The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 717

Qin Yu Ning was stunned and even said, "it was my discomfort that led to my coma, which implicated sister Yue!"

"What do you say between me and you. Miss Qin wants to cooperate with me at the birthday party. I look up to her! Think of how many people in Beijing think I'm worthless, but Miss Qin believes me so much. I can't fail you. " Yun Xiaoyue laughed happily, "in fact, I've always wanted to find a chance to play" Feng Qiu Huang "for Rongjing, but I couldn't play it because I was thin skinned. You suggested that we should work together at the birthday party. You should paint and I would play the piano. I just played that song to let him know what I mean. You did me a big favor. I wanted to wait for Rongjing's injury to get better, so I would come to your door Thank you. I don't want you to come today! "

Qin Yu Ning's body became stiff and opened her mouth. She said, "actually, it's not helping. I think that sister Yue must not be as dandy as it seems and rumored to be. Otherwise, how can she be loved by King Shizi, the seventh Prince and dye prince. She did not ask sister Yue's permission to make a proposal privately. I wish sister Yue didn't blame me. "

"No, no, you helped me. What do I blame you for? Thank you for your time Cloud shallow moon smiles and waves her hand.

"Good! Yu Ning has always felt guilty, so she came to visit sister Yue to apologize. " Qin Yuning bowed her head.

"It turns out that you apologize to me, but I want to thank you. It's really a group of people." Yun Xiaoyue laughed and said to Yi Xue, "Yi Xue, you go to Rong Wang's mansion and go to Rongjing. You can say that your aunt brought one set of two sets of jewelry from Yuanyang pool more than a month ago. I want to write about Miss Qin as a thank you gift."

"Yes, miss!" Yi Xue went out.

"Sister Yue, don't have to!" Qin Yuning immediately stood up.

Thank you Yun Qianyue's face was stained with red clouds. She looked at Qin Yuning shyly, pointed to her neck, and said in a low voice: "this is my wedding gift. Yesterday he told me... "

Qin Yu Ning's body trembled. She couldn't help but step back. She couldn't believe it. She said, "sister Yue..."

Yunqianyue looked out of the door and saw no one. She stretched out her hand and tore open her collar to reveal the skin on her chest. The fine kissing marks on her clavicle and chest appeared in front of Qin Yuning's eyes. She nodded with infinite shame, "well, that's what you see."

Qin Yu Ning only felt a hum in her head. She opened her eyes and looked at the skin of the moon and clouds. On it were the marks of red plums. She and yetianqing had already married each other. She understood what the mark was. However, she is still blue and purple after two days, but the skin of yunqianyue is pale pink. You can imagine how rude Ye Tianqing was to her and how gentle she was to yunqianyue. Her face was pale and bloodless, even if it was covered with powder.

Yun Qianyue reached for her collar and said shyly and sweetly, "don't look at him as modest as a gentleman, gentle as jade. He treats me with no pity. Now it's not just the place you see. I'm all over with this mark. " Without looking at Qin Yuning, she said to herself, "if I hadn't bumped into you and your royal highness, I would have been shy and would not have dared to say this. Now, do you think you should accept this gift from me? If it hadn't been for you, I couldn't play that song, and I wouldn't be like this now... "

"You..." Qin Yu Ning looks at the cloud shallow moon, the body does not stop shivering, seems to want to say something, but can't say it, half ring just can't believe: "Jing Isn't Jing Shizi hurt by a concealed weapon? How could... "

"He was hit by a hidden weapon, yes! But after detoxifying the hidden weapon, where can I know that he is a wolf Yun Qianyue seemed to be recalling the situation at that time. She said angrily with a red face: "men are born with this kind of thing. I can't even resist. He said he hurt his back, not It's not there Also said that my sunflower water came, also long opened, even if did not reach the hairpin Well, it can be I couldn't get rid of him, so I relied on him... "

Qin Yu Ning's body is more intense to tremble.

"Yesterday, he also told me that he should thank Miss Qin, and I said that I should be grateful. Although I had no intention to break through the affairs between you and your royal highness on that day, I also sent gifts to his highness and you. But after all, it is the same thing, and it can't be confused. We had decided to wait for his injury to heal, and we thank you together. I didn't expect you to come today. So I don't have to go to the prime minister's office. " Yun Qianyue tied the buttons on her neck, but she still couldn't cover the red plum imprint that she showed because of her actions. She looked at Qin Yuning with a smile and said, "last time my aunt was wronged, it was me who set fire to Wangchun building and made amends to me. She asked the Emperor's uncle for two sets of jewelry. Each set of jewelry is of great value! I'm afraid I'll lose it, so I'll give it to Rongjing. Now I'll give you a set of thank you. "

Qin Yuning suddenly lost her voice.

"In fact, not to mention a set of priceless jewelry, even ten sets is not enough to thank you for your success in our good deed. If you can't pay homage to this set of gifts, take it! " "Cloud shallow month smiles happily," wait for our big marriage time, still want to invite you and prince to drink wedding wine. "

"You..." Qin Yuning seems to have used a lot of strength to keep herself from falling down. She reluctantly supported herself. When she heard her saying "big marriage", her mind was pulled back. Looking at Yun Qianyue, "I heard that Jing Shizi also had an engagement, which was made by Rong Wang and Princess Donghai a hundred years ago, and you and the seventh prince are also engaged. You How can you... ""Miss Qin, don't you know that you can't help it? I couldn't help it at that time. " Cloud shallow month sighs tone, complexion dye melancholy, "I was not agree at that time, but Rong Jing says everything has him." After that, she gave a sweet smile and said shyly, "I believe he can handle these two engagements, so Give it to him... "

Qin Yuning lost her voice again.

"Miss Qin, you don't seem very happy for me?" Cloud shallow moon suddenly looks at Qin Yuning with doubt, "when you and the prince happen this matter, I am really happy for you."

"No I I'm very happy. " Qin Yuning immediately shook her head and squeezed out a smile. Even she felt that her smile must be stiff. "I am also happy for sister Yue. After all, Jing Shizi is extraordinary. It's the blessing of sister Yue to get his favor. "

"Really?" The cloud is light and the moon is bright.

"Really, I'm really happy for sister Yue!" Qin Yuning nodded with a smile.

"Good! You don't know. Actually, I wanted to live in his house to take care of him during his injury, but I didn't think of such a thing. Although I was happy in my heart, I always felt that it was not good, so I didn't pay attention to it, and I ran back in the early morning. Now you said this, I feel open-minded! " Cloud shallow moon smile way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!