The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 712

In the main room, jade bracelet is arranging breakfast for Mr. Yun. Cloud shallow moon just rushed into the house, cloud old Wang ye then scolded: "smelly girl, what is the wind and fire doing? Is there a wolf behind your ass? "

"Cloud shallow month has no language," you see I never in addition to scold me, can't say a good listen? "

"Look at your worthless appearance? I'm angry when I see it. What can I say? " Cloud old Wang Ye glared at cloud shallow moon one eye, looked at her neck, suddenly voice a turn, "smelly girl, what good thing have you done this pair of virtue? Did you eat the boy from the Rong palace

Cloud shallow month is walking to the table, smell speech footstep a stagger, almost lie down on the table, a pair of beautiful eyes stare at cloud old Wang Ye.

"Look in the mirror!" Mr. Yun waved to her.

Yun Qianyue walked to the mirror and saw herself in the mirror. Although the collar was on the high side, if she moved it, she could still see the red mark on her neck. Her face was red and she was angry with the scene. Turning around, she saw that jade bracelet was smiling at her. The old king of cloud had a bad look on his face. She said, "what do you want to eat? If only I had eaten it! That's a stone. I can't chew it up

"Not finished?" Mr. Yun's white eyebrows were picked.

"Not finished!" Cloud light moon red face way.

"Waste!" Cloud old Wang Ye's beard is warped, scolded again.

"You don't eat rubbish The cloud is shallow and the moon is at the top. She is like that, but Rongjing's stone is not open-minded. She has to be greedy for her not to let him touch her. What can she do? Can't you be a bully? Even if it's a bully, you have to beat him? If his martial arts are restored, she will not be her opponent at all. He only grasped her by one wrist and used her internal force to earn, let alone others.

"I'll use you if I can eat it? Asshole Mr. cloud glared.

Cloud shallow month coughs a, red face indignant way: "deliver the door is worthless!"

"No! Didn't he miss you for more than ten years? Why don't you eat the fat in your mouth Cloud old Wang Ye frowned and asked tentatively, "isn't it OK?"

Yunqianyue was walking to the table. Hearing the words, she was reeling and nearly fell. She stood firm and looked at the worried old lord Yun. After a long time, she spat out a sentence, "you are worthy of being my grandfather! I don't doubt it this time. It's definitely Pro! "

"Stinky girl! I'm your grandfather. I doubt it! " Mr. Yun once again blew his beard and glared.

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, sat in front of the table, picked up chopsticks and began to gobble.

"Prince Rong doesn't care about your meal? Even if you didn't eat him, he should give you something to eat, right? Asshole! How dare you starve my granddaughter. " Cloud old Lord looked at cloud shallow moon, scolded a word.

Yunqianyue takes a look at the old man. He used to listen to the old man Jing Shizi, but now he calls out a bastard from his mouth. She looked at him and said, "it's rare. I thought Rongjing was your grandson! And you know I'm your granddaughter

Cloud old Wang Ye snorted, "smelly girl, I wish he was my grandson! But I'm not lucky in my life. But the son-in-law is also good. It's a pity that you don't try your best. You haven't eaten people in your mouth for so long. When the princess of Donghai comes, you will be jealous

"Don't tell me about Princess donghaiguo. Do you mean to make me feel better?" Cloud shallow month thinks this matter son quickly became a knot in her heart. She glared at Mr. Yun, "she will never want to marry Rongjing in this life. If she dares to come, I will dare to kill her. If I don't marry, he will have to be a bachelor all his life. If I can't marry others, I can't marry anyone else. If I die, I'll kill Rongjing."

"What if Jing Shizi saw the princess of Donghai and didn't want you Cloud old Wang Ye picks eyebrow, "you this stinky girl, worthless, I look at all headache, do not know how he likes you."

"Are you my grandfather or not?" Yun Xiaoyue snorted and thought for a moment: "when he wants me, I will do it. When he doesn't want me, I don't want him either! That's not easy. "

"No wonder you didn't eat it! I don't have much heart and liver with you. That boy can see through you. People's heart is all over you, and you hide part of it. Is it strange that you are allowed to eat? You deserve to be hungry. " Mr. cloud scolded.

Cloud light moon chopsticks meal, is it so? Is this the reason for the scenery?

The old king of cloud glared at the moon and waved his hand to the jade bracelet. The jade bracelet went down and closed the door. He looked at the moon and said, "smelly girl, what are you looking for me for?"

"How do you know that if I come to see you, something must happen?" Cloud shallow moon recovers just been touched the mind, pick eyebrows.

"You son of a bitch, you never come to me. You want to stay away from me. never go to the temple for nothing. Now it's no wonder. " Mr. cloud snorted.

"You know you're a bad old man, too!" Cloud shallow moon suddenly a joy, a moment, received a smile seriously way: "grandfather, who is my father king in the end?"

Cloud shallow month thinks she should and cloud old Wang ye say this matter to the point, so really straight to the point asked.After a meal of chopsticks, Mr. Yun's face became flat, and he was angry with the voice of the moon, "Stinky girl, who do you think your father is? Don't eat that boy back, even his father is who do not know? Can you forget who your ancestors are tomorrow? Asshole

Cloud shallow month looked at cloud old Wang Ye carefully, positive color way: "grandfather, I say is serious! I'm not kidding you

"You think I'm kidding you?" The old king of cloud stretched out his hand and slapped it on the table. There was a "bang" sound on the table. He was furious, "you're a bastard, are you? You are yunqianyue, and your father is my son. "

"What's your temper? I'm just asking. " Cloud shallow month looks at cloud old Wang Ye, leisurely way: "you now this appearance actually lets me feel here has no silver 300 Liang, you are using your anger to cover up the truth."

"What is the truth? The truth of bullshit! Do you believe me breaking your leg The cloud old prince's face is full of anger, to cloud shallow moon stare.

Cloud shallow moon flat corners of the mouth, some boring to wave his hand: "forget it, I don't ask, you also put away your bad temper? At such an age, I'm not afraid that I can't come up at one breath at a time? "

Cloud old Wang Ye is staring at the cloud shallow moon, a pair of old eyes are blowing with whizzing sparks.

Yunqianyue bowed her head to eat. If she was not sure earlier, the whole screen guessed that this bad old man should know something, but now she is 100% sure that he looks like this. Nanliang national master is indeed her father, and Lord Yun is not her father. , the fastest update of the webnovel!