The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 711

"No fever? I'll touch you to see if you're confused because you know there's a father! " Nan Lingrui puts his hand on the forehead of yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow moon opens his hand, stare at him one eye, "cloud fog mountain mother's grave has no one."

"I know. What's so strange about that? My mother is so mysterious that she can't be buried in the broken place of Yunwu Mountain. Naturally, it was removed by her people. " Nanling Rui road.

"The seven elders of the Red Pavilion have indeed removed their mother's tomb, but there is no mother's tomb at motianya. I don't know where my mother's grave is now. " Cloud light moon road.

"Red Pavilion?" South Ling Rui Mou Guang move, "little girl, you say Red Pavilion is mother's?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"The Red Pavilion where the ink red moves and the clouds shake? My mother gave you the Red Pavilion? " Nan Lingrui asked again.

"Well! You heard me right. My mother gave me the Red Pavilion Cloud shallow moon nods.

"How eccentric my mother is! Nothing for me Nanling Rui immediately hate the way: "since you were born, my mother didn't love me, you can't do well, I'm not like her own."

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "that is because you are too naughty, do not like your mother, where have I clever?"

"Smelly girl Nanlingrui angrily said, "from now on, don't talk to me, I don't want to see you! My mother gave you Fenghuang Zhenjing and Hongge to you. Now this father has kept me from telling me for ten years. He still doesn't let me see the envelope. I'll tell you first. One by one, it's disgusting. "

Cloud shallow month purses a mouth to smile, "who wants you to be a boy! My father and mother must like girls, so I'm popular Words down, he saw nanlingrui face black, she immediately said: "where is not good for you? You have been covered by your uncle in Nanliang for ten years, and you have become a prince. What do you think I have? I've been running behind yetian for more than ten years and pretending to be tiring every day. Even if I started the Phoenix robbery and lost my memory, I still couldn't come over and continue to disguise. It seemed that the camouflage was rooted in my soul, which made me think that I was such a dandy, illiterate, illiterate, and uneducated little bastard. Now I can't help it. Are you much better than me? What's wrong with me being partial? Even though father didn't recognize you these years, you can see him every year, right? And me? "

"It's true!" Nanling Rui immediately laughed, "so I'm better than you!"

Cloud shallow month hums a, will Juan PA Chuai into the bosom, ask: "when will you return to Nanliang?"

"Tomorrow!" Nanling Rui road.

"Tomorrow? In such a hurry? " Cloud light moon frown.

"What are you always doing here? It's been nearly two months since I left Nanliang. We have to go back home. " Nanling Rui looked at the cloud shallow moon, "little girl, do you go to Nanliang with me? If you go, I will take you

"Can I walk?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Why can't I leave? As long as you're willing to look good. " Nanling Rui road.

Yun Xiaoyue shook her head, "it's good that you can go back smoothly. I always think it won't be so simple for you to leave. Now that the national master has left quietly, Nanliang has developed too fast in recent years, and he no longer pays tribute. The old emperor is determined to annex Nanliang. It's best to tie you up as the crown prince and let Nanliang throw a mousetrap. "

"Don't you have the wind Pavilion and your mother's Red Pavilion? What's the difficulty in sending me back to Nanliang? " Nan Lingrui doesn't think so.

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, raised foot to walk.

Nan Ling Rui grabbed her, "little girl, are you going to leave?"

"See you off tomorrow!" Cloud shallow moon head also does not return tunnel.

"Are you really not going to Nanliang with me?" Nanling Rui frowned, "you know that now the old emperor's deadline is coming, and the heavenly saint's chaos is just around the corner. Then... "

"Brother, cloud palace is our home! No matter whether our mother is dead or alive, no matter where our father is, whether we are from the cloud palace or not, we were born and grew up in the cloud palace. The cloud palace is our home. Even if you are the prince of Nanliang, you can't erase the fact that you were born in the cloud palace. There is also a grandfather in the cloud palace. Although we hate Lord Yun, he is also the man we have called our father for more than ten years. He is just a little bit weak, but he is still good to me now. There is also my aunt in the palace. Yun Muhan will surely go to Southern Xinjiang with Ye Qian. Now I am the only one left in the cloud palace. If I don't support the cloud palace, no one can support it. It's my responsibility to protect the cloud palace. Even if the Tiansheng rebellion is just around the corner, I will try my best to protect the cloud palace and all the people in the cloud palace. " Cloud shallow month looks at south Ling Rui seriously, "this is not the thing that gives up to allow scenery son. When can I worry about him

Nanling Rui nodded, "then be careful! Write to me at any time

"Nature! Now cloud Twilight cold has become the emperor's son-in-law in southern Xinjiang. You may not be able to get rid of the identity of the prince of Nanliang. In the future, it may be the king of Nanliang, but with my support, I won't let you be more free and carefree. It's estimated that I will trouble you to death at three or five hours. " Cloud light moon smile.

"Stinky girl!" Nanlingrui according to cloud shallow moon head patted.Yunqianyue doesn't hide. She slaps nanlingrui on the head with a backhand. Her brother and sister make an agreement. She walks out of the door and leaves the Nanliang messenger palace with her feet light. Her steps are much easier than before.

No matter where Nanliang Guoshi is now? It was enough for her to know that the man was her father.

Nanling Rui looks at the cloud light moon figure to leave, stands in front of the window to smile, thinks his little sister grew up! The main purpose of his coming to Tiansheng is that he wants to take her away. He always remembers his mother's instructions to take good care of his sister. He wants to protect her with Nanliang and his crown prince identity. This is what he and his grandfather agreed to, but he did not want her to go. She said that the cloud palace was her responsibility, which made him feel guilty. He and she thought about Yun Xiaoyue, who was fortunately his sister Otherwise, he will also become a night of nature, or night light dye, or Rong Feng, or cloud dusk cold or night sky tilt? How lucky Rongjing is!

Cloud light moon out of Nanliang emissary palace, at this time the sky has been bright, the sun rises, but was closed to a layer of clouds, not hot. She kept her figure and went to the cloud palace with flying skills.

She wanted to ask her grandfather about her mother and father. She had a hunch that the bad old man must know something? If the old man was really confused, he would not have lived for so many years. She had learned the old man's shrewdness from a young age.

All the way back to the cloud palace, yunqianyue goes straight to the courtyard of old lord Yun. When she came to the courtyard of Mr. cloud, she kept walking and rushed to the main house. , the fastest update of the webnovel!