The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 54

"Young lady, it's the son of a prince!" Color lotus hastily push cloud shallow moon, "miss want to welcome out?"

The moon stood still. After all, she is not really a cloud shallow moon, let her go up close to a strange man, she can not do. Shake your head. "No, my brother has come in."

The color lotus nods, Zhao mother to listen to rain and listen to snow make a wink, two people hurry to the door pick curtain. To the cloud evening cold respectfully way: "son of the world please, miss just woke up, is eating!"

Cloud dusk cold slightly put a head, lift step into the room. At a glance, you can see a mess on the table, and Yun Qianyue is standing in front of the table looking at him. His eyes are clear and pure, such as crystal clear snow. Although the whole person has talent to wake up lazy, but it looks clear and refreshing. He was slightly stunned for a moment and asked faintly, "did my father order me to come and see if my sister wakes up? If you wake up, you can start to look at the bookkeeper! "

"I'm afraid I'll let my father down. I won't be in charge." The moon shakes her head. I feel that she can't sacrifice for anyone else in this life. Compared with her own leisure, it's really a big trouble to be in charge of the family. I'm sorry for Cai Lian. At most, she strives for more welfare for the shallow moon Pavilion, so that they can live a good life with her.

"My father was worried that my sister would not be in charge of the house, so he ordered me to teach my sister to learn how to look at the account books and manage the accounts." It's cold at dusk.

Cailian and others are glad to hear the speech. But joy just climbed up the eyebrows, just listen to the cloud light moon immediately shake his head, "don't learn!"

"You say not to learn?" Cloud dusk cold surprised at the cloud shallow moon. Is this what every woman dreams of? In recent years, the women in the backyard, whether they are wives, concubines or young ladies, have been making a lot of money and want to be in charge of the family. The eldest lady has studied with Feng side imperial concubine for several years.

"Well, no learning." Cloud shallow moon shakes her head, very firm.

"Why not learn?" Cloud evening cold harvest surprised, light asked.

"If you don't learn, you can't learn it. Where are there so many? Why?" Yunqianyue rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of something. She immediately looked at the cloud and the cold with bright eyes, "why don't you teach me martial arts! If I learn martial arts well, I will

Cloud dusk cold again a Leng, light eyes look near the cloud shallow moon crystal water eyes, clear to the bottom, eyes reflect a strong interest and expectation, almost will absorb people. He looked away from her and said, "your martial arts have always been taught by my grandfather. I can't use it. But you have to learn about this business. So you can't learn if you don't want to. "

This time on the cloud shallow moon Leng. Shit! The king didn't want her to be better, did he?

Cloud evening cold around her went to the desk to sit down, stretched out his hand to take a Book of accounts, looked at her and said to her: "have you finished your meal? Come here as soon as you've finished your meal, and we'll start learning now. "

Now? The cloud is shallow and the moon is staring at the cold at dusk. She hasn't agreed yet!

"When I came to visit my grandfather, he said that I would teach you well and he would take an examination of you in a few days. If you don't want to learn, you can go to guard the ancestral hall with the Phoenix side concubine who has been demoted to serve concubine! He can't teach. Let the dead ancestors of the cloud palace teach you Cloud evening cold head also does not lift, light tunnel.

The cloud shallow moon hears the speech to be immediately angry. You can't learn with this? No such thing! She's just come here. It's been a good day! Looking at the cloud evening cold handsome face, she stood still, gnashing teeth way: "did not say that I must start learning today?"

"My grandfather and my father want you to be in charge of the family earlier. Now those who are not in charge of the family are like a loose sand. I have nothing to do today. Let's start learning today. " Cloud evening cold glimpses her one eye, light voice way.

Yun Xiaoyue's face collapsed, and her heart was depressed and full. "Although you are OK, I just wake up and my brain is confused! How about tomorrow? "

"Are you not confused tomorrow?" "Don't linger, come and sit down as soon as possible. You've been sleeping for two days and two nights. I'm afraid no one in this mansion is more energetic than you. "

Cloud shallow moon stares, "that you tell me first, you want to teach me a few days?"

"How many days?" Looking at the moon at the dusk of the cloud, he just looked back at the moon and said, "I asked the emperor for a month's vacation yesterday. The emperor heard that you want to learn how to manage accounts. I'm afraid you can't learn it for one month, so he granted me two months' vacation. So, you study for two months. "

Shit! This is red fruit, despise her IQ!

The cloud is shallow the moon feels the forehead faintly blue veins. With her youngest and most talented General of the National Security Bureau, it will take two months to learn some broken housekeeper's account books? Tell me how many people you're afraid will hit the wall. But when you see the cloud and evening cold sitting there, you can't help being discouraged. The hero doesn't mention the courage of that year! No matter how heroic she is, she is a cloud shallow moon with a dandy who doesn't know a big character. It is difficult for others to recognize the characters in the whole book, let alone look at the account books. It is estimated that how many people laugh at her at this time! Such a thought, the heart is more depressed.

"Don't be discouraged. The emperor has said that two months will not make three months. He'll give me an indefinite vacation to teach you Cloud evening cold see cloud shallow moon collapsed face, comfort way.

Cloud shallow moon breath hold in the heart, want to cry without tears. Is she that stupid?"Don't look at the account books today. I'll teach you to read first." Cloud dusk cold suddenly sighs a, to the color lotus command way: "prepare brush, ink, paper and inkstone."

"Yes, Prince!" Cailian ran down happily. By the son of a son to teach the young lady to learn to account books, miss can certainly learn to take charge of the family.

Zhao's mother and listen to the rain, listen to snow is also very happy, happily began to clean up the table. After a while, the dishes on the table were cleaned up.

Cailian also took rice paper and ink and spread them on the table. Happy to start to grind ink. Zhao's mother, listening to the rain and the snow, stood in the distance, holding her breath and looking forward to the moon. The joy in one's eyes could not be concealed.

Cloud shallow moon looked up at the shed top, thinking that it was really a tiger down the Pingyang ah!

"It's really a good polish." The cloud evening cold praised the colorful lotus.

Cailian quickly replied, "before my father died, I was a teacher in a private school. When I didn't enter the government, I often served my father's pen and ink.". Later, the father went, and the maids went into the house. They had not studied ink for a long time, and their hands were rusty. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!