!"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly smile, good man ambition is lofty, ambition can have achievement, this is not wrong. She nodded with a smile and a soft cry, "brother!"

Cloud from the face of a red, drooping head.

"just now I came out of Grandpa's yard and forgot to tell him about it. But the old man's ears and eyeliner were very sensitive. I expected it to be known long ago. So, I'll send someone to take you to Grandpa's place. Let grandfather teach you in person Yunqianyue looks at Yunli and thinks that when he becomes the son of the cloud palace, will the future cloud king be as red as he is now? After all, power can grind down a lot of things.

"Well!" Yunli nods.

Yunqianyue thought that there was nothing to explain, so she called out to the outside, "Linglian, you take Yunli to my grandfather's place, tell him, and tell him what skills he has. Don't hide them and teach them all. This is the hope of the future cloud palace. If the old man wants to offend his ancestors, just keep it

"Yes, miss!" Ling Lian answered immediately.

"Go! Grandfather likes swearing. Just be used to it! " Cloud shallow moon to cloud from smile wave hand.

Cloud from nodding, turned out of the door, Ling Lian see cloud out, immediately follow him out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

Yunqianyue looks at Yunli's figure leaving. She doesn't know whether it's good or bad to push Yunli out to be the son of the cloud palace. However, in any case, there must be a descendant in the cloud palace, and the most suitable candidate is Yunli.

She reached out and rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes. Although she felt tired, her brain was still excited and she didn't want to sleep. She knew that this was because she knew that Nanliang Guoshi was her father, and she was in a strange mood. Thinking of the piece of Juan PA with "I am a father" written in her arms, I can't help smiling.

Now with a father, if only my mother were alive!

"Miss, Miss Qin from the prime minister's residence is here. I want to see you!" The voice of Yi Xue rings from outside.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes with her eyes closed. She put down her hand on her forehead and looked out of the door. She saw a bodyguard guarding the gate of Prince Yun's mansion at the gate of Qianyue Pavilion. She should have come to deliver a message. She sat still and asked, "did she say what she meant?"

Yi Xue immediately replied, "the maid asked and said that Miss Qin wanted to see you! You must see her, or she will not leave. "

What is the purpose of Qin Yuning looking for her? After thinking for a moment, she stood up and said to the outside, "please go to the front hall and I'll go right there."

"Yes Yi snow went to the door and said to the guard, who immediately left the shallow moon Pavilion.

Yun Qianyue went to the mirror and took a look at herself. She moved her neck, and the red mark on her neck loomed. She reached out and tied the gauze to the neck. When she was half tied, she stopped again. She untied the veil, threw it on the soft couch, and walked out of the door.Yi snow see cloud shallow moon come out, immediately follow behind her, two people one in front of a back hall to go.

Come to the front hall, Qin Yuning has been waiting there. Through the Pearl curtain, yunqianyue could see the woman sitting upright in the room. Although the powder was well covered, it could not hide her pale face. Her eyebrows and eyes were full of dark and dark colors. It seems to be indescribably weak, as if he is seriously ill.

Yunqianyue quietly opened the bead curtain and came in. She burst out a smile at Qin Yuning, "how could miss Qin come to the cloud Palace today? I thought I was wrong when I heard the doorguard report

"Sister Yue!" Qin Yuning, who had been sitting, stood up immediately, reluctantly uttered a smile.

"Miss Qin, please have a seat! You're welcome. " Cloud shallow moon came near, sat down, waved to Qin Yuning, told Yi Xue, "Yi Xue, serve tea!"

"Yes, miss!" Yi Xue comes to add tea to Qin Yuning.

"Thank you, sister Yue!" Qin Yuning lowered her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes to thank her.

Yun Qianyue had never seen such a Qin Yuning before. She said with a smile, "is Miss Qin better? Yesterday, you fainted at the birthday party and scared me. You thought that there was something wrong with my piano and Flute Ensemble. Later, I was relieved that you were caused by overwork

"Much better! Lao Yue is worried about her Yesterday, Qin Ning's lips closed.

"I wish you were all right! At that time, the prince's highness and the Prime Minister of Qin were in a hurry. By the way, the emperor's uncle was also worried. Moreover, he also lost his temper with me, saying that the Phoenix courtship I played was a pornographic song, and introduced you to the magic sound. All of them pulled out their swords against me and insisted on killing me. I was on the brink of survival. " Cloud shallow moon sighs tunnel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!