The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 714

"Don't worry about this father. I have my own opinion." Cloud light moon stopped cloud Lord, thinking how suddenly everyone came to remind her that Rongjing had a engagement? I'm afraid she didn't hear the old emperor's words in the hall?

"You have your own opinion, father. I'm afraid you are hurt. As the saying goes, love is the most hurtful word The king of cloud looked at the moon and sighed.

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, did not speak.

"The seventh Prince is afraid that it is not so easy to be good. You and Jing Shizi should try to find a way! It's better to break both parties' engagement. " Cloud old king's words fall, no longer say more, go to the courtyard of old cloud Lord.

"Father Cloud shallow month looks at cloud King ye to walk two steps, suddenly utter a voice to stop him.

King Yun stopped his steps and was a little pleased. For the first time in these years, her daughter called out to him, and her joy could not help showing.

"Father, do you remember your mother?" Cloud shallow moon pursed lips and asked.

Cloud old Wang Ye a Leng, on the surface shows hurt color, "how don't you remember? Why did you ask your mother all of a sudden

"Didn't you hear the emperor talk about your mother yesterday? I suddenly miss my mother Cloud shallow moon smile, look at cloud King ye, "father king still remember what mother looks like?"

"Why don't you remember? I'll never forget your mother's appearance until I die. " The cloud Lord said.

"What can I do for my father to go to my grandfather?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"The prince has been put into prison. After all, he was brought up in the name of your aunt. I'm afraid your aunt will be implicated. I'll go to your grandfather for advice." Wang Ye Yun sighed, "he is half of your aunt's, isn't he? And in particular, the fourth Prince has full power to investigate this matter. He is also brought up in your aunt's name. In this way, he will kill each other. "

"Father, if you go and ask, I'm afraid you can't find out anything!" Cloud shallow moon eyes light slightly flash, "father king, it's better not to ask, just now I annoyed my grandfather, grandfather is now in a rage, and so on after the limelight, grandfather died, father king come again!"

"Are you angry with your grandfather?" King Yun was stunned.

"Well, when she is not happy to see me, she has to scold me, bad old man!" Cloud shallow moon angry.

"Your grandfather is hurting you." Wang Ye was obviously afraid of him. Hearing this, he turned around and said, "well, I'd better wait for your grandfather to calm down before going."

Cloud shallow moon smiles, "father king, can you draw me a portrait of my mother? I know my father is also good at poetry and painting. "

Cloud Wang Ye a Zheng, "you want your mother's portrait?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nodded, "I want to see my mother, time has been so long, I don't remember what mother looks like. Since my father will never forget his mother until he dies, please draw me a picture

"This..." Cloud King Ye looked at cloud shallow moon, nodded, "good, you come to study with me!"

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Cloud King ye turned the way to his study, cloud shallow moon followed him.

After walking for a moment, yunqianyue suddenly asked, "father, tell me about my mother's affairs! How my mother married you

Cloud Wang Ye steps a meal, seem to want to shake his head, "so long ago, I have already forgotten."

"Forget it?" Cloud shallow month picks eyebrow, "you marry my mother, how can give forget?"? Is this a great joy in life? You have forgotten nothing. You should not forget this. "

"That year, I smashed my head to save the emperor, and I forgot something when I woke up. I can't remember it clearly "Cloud Lord shook his head," said ashamed

Cloud shallow moon silent down, it turns out that he has also hit the brain! And he said no more.

Cloud Wang Ye's study is not too far away, two people one in front of one after another soon came to the door of the study. Green branch hears the footstep sound to come out from the study, see cloud King ye and cloud shallow month come together, seem to be Leng for a while, hurriedly to two people see ceremony.

Yun Wang Ye waved his hand and said to the green branch, "I'll talk to yue'er, you stay outside the door!"

"Yes, Lord!" The green branch nodded.

Cloud shallow month saw green branch one eye, follow cloud King ye to enter the study. The study is still the same as when she was given three thousand hidden guards by Lord Yun last time. It is clean and tidy, and the air is full of ink. This study is a place for people to relax. I think it all benefits from the green branch.

After entering the study, King Yun went to the table and spread Xuan paper. Yun Qianyue came over and rubbed ink for him automatically.

"Your mother is a very beautiful woman and the most beautiful woman in the world at that time. My father always thought that marrying your mother was the best thing in his life. It's a pity that your mother left me Cloud Wang Ye looked at the cloud light moon Mo Mo, some sad way: "these years is father king, I am sorry for you, let you suffer a lot."

"It's all in the past, my father." Cloud shallow moon smile.

Lord Yun nodded and sighed.

Cloud shallow moon grinds ink well, return inkstone to cloud Wang Ye. King Yun picked up the brush and drew on the rice paper, but when the brush touched it, he stopped. Cloud shallow month looks at him, see his brow tightly wring, she slants a head to ask, "father king, how?"King Yun shook his head and went on to pick up the brush. However, the ink spread on the rice paper. He seemed to have no way to start. Pause for half a sound, looking at the Xuan paper and the pen in the hand, some at a loss, and some at a loss. Half ring, he looked up at the cloud light moon, face extremely guilty, "light moon, father King..."

"You can't draw it?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Well!" Lord Yun nodded.

"Why? Don't you forget my mother until you die The cloud is shallow and the moon is high.

"Yes, I will never forget your mother until I die, but when I try to think about it, your mother is very vague. Now when I want to paint, your mother is more blurred. I can't even see her, so I can't draw it. " King Yun didn't know whether he thought hard or how, and his face showed a painful color.

Cloud shallow month looks at cloud King ye, half ring, she faint smile, "father king don't need to think, draw not to come out. You also said that you hurt your brain earlier, but now it's hard to think about things. What's more, it's normal that you can't draw them after my mother's death for so many years. "

Cloud Wang ye put down his pen and looked at the moon with guilt, "father Wang is really like your grandfather said, a thing can't be done well."

"No! Father is actually very good. Without you, there would be no lord. It's not easy for you to support the cloud palace for so many years Cloud shallow moon looks at cloud Wang Ye's guilty look, comfort tunnel.

Cloud Lord eye socket is sour, reach out to touch cloud shallow moon's head, "shallow Moon grows up finally. It was the father who did not do well. Failed to live up to your mother's advice. These years, my father was confused. I don't know why since your mother left. I can't do anything , the fastest update of the webnovel!