The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 709

Their eyes were on each other, and their eyes were full of surprise and disbelief. For a moment, Nan Ling Rui's sitting body suddenly stands up and rushes to the outside.

Cloud shallow month hands to hold him, "where are you going?"

"Look for him!" Nanling Rui road.

"Where can I find it? Don't you say you don't know where he is? " Cloud shallow moon looks at south Ling Rui.

Suddenly, Rui Dun was angry! I have no idea where he went! He has been to Nanliang for two months every year these years, but when he saw me, he was just like a normal person He has been hiding from me for so many years, but he still doesn't let me know. He doesn't let me open the envelope This man Asshole! Wang ba... "

Cloud shallow month immediately stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, did not have good breath way: "that is also you stupid, do not scold him!"

"You're facing him!" Nan Lingrui opens Yun's hand and swallows the character back. He is angry and angry, "how do I know he is He He was... "

"All right! Where do you think he might go? Is there no trace of it in these years? " Yunqianyue looks at nanlingrui, and her fingers tremble slightly. She also never thought that the man was

"Where is he likely to go these years? How do I know? He never came and went. When you come, you will appear quietly in the palace or his residence. Even if you are in front of him, you will not be able to catch up with him. " Nanling Rui hated and said: "I used to be curious, so I tried to track him several times, but none of them succeeded. At first, when he said he was going to leave, I secretly tracked him, but I couldn't find anyone when he was just out of Nanliang capital. Later, the next year, I stayed outside his residence for a day and a night. The house was still quiet. I went in to see him. I didn't know when he had left. In the third year, he was right in front of me. I watched him leave, and I flew to chase him. Before I left, he gave it to me It's gone. In the fourth year, I became very angry and tied him and me with a rope. After a day and a night, I couldn't bear to feel sleepy, so I took a nap. When I found that my side was light, there was no one left and right, and there was only one rope left that was not broken and bound myself well. In the fifth year, I found two secret guards with high martial arts skills and tied him with ropes from left to right Not half an hour, he did not know what to use to confuse us, before and after less than an hour, and later I also died, is that human? It's not a human being

"He's willing to let you tie it?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Nanlingrui snorted, "well, he said that he could leave anyway. As long as he didn't want people to find him, no one could find him. No, he said there was only one person in the world who could find him. But not me. If I didn't believe it, I bet him that he was right. I didn't succeed once. "

"What else? People in front of you tied you can not stay! You're looking for a fart Cloud shallow moon can't help but be rude.

Nan Lingrui is a little frustrated. He stares at the handwriting on juanpa. After half a sound, he picks up the Juan PA and throws it to the ground. Looking at the Juan PA thrown on the ground, he doesn't seem to be able to dispel his hatred, and raises his feet to step on it.

"Don't step on it!" Yunqianyue pushes nanlingrui aside and bends over to pick up the Juan PA that he throws away. He looks at Juan PA, which says, "I am a father!" Four words suddenly some sour eyes.

She was an orphan in that world. From the moment she opened her eyes when she was born in this world, she met the sick and frail man, the so-called father, and the soft and beautiful woman, the so-called mother. No one can understand the mood of that moment. Now, she still remembers vividly. Her happiness at that moment is greater than the shock after her rebirth. Later, she didn't see her father again. Half a year later, the meeting lost her affection for her father. However, she thought about having a mother. She was also very happy. Later, when she was two and a half years old, she watched her mother close her eyes forever. She told herself that she had her brother, but two years later, her brother changed to a stranger Come on, she thought about her grandfather. Fortunately, although her grandfather scolded her for so many years, he loved her and was always by her side. For that concubine a lot of, cowardly and incompetent father, she is not cold hearted, later from cold to cold, again and again can not help but suspect that he is his father? How can a mother like that have such a father? But I never thought it was like this

She took Juan PA's hand and shuddered gently, though there were only four words written on it. I was a father. She believed it for the first time, even without hesitation. These four characters are outstanding, such as the four characters of pine and bamboo, the four characters of congrun Tiancheng, and the four characters of aloof and lofty. Just in line with the image of her father in her heart, and enough to match her mother, in her memory, such a brilliant woman

"What's your expression, little girl? Don't you even annoy him at all? " Nan Lingrui stares at the cloud and the moon.

"Angry? Why annoy? " Yunqianyue blinked her eyes. Her eyes were sour and full of clear tears. She circled around her eyes and dyed her eyes very crystal clear. She raised her eyebrows and looked at nanlingrui. "Do you want that Prince of the cloud palace to be our father?"

Nan Lingrui is silent.

"Do you want your mother to marry a man like that? He is weak and incompetent, timid, timid, and timid. The old emperor sneezes can frighten him to break the courage, one has the wind and grass moves, he falls to the ground first cannot rise. How can such a person match our mother? There are a lot of concubines and concubines in the mansion, and a lot of concubines and sisters in the mansion. Where is the father, it is clearly the stallion Cloud shallow month thinks of her first disgust to cloud Lord Ye is from he dotes concubine to destroy wife to begin."But he left you and me for so many years!" Nan Lingrui is still a little angry.

"He must have had a hard time!" Yunqianyue looked at nanlingrui, "you also said that 15 years ago, he alone resisted the Tiansheng 150000 soldiers, and later fell ill. Although we don't understand the reason, we can't presume that he doesn't love us. Do you wish he didn't exist in the world? Are you not doing well now? Have you had a bad time these years? "

Nan Lingrui is silent again.

"Brother, we must be rational! We're not kids anymore! There are so many things in the world that have to be done. Moreover, combined with our identity, we are born with the big cage of the cloud palace, and bound by the hereditary royal status. Because of the exchange with Prince Nanliang, you jumped out of this cage, and I was still trapped in it. How much do you have to do with yourself? How much do I have to? So I don't blame him. I even think it's good to have such a father. " Cloud shallow month hand that piece of Juan PA tightly.

Nanling Rui's face softened a minute. , the fastest update of the webnovel!