The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 348

"The young lady in the prime minister's house was born in the cloudy year, the month and the day. That would be better." As soon as ye Qian's eyes lit up, she suddenly thought of something, and then asked Rongjing, "is that the woman who can be the mother of the country as mentioned by Jing Shizi? Qin Yuning

"Well, Princess Ye is right. That's her!" Rong Jing nodded without expression.

"That's great! Night light dye, you go to bring that woman, I use her Ye Qiandao.

"Look at the sky. It's past noon now." Night light dye reminds, "and you didn't hear that Qin Yuning was sick in bed with wind cold?"

"Because yunqianyue is a person born in Yin month and Yin day. If I use the method of incantation, her blood must be used at noon to be effective. However, since Qin Yuning was born in Yin year, Yin month, Yin day and Yin time, her blood can be used at any time. I'm not afraid after noon Ye Qian said, "how precious is Qin Yuning? She's just a little cold! Can the wind and cold kill people? Can you be more delicate than this woman in front of you? I don't believe it! You go and bring her to me. If she is really weak to die, I will prepare for it in vain today. If she can use it instead of using it, I won't be able to do it again. After today, tomorrow's Princess will not wait! "

Ye qingran frowns and looks at the old emperor who is sitting at the table. After hearing Rongjing's saying that the emperor wants to protect Qin Yuning, he hesitates.

"Did you hear what I said?" Ye Qian looks at night light dye, "do you also pity that Qin Yuning? Not willing to use it? "

"What are you talking about? What do I pity her for? " Night light dye glares at Ye Qian.

"Since you don't pity me, go to the prime minister's office and bring me Qin Yuning! I said, she must, otherwise you don't think this princess is easy to bully like, come to Tiansheng to be a cow and a horse for you. If Qin Yuning is able to use it, even if it is the emperor of heaven, don't want to protect it. If so, don't look for this princess in the future. Do you think I'm willing to use this spell? It's easy to use the incantation in southern Xinjiang. If you move it once, you will hurt yourself

"I'm going to talk to Uncle Huang!" Night light dye finally nods, raises the step to the Jian chop stage to walk.

"Wait, since it's not urgent now, let's go together." Ye Qian shouts night light dye, looks to Rong Jing and cloud shallow moon, has no good breath way: "go, you also go. It's because of the two of you. There's no reason why I'm going to make it for you, but you're as free as you are

"Princess Ye is right Rong Jing and Qi smile.

Cloud shallow month smile, to Ye Qian way: "you talk to him so, don't want to see his purple bamboo garden?"

Ye Qian's rigid face was stiff, and looked at Rongjing. Seeing Rongjing's smiling face, she was more amiable than when she was just looking at her. She sighed, pulled her across the cloud and whispered to her, "I forgot! Thank you for reminding me

Cloud shallow moon speechless, looked at her just all over is stabbed appearance, thought she how fierce, originally is also a mouse which is afraid of the cat.

"Don't you want to go together? Why don't you go quickly, what are you doing? " Night light dye turns head to leaf Qian cold face way.

"It's walking! No woman will like you just because of your bad temper Ye Qian stares at night light dye one eye, drag cloud shallow moon to walk.

"You have a good temper?" Night light dye hums, "you and this Xiaowang are half a dozen, who all don't say who!"

"I have a bad temper and I'm better than you. You are..." Ye Qian is a little angry.

"All right, all right. You see, everybody's looking over here." Cloud shallow month reaches out to cover Ye Qian's mouth, see Lu Gonggong has come.

Ye Qian swallows back what he wants to say and stares at the night.

Yunqianyue let go of the hand that covers Ye Qian's mouth, thinking that fortunately she is strong in her heart. These two people are not ordinary people. She glances at Rongjing, and sees that Rongjing does not change her face. She thinks that she is worthy of blackheart, and her realm is indeed higher than her.

