The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 702

"We are not qualified yet..." Cloud light moon dare not look at Rong Jing's eyes, the sound is weak mosquitoes and flies.

"Well? Why is it not enough? You talk about it. I'll hear it. " Rong Jing reached out and picked up a wisp of green silk of cloud and moon, and stirred her red face with that wisp of green silk.

Yunqianyue felt the itch on her face and reached out to brush it off. However, her hand was held by Rongjing's hand, which was entangled with her five fingers. She used another hand to brush it. The other hand was also held by Rongjing's hand. She lifted her arm over her head and held it with one hand. The other hand loosened the wisp of green silk. The fingers of jade caressed her small face, and the fingertips flowed on her face, which was gentle as water.

"We We are still under age. " Cloud shallow moon held back half a sound, spit out a word.

"Well, that's a problem." Rongjing seems to think about yunqianyue seriously. Just when yunqianyue was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly turned his voice. His lips fell down and held her lips. His lips and teeth passed by, and all the breath in her mouth were fused into his breath. After that, he said in a hoarse voice: "you sunflower water is coming, OK!"

"Sunflower water can not come, I I haven't opened it for a long time At this time, yunqianyue felt like fish on a plate, waiting for people to figure out what to make, steamed fish, braised fish, boiled fish, or sauerkraut fish After thinking about it, it's ready for cooking.

"Not long open?" Rongjing suddenly blinked. His misty eyes looked at yunqianyue under him. His eyes swept over her face, lips and ears, then looked at her clavicle and chest. All the way down, he saw that the whole body seemed to be burning. Then he said slowly: "I see that the places that should be opened have been opened, and they can be used..."

Yunqianyue wanted to find a crack to drill in. She lived two lives and was looked at like this for the first time. After that, she said that the long opening could be used. She turned her head, no longer look at the scene, red face angry way: "destroy the flowers of the motherland is a crime, do you know?"

"Crime should not be serious. No one dares to destroy you. You even dare to destroy the emperor's sword." Rong Jing shakes his head, lips fall down again, to kiss the neck of cloud shallow moon. The hand glided down her chest, circled around her waist, and fell on her abdomen, with a downward trend.

"Rongjing..." Cloud shallow moon suddenly has the impulse to cry, although she sometimes bold and wild, but also divided into what kind of thing, this kind of male and female matter, she is still extremely timid and conservative. In the past, Rongjing and she had not never been intimate, and there had been more fanatical than this, but they had never been like this. She had never experienced such a romantic battle, and her body could not bear to lift up a trace of strength.

"Well..." Rong Jing answered, but he was deeply kissing and caressing himself. It seems to be addicted to general, taste her beauty, breathing spray on the neck and body of the cloud shallow moon, but the broad bed makes her breath not smooth.

Yunqianyue felt that she was going to burn. This time it was even worse than before. She thinks that she will be able to cook one of them today, whether it is steamed fish or braised fish, or boiled fish, or sauerkraut fish. Or if she uses all of them in the spring of 1972, she will not be able to cook one kind of fish. Every kind of fish can be used. It is estimated that there is also her favorite fish in Lotus sauce.

Rongjing's hand finally lingers to the inner thigh of yunqianyue

Cloud shallow moon suddenly held her breath, this moment, her breath stopped

Rongjing did not take a step closer and stopped kissing. He seemed to be thinking something with his head down and his face was very serious.

Yunqianyue looked up to see him, and found that his crescent white robe was still intact on his body, well-dressed, but his face was a little pale pink, and the skin exposed by his collar was also light pink. Because of her kiss, her lips were even redder than before. When she looked at him, she suddenly raised a kind of beauty. She threw away his mature youth and schemed to get rid of him He is a young man, in his prime of life, Chilan Yushu. All the good words in the world can be accumulated on him. No matter what kind of beautiful things can't be touched, he can afford to put them on his body, "the color of snow and jade in royal clothes, look back and smile at the world." "A stranger is like a jade, and there is no one like him in the world." "The son of heaven, the prince of yagai." This is the scene of Rongjing, the cloud is high, like a poem or a painting. Her heart suddenly raised a touch, such a beautiful day, now childe like jade, she retired what? She suddenly raised a strong sense of possession and reached out to pull Rongjing's belt. Her hand moved faster than her brain.

Rong Jing had been thinking about something seriously, and felt the movement of cloud shallow moon suddenly startled and looked down at her.

Cloud shallow moon to him shallow smile, the voice is very close, gentle enchantment, exhale such as LAN, "I have decided! Listen to you. Let's try 72 spring. I think it's better for us to do it ourselves. You can feel it. You have me, I have you. "

Words down, her fingers gently pull, Rong Jing waist of the jade belt by her pull off.

Rongjing's body trembled, and Yun Qianyue's hand had reached into his robe and touched his warm and smooth skin. She took a breath, which was so warm and smooth, so delicate, like a brocade, like his people. She remembered his years of cold poison torture, and also remembered that when she was in Lingtai Temple of Qingquan mountain, she helped him drive away the cold poison, and layer by layer of ice came from his body Overflow, from the inside to the outside, is not that kind of reincarnation baptism into his ice muscle snow bone now? She was suddenly eager to see it.Rong Jing suddenly holds the hand of cloud shallow moon.

Yun Qianyue raised her eyes to see him. Her voice was so low and graceful, "now we think you are so delicious. Well, you can have a taste..."

Rong Jing's hands are stiff.

Yunqianyue's lying body was half up, close to Rongjing, her arm wrapped around his neck and gently bit his ear. She felt Rongjing's body tremble sensitively. She laughed, "well, you say it's steamed fish? Or braised fish? Or boiled fish? Or sauerkraut fish? Well, it's a pity that I can't do it... "

Rong Jing's long eyelashes flashed, and his voice was hoarse to the extreme. He seemed to be patient to the extreme. "Cloud light moon, don't tell me you want to eat!"

"I really want to!" Cloud shallow moon nods, lip leaves Rong Jing's ear, kisses his lip.

Rongjing's breath suddenly became heavy.

Cloud shallow moon from his lips shallow kiss, in a moment, the tip of his tongue into his mouth, and he turned around lingering, Rongjing breathing some turbid, but the body is completely rigid.

Yunqianyue feels the unprecedented tension of Rongjing's body, and she suddenly has a strong feeling. It turns out that she is not only confused by him, but also has a chance to turn the table if she backhand. It's not easy to know! She broke away from Rong Jing's hand and hugged him to pull the Royal robe that was close to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!