The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 53

"Yes, miss, I'm hungry today. In the future, I'd better pay attention to sitting and eating. Where can a woman not marry Zhao's mother also said with a smile. She also felt that the young lady was very good now. She had really changed!

"Yes Listen to snow and listen to rain two clever little girls also smile and nod.

"Well, you are all right!" Cloud shallow moon helplessly turned a white eye, language barrier cup with ah! Just want to speak again, the eye light sweeps to see a pile of high pile of similar account book things on the table, there is a bunch of keys next to it. She frowned. "What's that?"

She remembers not having those things before going to bed.

"Miss Hui, those are the account books and keys sent by the Lord two days ago. After that, the house was occupied by Miss, and everything in the house has the final say of the lady. The color lotus immediately zizizi tunnel.

"What?" Cloud shallow month a listen to Teng ground to stand up from the chair, meal also did not eat, angrily cried out.

"Miss?" Cailian four people are surprised, all look at the cloud shallow moon.

"Why should I be in charge? Bullying, right? I won't do it! Send all these things back to him Cloud shallow moon angry way. In her last life, she worked hard and hard. Every day, she was either computer data or this scheme. She had no leisure every day. In this life, she finally got the identity of a lady and thought she could be a rice worm. Who knows that she sent her such a lot of trouble. She's not doing it!

Cloud shallow month words fall, color lotus inside four people are shocked inexplicably looking at her.

"What's the matter? What are you doing looking at me like this? " Yunqianyue looks at Cailian, Zhao's mother, listening to the rain and listening to the snow. They looked at her as if they were looking at a monster, which made her flustered.

"Miss, are you really confused? Would you like your maid to call for a doctor? Or would you like to have a look at the son? " Color lotus looks at cloud shallow moon, a small face wrinkled together, seems to be extremely nervous and worried.

"I'm not confused!" Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, "I ask you all look at me why?"

"Miss, do you know how many people can't get the master's account book and key! It is said that the day before yesterday, after the concubine was put into the ancestral hall, two aunts chased the prince to the study. The Lord drove the people out. Later, he sent uncle Meng, the housekeeper, to deliver the account book and key to the young lady. The maid didn't call you when she told me something big. Now how can you send these to the Lord? " Cailian looks at Li Yun with disapproval. In her opinion, miss is confused.

"Well, it's a good thing. The Lord is in a hurry to bring it to you. How can you refuse it? " Zhao's mother also disagreed with the tunnel.

"Take it, miss! At that time, the whole palace is the lady who has the final say. Listen to rain and listen to snow happy way.

Cloud shallow moon looks at four people speechless. It may be good for others, but it's trouble for her. Who is not good at serving the young lady, or in the leisure time, but has to take care of these messy things? Then she doesn't have to do anything else. She just looks at the account book every day. Wave hands, "you don't have to say, anyway I don't want these, Cailian, you hurry to send to the king."

Cailian stood still. "Miss, why don't you want it?"

"It's not a good thing. Of course not. How can I be free after all this mess every day? " Cloud shallow month sits down again, this time the appetite of eating also did not have, picked up chopsticks and put down.

"I will not go!" The color lotus pours.

"Go! You don't listen to me, do you? Can you look at these account books and take charge of the key in the future Cloud light moon looks at colorful lotus. Little girl, only two days, she knows how to resist. Is she too kind to her?

Color lotus small face a white, shake head immediately, "maidservant where can be in charge of home? Don't make a joke, miss

"Then mother Zhao will be in charge of the family?" Cloud shallow month glared at color lotus one eye, and asked Zhao mother.

"I don't know a big character. Where can I be a housekeeper? Miss, spare the old slave Mother Zhao immediately shook her head.

"Then you two will?" The moon looks at the rain and the snow.

"Not even the maids." They immediately shook their heads.

"That's it! I don't know a few big words, and I can't be a housekeeper, since you can't either. Isn't this a hot potato? What if something happens if you don't send it back? " Cloud shallow moon looks at four people. She seems to remember that Yun Xianghe scolded her for not knowing a few big characters and not knowing anything. Now she just uses it.

Hearing this, the four men collapsed. Even though I was happy, I had forgotten that the young lady would not be in charge of the family. Among the four of them, only Cailian knew only a few words. For a while, they all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and sighed together. Both disappointed and helpless.

"Miss, you can't just send it back! I can't bear to part with you. It's the right to take charge of the family. Can't you do anything else? " Cailian looks forward to the moon.

Cloud shallow moon white her one eye, little girl right heart is also very heavy, not good gas tunnel: "no!"

"Miss, I don't like this right, but I think that if you take charge of the house in the future, we will have a good life. In the future, we will eat and wear, and the distribution of the government will not be less than our shallow moon Pavilion. You don't care about this all the time. In recent years, our shallow moon Pavilion often has less things than other courtyards. It is not the Phoenix side imperial concubine who is cutting off this or that Yes. Even the monthly money of the maids and maids is always deducted. Moreover, it is said that it is good to have an old prince covering our shallow moon Pavilion. Some people in the other yards can't eat enough. ""So?" The cloud is shallow and the moon frowns.

"Yes, miss." Mother Zhao sighed.

Listening to the rain and snow also kept nodding.

Cloud shallow month and look at the pile of high pile of books, the heart can not say the boredom, think really take over? Then she will have a good life in the future? If she didn't take over, she glanced at the four men with broken eyes, reached out and rubbed her forehead, extremely distressed, wondering whether to take it or not.

Is she tangled when, outside suddenly thought of a light male voice, "sister but wake up?"

Cloud shallow moon hears the familiar sound, takes the hand from the forehead to look outward. A very young man was walking into the yard. He was upright and upright, with elegant steps, a blue brocade robe and a light expression on his beautiful face. A pair of Phoenix eyes are also pale without color. She stared at her for a few seconds, then suddenly remembered that this was the son of her brother cloud palace, which seemed to be called cloud Twilight cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!