The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 708

"Gone Nan Lingrui takes a look at the moon.

"Really gone? When did you leave? " Cloud light moon frown.

"I left yesterday after I came out of the palace!" Nanling Rui road.

"Back to Nanliang? I saw the jade chariot! So he left quietly? " Asked the moon.

"Not back to Nanliang!" Nanling Rui shook his head and disdained to skim his mouth, "little girl, when are you so brainless? Do you have only one scene in your heart now, and the five mysteries and three ways left and right by his love? Your wisdom is now equal to zero? The national master of Nanliang came to heaven to celebrate his birthday. He can come and go at any time, but who restricts him? "

Cloud shallow moon light vomited a mouthful of turbid gas, "I mean why does he walk so quickly?"

"In a hurry? I don't think so. The national teacher only stayed in Nanliang for two months a year, and left Nanliang at this time of year. Now it was the day, and he left naturally. It's just that I'm leaving from heaven South Ling Rui slowly way.

"Do you know where he went?" Yunqianyue thought of her, but she didn't expect Nanliang Guoshi to leave so suddenly. If she had known, she would have sent Rongjing back to the mansion yesterday. If she knew that his concealed weapon was fake, she would come here to stop him.

"I don't know! The whereabouts of the national teacher have never been known. " Nan Lingrui shakes his head and walks to the window to clean his face.

"Do you know what he has to do with his mother?" Cloud shallow moon follows the eye of south Ling Rui to ask a way.

"His mother is his younger sister!" Nanling Rui road.

"I know that. Didn't he say it in the hall? I'm talking about relationships that can't be said! " Cloud shallow moon asks again.

South Ling Rui is Ju a handful of water clean face, smell speech hand a meal, pick eyebrow to look at cloud shallow moon, "what can't say the relationship?"

"I think..." Cloud shallow moon pursed lips, thought carefully for a moment and said: "I think he and his mother are not only brothers and sisters, there should be any relationship."

"Little girl, I didn't know you were so keen on exploring your mother's love affair and romantic history? Well? " Nanlingrui suddenly laughed and said, "is it worth saying? Naturally, the national teacher likes our mother

Yun Xiaoyue rolled her eyes and said for a long time that she didn't get any information. She walked in and sat on the chair, looked at nanlingrui and said, "tell me everything you know about Nanliang Guoshi."

"All I know is that he goes to Nanliang for two months every year, playing games or chatting with his father in the palace. He didn't walk around with the civil and military officials in the imperial court. When he didn't accompany his father, he would read books or enjoy flowers in the mansion. It seems aloof, but in fact, he is a man of few words. It's not hot or cold to me South Ling Rui uses Juan PA side to wipe a face side way.

"That's all?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Yes, that's all! What else do you think? I have been to Nanliang for ten years. In addition to taking me to Nanliang in the first year, I left. After the second year, I went to Nanliang every year for two months, which is what I told you. It hasn't changed for so many years. " South Ling Rui threw Juan PA, also sat in front of the table, called out to the outside, "breakfast!"

There was an immediate response from outside.

"And you still have such respect and respect for him?" Cloud shallow moon eyebrows twist into a rope.

"Fifteen years ago, the strength of the national master in Fenghuang pass blocked the 150000 soldiers of Tiansheng. It can be said that one man was in charge, and ten thousand people were unable to open it. Later, he fell into an old disease. He was a meritorious official of Nanliang, who respected him from top to bottom, and even his father and Emperor respected him extremely. Little girl, your brother, as the crown prince, naturally I should respect him. Moreover, the national master is such a person. Even if he does nothing, it is hard to be disrespected. " Nanlingrui took a sip of the hot tea on the table.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"Little girl, how do you care so much about Nanliang national teacher?" Nan Lingrui looked at Yun Qianyue and said with a smile: "did you hear that the national master was the most beautiful man in the world? So you want to see him? "

"Do you think I need an old man with a view?" Cloud light moon chided.

"I don't know! Don't you see the character of the national teacher? That's a man of no age. At the age of 20, 30, 40, even at the age of 50, 60, after 70 and 80, he was still the national master of Nanliang. That's one of ten thousand people who can see him at a glance. " Nanlingrui languid tunnel.

"That's true Cloud shallow moon does not agree, voice a turn, "but Rong Jing is also such a person!"

South Ling Rui cold hum a, "little girl, you don't forget, you still surname cloud, also not surname Rong."

"I'll have my last name sooner or later!" Cloud light moon road.

"I'm not sure. There's still half a year to go before you, Ji, Rongjing and Guan. If the princess of Donghai comes here, Rongjing will have to fulfill her engagement. You'll have to cry at the same time Nanlingrui mentioned this, seems to be quite a bit gloating.

"Are you still not my brother?" Cloud shallow month a kick south Ling Rui.

South Ling Rui instantly dodged, spit out two words, "no, I don't know why you are so shy sister! I will talk about the scenery all day long. When the time comes, people will not cherish you. How can you handle yourself? ""If she dares to come, I will let her not know how to die!" Cloud shallow month hums a, see nanlingrui to her to curl mouth, her eyelids turn over, "like nature want to say, do I like him still hide tuck in? Do you like Ye Qian? Like so many years did not say to her like a word? If you tell her all the love words you have said to the beauties of the prince's mansion and the beauties of this building and that building, she has not hesitated to give up you now and have chosen cloud Twilight cold as her husband-in-law? "

South Ling Rui suddenly silent for a moment.

Cloud shallow month looks at him, "regret bowel is green now also useless?"

"Who says I regret? What do you know, little girl? I knew Ye Qian was not you. She couldn't do something to abandon Southern Xinjiang. And I'm not Rongjing. " Nan Lingrui suddenly rebuked, reached into his arms and threw an envelope to Yun Qianyue, "well, the national master knows you will look for him. This is what he left for me to give you!"

Yunqianyue was stunned and reached for the envelope. She saw that the envelope was sealed. She picked up her eyebrows and looked at nanlingrui. Nanlingrui said angrily, "the national master forbids me to see it! I don't know what's in it

Yunqianyue nodded and stretched out her hand to open the envelope. A piece of Juan PA fell out of the envelope. She unfolded the Juan PA and saw the handwriting on it. Her hand shook and her sitting body rose to her feet.

Juanpa falls on the table and makes a "pa" sound. Yunqianyue only feels the sound of naoweng.

"What are you doing, little girl?" Nan Lingrui is startled by Yun Qianyue's action, and immediately reaches out to take the piece of Juan Pa. when he sees the handwriting on the Juan PA, he is also surprised. His hand shakes. Juan PA also falls on the table and makes a "pa" sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!