"I'd like to say hello to King Shizi, dye prince, Princess ye and miss Qianyue." Duke Lu rushed to meet several people in a hurry. He said, "the emperor said that since miss Qianyue is not well, Princess ye will do the incantation another day when she is well."

Yunqianyue sneered, why didn't the old emperor say after Qin Yuning had finished?

"Little girl can't do it. Isn't there Qin Yuning?" Ye qingran glanced at Duke Lu coldly, "get out of my way. I'm going to see Uncle Huang with Princess ye, little girl and weak beauty!"

"Little prince, Miss Qin is bedridden now..." Duke Lu was surprised.

"Lying up in bed? Can she be so precious that she is weaker than a little girl Ye qingran sees that Duke Lu doesn't dodge, so he kicks him directly. He takes a step and goes to the prison seat.

Father Lu's body was kicked out of the distance and fell to the ground with a bang.

Yunqianyue thought that this night light dye real ox fork, even the old emperor around the big manager also dare to kick. Sure enough, he was the little devil.

"This stink is a man sometimes Ye Qian praised the night light dye a sentence.

Cloud shallow moon some cry and laugh, kick a eunuch on the man, this ye Qian is in praise of night light dye or in damage night light dye? As soon as she wanted to come here, she saw that night qingran turned back and took a hard look at Ye Qian. "You'd better give this little Wang An some points. Don't think it's great to rely on you to master the southern Xinjiang incantation. I have to use you. If you don't feel at ease, I have a way to drive you out of the capital and send you back to southern Xinjiang to invite the king of Southern Xinjiang. "Ye Qian immediately stopped talking.

Night light dye turns around, no longer pay attention to Ye Qian, continue to go to the Jian Jian Jian Xi.

Ye Qian mumbles something. Yunqianyue doesn't hear her clearly. She glances at Duke Lu, who is struggling to get up. She looks at the supervisor and cuts the table, thinking that it will be another storm to meet the old emperor. But what is she afraid of?

Four people no longer have a word, all the way to the prison chopping table.

"Moon girl, how did you make yourself look like this?" The old emperor did not wait for people to speak, his eyes fell on the cloud light moon, and asked with a frown.

Cloud shallow moon also did not see ceremony, weakly pulled the corners of the mouth, the old emperor's voice is also very weak, "emperor uncle, I lie in bed these days to recuperate, the complexion is too bad, is Duke Lu said that I look ugly like a ghost, come to see the emperor's uncle dishonor, so I put more powder."

Duke Lu climbed up in pain and chased after him. Hearing this, he almost reached the ground again. He thought that the young lady was beating her harrow. It was obviously what Jing Shizi said. How did he say it? Moreover, he was not so weak when he saw Miss Qianyue. Just about to refute it, he remembered that he could not offend Jing Shizi, so he was born with a mouth.

"So it is! Moon girl is her own, and what insults Tianyan? " Looking at Duke Lu, the old emperor frowned and said, "how did you get dirt? It's getting worse and worse to do something! "

"Old slave The old slave accidentally fell down... " Duke Lu has words of suffering. Naturally, he doesn't dare to say that it was night light dyeing and kicking. Jing Shizi can't offend him. He can't offend little prince either. He can only blame himself for his bad luck.

Although he thought he was unlucky, ye qingran did not let him go. He said angrily, "Uncle Huang, it is this slave who is not good at handling affairs. Miss Qin in the prime minister's house was born on a cloudy day. He did not look for her. He found the little girl, who was born on a cloudy day, and forced her to come. If I had not found her pulse too weak to find uncle Huang, and ye Qian also explored her pulse, saying that if the little girl bled, she would have died. Maybe she would have bled the little girl, and she would have died on the scaffold. Therefore, uncle Huang must punish this dog slave a big crime, had better drag out to kill! How dare you deceive Miss Qin, who is protecting the prime minister's house, to let the little girl die? I don't know what benefits she will get from the prime minister. Really, damn it

Duke Lu was stunned and couldn't believe it. The Prime Minister of Qin, sitting not far from the old emperor, was also greatly changed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!