The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 707

"Well! You are a man Yunqianyue felt comfortable in his chest and pinched it again. She was very satisfied with the touch. She felt that Rongjing was a little stiff. She laughed, "sleep!"

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

Yunqianyue thinks that she should be able to have a beautiful dream. Although the peach blossom doesn't bloom in this dream, she only plays a peach blossom bone flower, but there is better than none. She slowly waited for the peach blossom to bloom.

Rongjing also closed his eyes, until the cloud light moon even breathing sound, his body is still a little stiff, that soft arm, the smaller hand on his heart, like put a piece of iron. Make him sleepless.

I don't know how long after that, the voice of string song suddenly came from the window, "son of the world!"

"Well!" Rong Jing answered with her eyes closed.

"The money gate has been transferred! There is no trace left. " String song report.

"Well!" Rongjing answered again.

"Last night, after the emperor was hit by a concealed weapon, the seventh prince rescued the emperor with medical skills. The emperor was in a coma. During the coma, no one except you and miss Qianyue, Prince Rui and the national master of Nanliang never released the palace. The seventh Prince ordered people to block the golden palace and all parts of the palace. The Emperor just woke up, and the first thing he woke up was to order people to check the prince's house. " The string song also says.

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

Yunqianyue had already woken up when Xiange came. Now the first thing she heard the old emperor wake up was to order someone to check the prince's house. She closed her eyes and instantly opened them.

"Now the little prince dye has taken 5000 royal guards to the prince's house!" The string song also says.

"Well!" Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon.

Yunqianyue pursed her lips, remembering that yesterday the old emperor was going to punish yetianqing for the poison needle. Because the arrangement of the golden palace birthday banquet was yetianqing's, the responsibility was naturally on her, but it was because her words opened up the responsibility of yetianqing. Now, such things happened again, causing Rongjing, Nanliang Guoshi and the old emperor to be injured at the same time. However, mother sun and her emissary were on the hall yesterday As well as the family members of the ministers in the court, many people were also killed and injured, even though the casualties were not large. Even if these things had nothing to do with night sky, they could not escape the blame. Moreover, the old emperor had the intention to abolish the prince, so he took this opportunity to kill the prince.

"The emperor ordered the fourth prince to investigate the matter thoroughly. His royal highness is temporarily put into the prison. " The string song also says.

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

After Xiange's report, he waited for a moment, but did not see what Rongjing had to tell him, so he retreated.

Cloud shallow month think of the old emperor this time not to let night Tianyi full investigation, and chose night sky Yu, why? Is it to let Ye Tianyi not bear the reputation of fraternity? Or do you want to give ye Tianyu a chance? She frowned and said that tiger poison does not eat children, but put it on the royal family, on the old emperor, is nonsense.

"Can't bear to see the sky fall at night?" Rong Jing sees cloud light moon, the face is a little heavy, frown, he picks eyebrow.

"What are you reluctant to part with? I was afraid that I would give him and Qin Yuning that 72 spring white wave expense. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is white. Let's have a look at the scene. Thinking about this time, I don't know whether night sky tilt has the possibility of turning over.

"Well, this is really a problem." Rong Jing agreed with me.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly sat up, pushed aside the Rongjing to turn over to get out of bed.

Rong Jing was stunned and put his hand on her wrist. "What are you going to do?"

"I'll go to Nanliang messenger's palace." Yunqianyue thinks that there are some things she must understand as soon as possible.

Rong Jingsong opened his hand, looked at the cloud shallow moon, "you want to find Nanliang Guoshi?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Is it about Princess Yun?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Well!" Yunqianyue put on her shoes and went to the mirror to look at herself and tidy up her scattered hair.

"Maybe you are late now. Nanliang national teacher has left." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow month hand a meal, suddenly look back to Rong Jing, "you say he left?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"The birthday banquet has just ended. Now the city gate has been closed since yesterday? How did Nanliang master leave at this time? " Cloud light moon frown.

"You can go and have a look! I'm just guessing. " Yung King Road.

"I'll see it!" Cloud shallow moon feels to bosom, empress gives her that jade card still is, she raises a step to go out, walk to the door suddenly again way: "you from today on in the mansion recuperate?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"Then take good care of it! I came back from Nanliang messenger palace and went back to my house! Don't worry, I won't come to see you for ten days and a half months. " Cloud shallow moon throws down a word, open curtain to go out of the door.

"Wait!" Rongjing called out to her.

Cloud shallow moon stops to pick eyebrow to look at him.

"No, you will accompany me when you come out from Nanliang's palace." Yung King Road.

"No mood!" Cloud shallow moon hummed.

"Why not in the mood?" Rongjing frowned.

"I'm not in the mood to see you. I'm not in the mood. In fact, I don't want you much. I think you are thin like a bamboo pole, and it's uncomfortable to hold it. " Yunqianyue looked at Rongjing with a critical eye, and said slowly: "in fact, I still like the burly men. You are not qualified enough. It's just that the skin is better. But I've just touched enough. I think that's all. So, you'd better take care of yourself. I don't have much interest in you...""Cloud light moon!" Rong Jing's face was cold, and his voice seemed to squeeze out from his teeth.

Yunqianyue watched him change his face. He felt that his anger had finally gone out. He turned around without any hesitation. He walked out of the purple bamboo garden with a light toe. In a flash, he leaped over the purple bamboo forest and left the Rong palace.

Rong Jing looked at the Ding Dong shaking bead curtain, and his face was extremely wonderful.

Xiange and Qingchang heard yunqianyue's words outside the courtyard, thinking about whether the son of a family and miss Xiaoyue are not friends.

The cloud light moon came out of the Rong Wang's house and went straight to the Nanliang messenger's palace. It was already dawn. There was some fog in the morning today. Her lightness skill was so fast that it seemed to merge with the fog color. She arrived at the Nanliang messenger palace within a moment.

There were thousands of soldiers in Nanliang clothes stationed outside the palace of Nanliang emissary. There were about hundreds of dark guards around. The whole Nanliang emissary palace was surrounded by three layers inside and three outside.

Cloud shallow moon to avoid the hidden guard, floating body fell in front of a main hall. As soon as she landed, there were two hidden guards standing in front of her. She raised her eyebrows slightly and only heard the voice of nanlingrui coming out from inside, "let her come in!"

In an instant, the two secret guards retreated quietly.

Cloud shallow moon four under looked at, lifted step into the main hall. The main hall is very spacious. Nanlingrui seems to have just got up and is dressing. Her eyes swept around and no one else asked, "brother, where is the master of Nanliang?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!