The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 52

Yunqianyue sleeps for two days and nights. Finally, she wakes up from hunger.

She opened her eyes and saw Cailian and two little girls and a mother standing on her bed looking at her anxiously. When she woke up, everyone was surprised and almost cried with joy. Cailian even hugged her and said excitedly, "Miss, are you scared to death? You wake up at last

"What's the matter? What happened? " Yunqianyue looks at Cailian and several people in the room. It seems that she has come back from the dead. Didn't you just sleep? But this sleep can be really comfortable, all these years have been busy, every day is like a machine generally not idle, now just solved the lack.

"You said it! You have been sleeping too long for two days and nights. I was so scared that I wanted to go to the old prince. I didn't want to meet the son of the aristocrat just after I came out of the shallow moon Pavilion. The son came to see you and said that you were sleeping soundly. I just let my heart down. " Color lotus loose cloud shallow moon, small mouth still blame her, "Miss, you can sleep too much."

"Prince? Which son of a generation? " The cloud is shallow, the first time the brain can't turn around.

"Miss, you are so confused. Who else can you be? Nature is our son of the world! Do you think it's Jing Shizi? Jing Shizi didn't come to the mansion these two days. " Cailian immediately said.

"Oh, it's my brother!" The cloud is shallow and the moon suddenly appears.

"Well, it's Miss's brother." Cailian immediately said with a smile.

"Is he my brother?" Cloud shallow moon frown, think of that day in the palace only see one side of the elder brother, helped her say a word, later returned to the mansion, she did not see him again.

"Oh, miss, you seem to have lost your sleep. Now you are 15 years old, and you are the third child. Wang Fei died two years after she gave birth to her daughter. He is really the only relative of Miss Wang Ye and Wang Ye! How can it not be your brother? " Color lotus reaches out to touch cloud shallow moon head, in the eye worry, is not really sleep muddleheaded?

It turned out to be his brother! And it's only 18. Her body is only 15

Cloud shallow moon wants to earn, really more live younger. She pushed aside Cailian's hand and turned her lips. "I naturally know that he is my brother, but he doesn't even take care of his sister's accident. How many such brothers are there? "

Cailiandun stopped.

"Miss, don't blame the son of the world for your cold heart. In fact, the son of God suffered a great disaster ten years ago. When he was rescued, he was in a coma for three months. After waking up, he was indifferent to everyone. Even the old prince and the Lord are not very close. At that time, the old prince and the king kept the matter from the five-year-old lady, so you didn't know, and you always thought that the son of heaven didn't like you. "

"So it is." Cloud shallow moon can't help sighing, thinking that the great difficulty must be very big, otherwise how can you be in a coma for three months? She sighed for a moment, and fell into the eyes of the three people and became sad.

Zhao's mother secretly scolded herself for being too talkative, and hastily made up for it: "however, although the sons of the world are indifferent to everyone, they are still good to the young lady. They secretly help the young lady avoid the hidden arrow in the mansion. But the young lady is too naughty and likes to pester his highness. You can't get close to the prince any more. "

Yunqianyue thought that maybe her body master was entangled in the night sky, and there was no one else in her eyes. If her brother didn't get close to her, she would not take the initiative. Naturally, she would be far away. Nodding, "I'm wrong. He's not close to me. I should be close to him."

"That's right. The son of a generation is actually very good. When I heard your servant talk about you yesterday, he came immediately without saying a word. He gave the young lady a pulse and knew that she was asleep and had nothing to do before she left." Cailian immediately received a word.

Cloud shallow month hears speech to press wrist immediately, urgent voice asks a way: "did she give me pulse? Anything else? "

"It's said that miss is suffering from insomnia for a long time, which leads to the deficiency of both qi and blood. It's good to make up for it in the future. Nothing else. " Cailian shakes her head.

The moon was relieved. Her body was in the palace that day. The fourth prince asked for a doctor. She didn't let her brother know how to cure. She felt her pulse, except that her body was really empty, everything was normal. He should not find out that her body had changed. Unless he is a prodigy who can find out and think about it, she is not so unlucky. If that person found out anything, she would not be able to stay here. Such a thought, finally put down the heart, stomach timely grunt.

"I have known for a long time that the young lady is hungry. Please get up and have a meal! Mother Zhao has always prepared the food for you. " Cailian Chuchi a smile, immediately way.

"Yes, I will go to the kitchen and serve the dishes to the young lady." Zhao's mother also laughed.

"The maidservant and the maid also went with her mother to serve the dishes to the young lady." Listening to the rain and the snow also walked down with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon face some red, but want to eat and drink Lasa, human nature, there is nothing to be sorry about. Under Cai Lian's service, she changed her clothes, cleaned her face, and sat down at the table. Her mother, Tingyu and tingxue had already brought their meals. She immediately picked up chopsticks and gobbled them down.

The appearance of eating is extremely indelicate. After a while, most of the dishes on the table are destroyed. Four people were stunned."Well, miss, even if you didn't keep your boudoir's etiquette before, but you're still very gentle and elegant when you sit and eat. Why are you more and more rude now?" Color lotus looks at cloud shallow moon, bitter face exclamation.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent. A full stomach is big. What is rudeness?

"If you go on like this, who dares to marry you?" After Cailian came back from the palace that day, she knew that the young lady had become very good, and she had the courage to speak.

"If no one marries, no one will marry. Don't you? Then we'll depend on each other in the future. " Cloud shallow moon does not agree to hum two, last life 27 did not talk about a boyfriend, is not no one chasing her, is chasing her people should know her identity are deterred. It's only fifteen in this life. What's the hurry? It's good not to get married.

"How can a maid be like a lady? It's OK for a maid not to marry. How can a young lady not marry Color lotus angry cloud shallow moon one eye. , the fastest update of the webnovel!