The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 705

"Really jealous?" Let the scene see the cloud shallow moon half ring no language, smile asked.

Cloud shallow moon does not make a sound, just feel her heart has been winding deep-rooted things suddenly scattered some.

"Really angry?" Rong Jing looked at Yun Qianyue, her face changed and her eyes changed again and again. Suddenly, he was not sure what she was thinking. He was flustered. He quickly held her soft body in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her lips. Her face was slightly hoarse. "Yunqianyue, what can't be said is the best, so I'll greedy for you, so you can't get me. In case you get me, one day you don't cherish me, in case the princess of Donghai comes, you give me to someone else with vinegar. In case you feel that night Tianyi is OK and you throw yourself in his arms, who should I go to cry with? So you can't touch me now

Cloud shallow moon some speechless looking at the scene, this is the reason? Don't let her touch him? She didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. It's true that who has what kind of thinking. I have to say that Rongjing's thinking is really powerful.

"Cloud light moon, what is your expression? Did you hear what I said Rong Jing looks at cloud shallow moon small face good some changes, not from frown.

"Yes! Mr. Rong! You don't want me to touch you. Well, don't dye your fingers if you don't. Keep your golden hair Cloud shallow moon lie down, stretch a voice to say a word after closing eyes. It never occurred to me that one day when she was delivered to the door, people would still dislike this and that, like a chaste LEV, and make her really like a sex girl. This man!

"I'll hear you!" Looking at the moon, you are not sure about it

"No! It's better to sleep than to be angry with you. " Yun Xiaoyue yawned. Yesterday, the old emperor's birthday party tossed about for a day, and then fought with the death row for a night. Now he came back and pestered him for a long time. Although he didn't achieve the result, he also took great pains. This time he was really sleepy. "Well, then go to sleep." Rong Jing took the soft body of cloud shallow moon to her arms.

Cloud shallow Moon said sleep on sleep, soon by the thick sleepiness package.

Rong Jing closed his eyes but did not feel sleepy. God knows that he almost can't hold on to her. Seeing her in his body because of him, her tenderness blooms. He would like to rub her into his body, break it, break it, chew it, swallow it, but he can't. He felt that it was not enough, not that the lust was not enough, but that her heart was not enough, and that some things did not belong to him. Therefore, he is willing to greedy for her, let her anxious, let her angry, let her salivate, let her one day have to him must, he do not want the idea, no one in the world, anything is not into her heart, her eyes only a he, no one else, her heart is only a he, except him, no one can occupy a trace. Wait for him.

The room is quiet, two people's breath intertwined together, warm as spring.

When she was about to fall asleep, something suddenly popped out of yunqianyue's brain, which immediately dispelled her sleepiness. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Rongjing, "what's the matter with you yet?"

"What's the matter?" Rongjing also opened his eyes.

"It was yesterday's birthday party." Cloud shallow moon asks, "that three leaves fragrance is you decorate?"

Rong Jing shook his head, "it's not me!"

"Well?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows. She thought he was supposed to have arranged his preparations.

"It's the emperor!" The emperor set a trap to use the love of Ye Tianyi for you and your care for me to lead you into the trap and kill you. That is, the jade girl pool and the poisonous needle. If you want to find the nine turn mandarin duck pot, you will go to his Shengyang hall, and you will see the murals in the jade girl pool. If you destroy those murals, you will certainly touch the mechanism. When the time comes, all the concealed weapons will be sent out, and you will not be able to escape. "

Yunqianyue nodded, thinking that she was going to destroy the mural in a rage.

"Ye Tianyi should have guessed the emperor's trap, so he went to Shengyang temple to stop you and took you to the golden palace. But he thought that the emperor was going to deal with Nanliang Guoshi and I, who wanted to help you and buy a good one in front of you. But I didn't expect that the person the emperor wanted to kill was actually you. In the golden palace, a poisonous needle was arranged Rong Jing continued: "so, after he found out, in a hurry, he protected you. From this point of view, he really has a heart for you

The cloud shallow month remembers at that time breathtaking, the night nature Yi's really protected her. She nodded. "Did you know the old emperor's trap? Otherwise, how could the Golden Hall appear in time to catch those poisonous needles

"I also got the letter you sent to nanlingrui. After a study with Nanliang Guoshi, I understood the emperor's intention. We went to the Golden Palace first. Because if the emperor does tricks on the banquet, there is only one place he can do it, which is the golden hall. When we arrived at the golden hall, we found the secret devices and concealed weapons. So we worked together to rearrange the secret devices and concealed weapons. Then we went out of the golden hall. The national master went to the imperial garden, and I rushed to the Shengyang hall. When I got there, I heard Ye Tianyi say that to you Rongjing's tone is not good.

Yunqianyue thinks it's like this. She asked Linglian to pass a message to nanlingrui. After the queen was called away by Princess Mingfei, she went to the study again, and then went to the Shengyang temple. Under this delay, it was enough for Rongjing and the national master of Nanliang to go to the golden hall to decorate. She laughed. "I didn't listen to him.""Yes, you didn't listen to him, but you were a little confused at that time." Rongjing has no good breath.

Yun Qianyue reached out and rubbed her nose. She felt that it was better not to discuss this issue. She immediately changed the topic, "how did you and Nanliang Guoshi arrange it?"

"That's what you saw later. You didn't find that the poison needle was at the foot of the imperial master's seat, but was it aimed at the emperor's seat? Think about where you were standing Yung King Road.

Recalling the situation at that time, Yun Qianyue and ye Tianyi retreated in the direction of the old emperor's seat and nodded, "well, yes!"

"It's the same thing about clover." The scenery is also a way.

"When ye Qian took a mirror, I knew that the hall was decorated with three leaf fragrance, so ye Qian also knew?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Princess Ye is certainly not simple." Rongjing is not sure.

Yun Qianyue thinks that ye Qian is indeed a member of the royal family of Southern Xinjiang. Even though she thinks she has always been keen, it is still too simple for those who have been in the whirlpool of power center since childhood and know how to calculate and guard against it. She was silent for a moment, and then she asked, "the secret weapon you are using now is fake, so is the secret weapon of Nanliang national master?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!