The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 703

Rongjing's breathing seemed to stop, and there was only a thick or shallow snow lotus fragrance in the bed.

Yunqianyue peeled off Rongjing's Brocade and watched him slide down from his shoulder. Although it was the eve of dawn and the outside light was a little dark, she still clearly saw his skin. The lust of her eyes was covered with amazing colors. She could not help murmuring: "is this the legendary blowing bomb that can be broken? Why do men have such good skin... "

Rong Jing seemed to wake up suddenly. He pushed away the cloud and the moon. His wrist moved, and the sliding brocade suddenly returned to his body. It covered up his naked skin.

The cloud light moon is still in the hazy middle of China and can't extricate herself. She continues to murmur: "I finally understand why it's" the color of snow and jade in the brocade clothes. " Why didn't you find out that you were made of warm jade before? If you blow a bullet, you can break it... "

"Cloud light moon!" Rong Jing seemed to grind his teeth, "I am a man!"

"Yes, you are a man, I know!" Cloud shallow moon nodded his head, and his sight moved to Rongjing.

Rong Jing suddenly felt that there was a big stove on his head and body, and the source of the stove was the woman in front of him. She had been steamed by him, but now it turned out that salted fish turned over to steam him. His face flashed a trace of annoyance, and suddenly pulled his brocade, which was covered on the head of yunqianyue. His voice was gnashing teeth, "cloud shallow moon, where are your eyes looking?"

In front of a black, but can't interrupt the beautiful spring color in the brain of cloud shallow moon, she sincere way: "look at you under body."

"Do I have flowers under me?" Let's take a deep breath and feel a fever all over.

"Well, long!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Long you ghost!" Rong Jing suddenly pulled his robe and turned out of bed.

Yunqianyue may as well be pushed down by Rongjing, and her body collides with the bed board. She hums. All the beautiful pictures in front of her eyes are hit to Java. She reaches out to see Rongjing by pulling the quilt at the beginning. Seeing that he actually stands in front of bed with his back on his back, she immediately gets angry and grabs him, "you go to bed for me!"

Rong Jing stood in front of the bed with his back motionless, and his voice was a little depressed, "no!"

"Why not?" What's the reason why he can stop the fire when the moon is shallow?

"I'm afraid of hungry wolves!" Rong Jing snorted, a little bad.

Cloud shallow moon is a bit muddled for a moment, "who do you think is a hungry wolf?"

"You Rongjing pointed out decisively that there was no pause between the utterances.

Yunxiaoyue immediately sat up and jumped out of bed regardless of the open silk skirt. Standing in front of Rongjing, she looked at him and pointed to herself, "do you say I am a hungry wolf?"

"Well!" Rong Jing glanced at the cloud and the moon, and her long eyelashes covered her eyes.

"Where am I like a hungry wolf?" Cloud shallow month thinks today must ask to understand. In this way, every time he reaches the key point, he will brake. He will not hurt her, but she will be hurt and sad. It's a waste of emotion.

"It's like everywhere!" Rong Jing uttered a word.

Yun Xiaoyue held her breath in her heart and could not help but suspect that she just wanted some, and she had a strong feeling to want him, but it was not like what he said. She was like a hungry wolf everywhere? She thinks she is still reserved. She stares at Rongjing, but Rongjing doesn't look at her and puts on her clothes. She frowns and turns to the mirror not far away.

"Where are you going?" Rongjing suddenly clasped her wrist.

Cloud shallow moon does not want to say: "look in the mirror!"

Rongjing immediately let her go and continued to fasten her buttons.

Cloud shallow moon two steps to come to the mirror, looking at the mirror in their own, beauty like flowers, pink face haze, bright eyes, cool teeth, jade face and vermilion lips. Although the skin is not as white as jade, it is also compact, delicate and white as snow. As he said, although he is a little younger, the places that should be opened are all long. She lit up for a long time, only to see that she was a beautiful woman in the mirror, and she did not see her potential of starving wolf at all. She couldn't help looking back at Rongjing. Seeing that Rongjing was still slowly tying her buttons, she frowned and doubted, "Rongjing, are you not good?"

Rongjing hands a meal, suddenly looked up at the cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue picked his eyebrows, fixed her eyes on his lower body, some uncertain way: "can't you..."

"Cloud light moon!" Rongjing suddenly grinds his teeth, and his voice is chilly.

"Yes?" Yunqianyue looks at him suspiciously again. She didn't want to doubt. She really felt that he was too gentlemanly at such a time, not his black hearted style. Once a gentleman's behavior ran away, but not the second time.

"You can do it!" Rongjing's words seem to squeeze out from the teeth, but standing there is still warm and moist.

"It can work The moon was relieved. She thought he should be able to do it. Otherwise, he would kiss and hug her for such a long time. If not, how could it be justified? Thinking of this, she turned her voice and looked at him suspiciously, "then why are you dressed again?"Rong Jing suddenly dropped his head. In a moment, he raised his head and looked at the cloud shallow moon. His eyes were clear and quiet, "do you want me?"

"Well! I want you Cloud shallow moon confessed.

Rong Jing seemed to smile at his speech. Yunqianyue felt that the snow lotus blossomed at once. However, his smile was too shallow and too light, but his finger flicked away in an instant. In a moment, he cast a pale glance at her and vomited three words, "don't think about it!"

Cloud shallow month breath holds in the chest, can't help staring at him, "how can I forget me?"

"The mind is dirty, there is no place." Rongjing spit out eight words, a touch of clothes, slowly sat on the bed.

"Don't you think dirty? What did you just do to me? Why are you so dirty when you come to me Cloud shallow moon in front of the eyes of a dark, tengtengteng two steps to the bed, looking down at the Rongjing.

"Did you? Didn't you undress yourself in front of me Rongjing raised his eyebrows and glanced at the cloud and the moon carelessly. He saw that her clothes were not in good shape, and her chest was covered with snow. There were two groups of snow in her belly. He moved his eyes and disliked the way: "you really don't have a good look. You'd better put it on quickly! It's no use tempting me again. I have no appetite for you. And you don't want to touch me. "

Yunqianyue almost fell, staring at Rongjing, she felt that all the good words had gone down to the 18 levels of hell, and all the evil spirits in the 18 layers of hell were led out. All the messy words in the world should be hit on this person. How could he be so hateful? She suddenly gave her a hateful look and turned away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!