The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 715

Yun Xiaoyue holds Lord Yun's wrist, but her unconscious action is just on his pulse. She says with a smile: "father, you love your mother too much. No matter how many women there are in this mansion, your mother's status is always the most important in your heart."

"Yes, no one can take the place of your mother." Lord Yun nodded.

Yunqianyue released her hand and looked at the tired look of King Yun, but she was still strong in supporting herself. She said, "father, pay attention to your body. It seems that you haven't slept all night! Go back to the yard and have a rest! Even if something big happens, love will never fall. Don't worry, there is still me in the cloud palace

"Well! Being a father is a little tired! " King Yun nodded and looked at Yun Qianyue carefully and said, "you haven't had a rest taking care of Jing Shizi this night? Go back and have a rest

"Well!" Yunqianyue takes a look at the ink on Xuan paper and nods.

Out of Lord Yun's study, Yun Xiaoyue stopped in front of the green branch, looked at her and said with a smile: "these days, you and the jade bracelet management office have been working hard, is there anything wrong?"

"Miss back to the moon, no!" The green branch shook his head.

"Good! With you and the jade bracelet, I can rest assured Cloud shallow moon made a yawn and walked to the pavilion of shallow moon.

After walking out of the cloud palace study far away, cloud shallow moon suddenly leans on the porch pillar. Thinking that she was not close to Wang Ye Yun before, and never paid attention to his body, now just feel the pulse, just found that he was robbed by Phoenix just like her. His Phoenix robbery is different from that in her body. She was completely blocked by her mother's memory, everything from the beginning. His arrival seems to have been altered or blurred. That's why he has an impression on something, but he can't say it. Obviously, he thinks he remembers her mother and loves her mother very much. Her mother is the most important person in his heart, but he can't draw it.

I don't know if some of the emperor's memories were discovered by the emperor? Maybe he's not the cloud king. I don't think so! Otherwise, how could the old emperor not attack him?

Suddenly, she should be admired by her mother? Or Nanliang Guoshi, her father? All in all, these things have been done perfectly. She wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't been for the pulse. Change a person's memory into this, everything he does is in line with common sense, even the indifference to her daughter, to guilt, to today's care, worry, a person should have normal feelings. It seems that he is him, always.

She suddenly felt like laughing.

"Miss, how are you standing here?" Ling Lian's voice suddenly rang out.

The cloud shallow month hears the voice to turn back, this just sees Ling Lian and Yi snow to come from behind her in a hurry. She looked at them and remembered that they had followed her into the palace yesterday. Later, she took Rongjing back to Rong Wang's mansion, and then forgot them. She laughed and asked, "where have you two gone?"

"I went with you to Lord Rong's house yesterday. After waiting for a long time, I didn't see the young lady coming out. I went back to the house. This morning, I went to Rong Wang's mansion again. The maid next to King jingshizi said that the young lady had returned to the mansion, and we came back. " Ling Lian Dao.

Cloud shallow moon nods, reaches out to knead forehead, to two humanity: "go! Let's go back to the moon Pavilion. " Ling Lian and Yi Xue nodded and followed Yun Qianyue for a short time. Seeing that Yun Qianyue had not spoken, Ling Lian asked, "Miss, how is Jing Shizi's injury?"

"I can't die!" Cloud shallow moon eyelid turn over, did not hurt at all! What can I do?

"The maids and maids went with them yesterday, but they couldn't get into the purple bamboo forest. They had to wait in the front hall. Many people heard that King Shizi was injured and ran to the purple bamboo forest. Now it is said that Jing Shizi is still unconscious. It is said that the concealed weapon has injured his muscles and bones, and caused a stubborn disease of cold and poison, and his life is worrying." Ling Lian said again.

"Oh, it's very impressive." Cloud shallow moon smile, see Ling Lian and Yi snow worried and puzzled eyes waved, "he's OK, not so serious, just rubbed a layer of skin."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look and nod.

"Yes! When nanlingrui returns to Beijing tomorrow, you will send a message to Huasheng, telling the Red Pavilion to send someone to escort him all the way. He must be sent back to Nanliang safely. No mistakes can be made. It's better to have a lot of hair. " Cloud shallow month remembers south Ling Rui to return to Beijing tomorrow, order to two people way.

"Miss, you use the Red Pavilion because of Prince Rui? This is the first time you have used the Red Pavilion Ling Lian is surprised.

Yi snow is also surprised to see the cloud shallow moon.

"You heard me right! Indeed, he escorted nanlingrui back to Nanliang with the Red Pavilion. " Seeing no one around, yunqianyue looked at them seriously and said in a low voice, "nanlingrui is my brother and my mother's son. She can't do anything."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately opened their eyes.

"You don't have to ask why. You just need to remember this point. All the people in the Red Pavilion must remember it." Cloud shallow moon solemnly stressed, "must not let him have any loss."

"Yes, don't worry, little Lord." Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately nodded solemnly.

"The Red Pavilion should have no problem dealing with the old emperor's hidden guards?" Cloud shallow moon looks at two people."The Red Pavilion has always been hidden, and there has been no action in recent years. The Royal hidden guards have no way to investigate our Red Pavilion. However, our Red Pavilion has been paying close attention to the movements of the Royal hidden guards in recent years, and we are familiar with their style of conduct. So don't worry, little Lord! As long as the Red Pavilion hands, it will ensure that the prince Rui is safe and sound. " Ling Lian Dao.

"Well! That's good! Maybe Ye Tianyi will also take action, and the Red Pavilion should be fully prepared. " Cloud shallow moon road.

Ling Lian and Yi Xueqi nodded.

Yunqianyue doesn't speak any more. She walks to the pavilion and turns around two corridors. She sees a man standing at the gate of the pavilion, dressed in the clothes of the chief manager of the cloud palace. It is Yunli. She turned her mind slightly and went on.

"Miss moon!" Cloud from see cloud shallow moon come, hurry to see ceremony.

Cloud shallow month smiles to wave a hand, ask a way: "what matter?"

Cloud looked around and did not speak.

"Come in and say it." Cloud shallow moon looked at him, lift step to go inside.

Yunli immediately followed her. Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look, and do not follow in.

Enter the room, cloud shallow moon to cloud from pointing to the chair beside the table, then lazily nest in the soft couch. Yunli didn't go to sit down, but stood in the middle of the room and looked at Yun Qianyue, who raised eyebrows and looked at him. He hesitated and said, "Miss shallow moon, I heard about the birthday party. You let me..."

"Oh! What you want to say is about my brother-in-law in southern Xinjiang, and there will be no son-in-law in the palace of cloud. I propose to let my father recognize you. Is that it? " Cloud shallow moon smile look at cloud from. , the fastest update of the webnovel!