The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 704

"Where are you going?" Rong Jing grabs the wrist of Yun Qianyue quickly.

"You don't care where I'm going!" Cloud light moon is really fire, just feel that there is a fire in the chest and abdomen. She was afraid that she would take another slow step and could not help but slap the man to death and burn him to death. Can he be more hateful?

"Get dressed before you go!" Rong Jing looks at the cloud and the moon.

"I don't wear it. I don't wear it. Didn't you say I didn't look good? I don't need it. Do you think it's ok? I just want to go out like this to see if anyone says I look good Cloud light moon came to temper. From last night when she came back to this morning, she was a cheap girl. She was buried by him. She had no long memory and rushed to find others to bully her.

Rong Jing's face became stiff and covered with a layer of green frost in an instant, "try your nonsense again."

"I'm just talking nonsense. What's the matter?" Cloud shallow month turns a head to stare at Rong Jing, "you not see me not good? I'm not in good shape, I have a bad temper, I have a dirty mind. What are you dragging me for? "

Rong Jing looks at her with a calm face.

"My aunt understood today that you are a thorough bastard! Go to your Donghai princess, and I will find a man to see me. Who would love to hang on a broken tree like you Cloud light moon shake off the hand of Rong Jing.

Rongjing is still holding it.

Cloud shallow moon can't help using internal force, indignant way: "loosen!"

Rong Jing also used his internal power, but he could not see how much he held his hand, but let her wrist as if she were on the list of a thousand jin rope, motionless. His eyes fixed at the cloud shallow moon, which seems to have accumulated something.

Cloud shallow moon can't get rid of, look at him badly, "what do you want in the end?"

Rong Jing looks at cloud shallow moon, suddenly wrist force, her body is pulled to his bosom by him. He gave her a deep look, released his hand, and went to pull her dress.

Cloud shallow moon got rid of the clamp, and immediately to withdraw his body to leave.

"Don't move!" The voice of Rongjing is not high, but it is slightly heavy.

"What are you going to do?" Cloud shallow moon purses lips to look at Rong Jing, originally lust turns into anger. A great reunion was in her heart.

Rong Jing does not speak, such as jade's hand pulls cloud shallow moon's clothes to her to wear. His hands are gentle and elegant, and he is familiar with such things.

Cloud shallow moon facial expression is still not good, but also did not resist. Looking at Rong Jing Ru Yu's fingers, she suddenly said, "Rong Jing, don't you dare?"

Let the scene hand a meal, for a moment, as if nothing happened to continue in the hands of the action.

Yunqianyue looked at Rongjing's body and slowly said, "let me guess your heart. Are you a virgin's heart, afraid..." She had just said half of her words when Rongjing suddenly put her on the bed and covered her mouth with her hand. She suddenly lost her voice.

"Sleep." Rong Jing pulled the quilt to cover the two people's bodies and imprisoned the cloud in his arms.

Cloud light moon blinked, opened Rong Jing's hand, and said: "what sleep do you sleep? I'm angry

Rong Jing suddenly gave a low smile.

"What are you laughing at? Is that funny? " Cloud shallow moon stares at Rong Jing, who is this! He had the ability to stir up her anger and set her raging wildfire to infinity, and he had the ability to strangle the wildfire in the ashes, and could not get a single flame out. It's absolutely hateful.

"Are you not sleepy after a night's sleep?" Rong Jing raises eyebrows and looks at cloud shallow moon's angry face.

Cloud shallow moon involuntarily yawned, hate hate way: "how not sleepy? I'm so sleepy! Let grandfather let me break the battle, I opened my eyes are sour, stayed for a night to come out of his yard

"Well? Grandfather let you break? What kind of battle? " Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Death row!" Cloud shallow moon spits out two words.

Rong Jing's eyes flashed slightly, "have you cracked it?"

"Nonsense! I'm a talented girl. It's just a small breakthrough. Can't I break it? You don't look up to me and say I'm nothing. " The cloud shallow month remembers just still gas not to hit a place, forced ground in Rong Jing's body to hit, heard him stuffy hum, she just relieved some.

"Yes, you have talent." Rong Jing seemed to smile again. His eyes were shining and his eyes were bright. He looked at the moon and his voice was smiling. "Did you go to my grandfather to ask for the engagement of a hundred years ago?"

"No!" Cloud shallow moon cold hum a, "I was to walk the wrong place, mistakenly broke into Rong grandfather's yard."

"Is it?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows.

"Why not?" Cloud shallow moon white Rong Jing one eye, looking at him, looking at her with a smile, obviously do not believe, she was angry again, reached out to push him to get up, "go away, I want to go back to the house!"

"Well, if you say no, it's not." Rong Jing hugged Yun Qianyue's body, reached out and patted her. She said in a soft voice: "darling, sleep. It took you a whole night to come back. I'm sleepy

"What are you waiting for me to do?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"I'm afraid that you will run to the East China Sea in anger to find the princess for a decisive battle. Am I not worried about what you will do to the princess?" Rongjing is a little sleepy.Cloud shallow moon originally thought that this gentle voice can hear some good words, did not expect to hear is this. She suddenly stood up and looked at Rongjing. "Do you think you are very happy and happy. She is the princess of Donghai. It is said that Donghai is very rich and rich, and Donghai is full of beauties, especially the royal family. Everyone is like a fairy. You want to find a beauty more beautiful than you to hold in your arms, spend a lot of time under the moon, mandarin duck sleeping together, isn't it happy? "

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

"Rongjing, you want to die, don't you?" Cloud light moon voice suddenly Yin sou, such as the wind across the hall, a cold.

"I haven't lived enough. I don't want to die." Rong Jing shakes his head.

Yunqianyue glared at him indignantly. She narrowed her eyes and said angrily, "do you want to marry the princess of Donghai? You dream! As long as she dares to come, I will let her die without knowing how to die! "

Rong Jing seems to have a smile, that one is very low, but it is extremely moist ear.

Yunxiaoyue heard Rongjing's laughter like magic sound. She whirled in her ears. She suddenly tried to break free. She felt that lying on the same bed with him was suffering. What sleep? I'm already full of gas.

"Cloud light moon, do you smell the vinegar?" Rong Jing suddenly asked.

Cloud shallow moon movement a stiff.

"The purple bamboo yard is full of vinegar, especially in this room." Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing, suddenly see his smiling face is full of teasing smile. She felt black and white before her eyes, and suddenly closed her eyes. At this moment, there are some things that can't be explained clearly. This moment suddenly wakes up. In the past, the scenery was shrouded in clouds. Even if he approached her again and again, she felt unable to get close. At this moment, I suddenly felt that his eyebrows were so clear that she could count his eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!