The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 713

Cloud old Wang Ye stare at cloud shallow moon to see half a ring, the anger in old eyes recedes, suddenly asks, "smelly girl, how do you suddenly ask this?"

"I just remember, just ask." Cloud shallow moon is eating a meal side way.

Cloud old lord hummed, "you don't fool me. Although I'm old, my heart is not old, and my eyes are dim and confused. You can cheat me with a few words."

Cloud shallow moon when did not hear, do not speak.

"I ask you something!" Mr. cloud patted the table because he shook it twice.

Cloud shallow moon if do not smell, still eat.

"Stop eating! If you don't say it again, get out of here Cloud old Wang Ye looks at cloud shallow moon this pair of appearance not to hit a place.

"Get out of here Yunqianyue put down her chopsticks and walked away. If we say that what she learned in the previous life is respecting the old and loving the young, she has been completely broken since she came to this world. Some old people are not cute at all and are not worthy of respect. What else does she respect? This bad old man is the most unpleasant old man she has ever seen. The old man in the Rong palace is much better than the old man in her family.

"Stop! Don't go Seeing that yunqianyue was really going to leave, Mr. Yun drank her. But she didn't hear her and walked to the door a few steps away. He said angrily, "come back, I'll tell you!"

Yunqianyue steps a meal, carrying the body in the cloud old Wang Ye can not see the place to show a smile, in a moment, she adjusted her expression, turned to walk over.

Cloud old Wang Ye stares at cloud shallow moon, "smelly girl, ability is more and more big!"

"My grandfather taught me well! I can't do it if I'm not good at it. " The moon sat down slowly and continued to eat with chopsticks.

"I can only tell you that you are the daughter of cloud, my granddaughter. So don't think about those people who are not in the cloud palace. " Cloud old Wang Ye looks at cloud shallow moon, ponders for a moment, hum way.

Cloud shallow moon chopsticks a meal, "how do you say that?"

"What else? Just say it's your root, your ancestor, your surname is Yun. So you are also surnamed Yun. What you have in your blood is the blood of the cloud palace. I can't change it in my life. I can't have another family name. " Cloud old lord angry way.

"What about my brother?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"So is your brother. You were born of one mother." Cloud old lord way.

Yunqianyue nods. She is the daughter of the cloud palace. Yes, she is the granddaughter of the bad old man in front of her. Bad old man said so sure, so it means that his father is also surnamed Yun? But it's not just cloud Lord. She laughed. "Any more?"

"What else? No more! " Mr. Yun shook his head.

"You call me back and say these two words to me?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"What else do you want to hear?" Mr. cloud blew his beard again.

"I want to know who my father is." Yun Qianyue stares at the eyes of the old lord Yun, pauses, and says, "it's not the cloud Lord now, but who is the cloud Lord's residence? What's your status in the cloud palace? "

"No identity!" Mr. Yun's face is not good.

"Why don't you nod or shake your head Cloud shallow month looks at cloud old Wang Ye, see he seems extremely unwilling to mention, her eyes light tiny flash, ask a way.

Mr. Yun said nothing.

"My father is now my father's twin brother?" Cloud light moon began to ask.

"No!" Mr. Yun shook his head.

"Then my father is a branch of the cloud palace?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"No!" Mr. Yun shook his head.

"And my father is my father's brother?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"No!" Mr. cloud shook his head again.

"Then my father is the real son of the cloud palace, and the present cloud Lord is not the son of the cloud palace? It's a fake. " Ask again.

"No! Don't ask. You just know that you are the daughter of the cloud palace and the granddaughter of my old man! " The old lord Yun snorted, and his words fell. He didn't seem to want to talk about it again. He waved to her, "get out of here quickly. Every time you come, you make me angry. I'm upset to see you. "

"Grandfather, don't you want to know why I came to ask you all of a sudden? Don't you want to know now that you've driven me out? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"I don't want to. Get out of here!" The cloud old lord waved his hand, as if driving a fly to drive cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon curls her lips, look at this situation is not to ask what. But today is not a waste. At least if she knew that Nanliang national master was her father, then he was born in yunwangfu. For some reason, she left yunwangfu and became the national teacher of Nanliang.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the moon was still, he waved his hand to urge him.

"Let's go! You don't have to rush! " Yunqianyue put down her chopsticks, stood up, turned and walked out.

Until she got out of the courtyard of the old king of cloud, she didn't hear any sound coming from it. She stopped, looked back, reached out and rubbed her forehead. At that time, what kind of a disorderly account, the national teacher left her four words, her grandfather's mouth is tight, how about? It seems that what happened at that time should be a very obscure thing. It's not easy for her to know that she has been sealed up in secret."Moon, why are you here?" From the front came the sound of footsteps in a hurry, and a familiar voice rang out.

Cloud shallow moon raised her head and saw the cloud king was walking rapidly. She looked like she had not slept all night. She put all her emotions away and called out lightly, "father king!"

"You didn't go to jingshizi?" Cloud Wang ye came near, stopped to look at the cloud shallow moon, some embarrassed to wipe the sweat on the forehead asked.

"Yes, I just came back to my grandfather. Thinking of not coming for many days, I came to see my grandfather Cloud light moon road.

"How is Jing Shizi's injury?" Asked King Yun.

"I was poisoned. Fortunately, it was cleaned up in time. It's ok now, but I'll have to stay in the house for a few days. " Cloud light moon road.

"That's good!" Wang Ye seemed to sigh, "I didn't expect that such things happened at the birthday party yesterday. Fortunately, the emperor was also rescued by the seventh prince. He is safe, but he has to stay in bed to recuperate. Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

Cloud shallow moon pulled the corner of the mouth, did not speak.

"Shallow moon, do you know what happened to the prince's mansion?" Cloud Lord sees cloud shallow moon not to speak, ask again.

"Yes, just heard." Cloud shallow moon nods.

"When the emperor woke up, he was very angry. Before he could find out the reason, he convicted the prince of his crime and copied the prince's house. The prince was afraid that it would be over. Now the prince is being held in the heaven prison, and the prince will be abolished. It is certain that he will be dismissed. If there is no accident, the seventh prince will be made crown prince. If the emperor is short of time, the crown prince will marry in advance. Otherwise, the crown prince will not get married for three years, which is not suitable for his descendants. The emperor will not allow it. You You and the seventh prince are engaged now. I'm afraid it is... " King Yun took a look at Yun Qianyue's face and stopped talking. He sighed: "Father knows that you and jingshizi love each other, but the engagement between jingshizi and the princess of Donghai state has passed for a hundred years now. Although there is no news from Donghai, it's impossible to forget it. In case someone comes from Donghai, don't you..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!