The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 347

Ye Qian takes over the cloud that was pushed to her. Seeing night light dye's words, she puts her hands on her pulse in doubt.

Cloud shallow moon heart bitter smile. Sure enough, the lying child will get the newspaper sooner or later. Look, she has got the retribution? She didn't expect that night light dye was really good to her. Heart infinite guilt at the same time, but also determined, after determined not to cheat night light dye.

"How could that happen? How could she be so vain? " Ye Qian looks at the night.

Night light dye angry stare at Ye Qian, "this time you know? You think she can bleed? Is it important to use her blood to track down the killer behind her or is it important for her? A group of dead people and a person who will be traced to death sooner or later. Which one is worth taking the life of the only legitimate daughter of the cloud palace? If something happened to her, can you take the responsibility? Can the king of Southern Xinjiang afford it? "

Ye Qian was angry and suddenly lost her temper. In the night light dye's roar, she turned to look at Rongjing and asked, "she How could she do that? "

Rong Jing is silent and looks at Ye Qian lightly.

Ye Qian took back her eyes and looked at the moon. Her attitude was quite different from that just now. She asked, "Hey, yunqianyue, aren't you alive and kicking? And since I saw you yesterday to see you today, I clearly look at you very spirited. How can you look like this now? "

Yun Qianyue smiles bitterly in her heart. From that day in Lingtai temple, she was trapped in the underground Buddhist hall together with Rongjing. After losing all her skills, she consumed too much and almost lost most of her essence. Later, she was driven back to the library of Rongjing. She read those books all day and night without rest. Later, she was assassinated. She lost too much blood and came to sunflower water again ... Even if she was as strong as an ox, she couldn't bear it. What's more, her body was weak. Now she was very weak and normal. However, there was no gust of wind that night qingran said. She pressed her own pulse and put her hand on it. How could her pulse be so weak? Like nothing

Yunqianyue turns to look at Rongjing. Rongjing's long eyelashes tremble for a moment. She suddenly thinks of the chicken soup and the bowl of soup medicine in the morning. She takes two kinds of medicine to tonify the brain, but the others are about the ones that make people weak. And he had long expected that she would come here to bleed? If this is the case, no one who knows medicine will let her put another drop of blood. If not for her body, she would not believe that she is so weak. As night light dye said, a gust of wind can blow down

Cloud shallow moon looked at the scene some speechless, did not predict, take a step to see ten steps, said is this man! She thought that if it was not for night light dye to make such a noise, would she faint directly when bleeding, and would not go on?

"I need three bowls of blood. You can't be so weak! If you put three bowls of blood in this way, you will lie down for a year and a half. " Ye Qian feels the vein of cloud shallow moon not to let go, frown way.

Cloud shallow moon speechless, she has nothing to say!

"What else can you say now?" Night light dye stares at Ye Qian. Fortunately, he went to Uncle Huang to stop it.

"How did I know she was so weak? I'm not for you Ye Qian let go of her hand and let go of her airway.

"What are you doing for me? What can I do for you? " Night light dye does not pay.

"You..." Ye Qian suddenly turned around, did not look at night light dye, hate hate way: "is I deserve to go? But you deserve it, you deserve it Well, you'd better die. I have to be liked. "

"Unreasonable!" Night light dye chided a sentence, turn head to look to Rong Jing, "weak beauty, you know her body is weak to become such unexpectedly still bring her, what heart do you Ann?"

"I knew that she was too weak to do the task, but she couldn't do it! If she doesn't come, the emperor will probably blame her. Can't you let her resist? " Rong Jing didn't seem to see the dispute between the two men, and his expression did not change at all.

Night light dye face a cold, "Uncle Huang is not so inhumane!"

With a faint smile, Rongjing said slowly, "she was born on a cloudy day. There is a person who was born in a cloudy year. She is more suitable than her. But I don't want that person to be infected with cold yesterday. Duke Lu went to ask him to be bedridden. Therefore, this matter can only fall on her."

"A man born in a cloudy year, a month, a day and a day? Who? " Night light dye asked.

"Yes, who?" Ye Qian also asked.

"Miss Qin from the prime minister's office. Didn't Duke Lu tell you? Or only to the emperor? The emperor took pity on Miss Qin of the prime minister's house. She was ill in bed because of wind cold, so he did not need her. The second time, he sent Duke Lu to the cloud palace to seize the woman who could be knocked down by a gust of wind. This woman wants to track down the murderer again. She has to come! " Rongjing looked at the bright yellow figure of the Jianjian table, and said with a smile: "Miss Qin has been spoiled and spoiled all the time. She is delicious and delicious every day. Even if she gets sick, she should be better than a woman who has been seduced or killed in the street, and then assassinated by hundreds of dead men. Now, she is always struggling with the appearance of a woman? Can the emperor understand this truth? So the emperor probably abandoned her and chose Miss Qin from the prime minister's residence. "

Night light dye frown, face is not very good, did not speak.Cloud shallow moon also doesn't speak, look to the Jian chop seat that attack bright yellow figure. Think about Rong Jing's sentence "can be the mother of the country" played a role. The old emperor was abandoning her to protect Qin Yuning. Does it mean that the old emperor has made up his mind to completely give up the idea of letting her remarry into the royal family? If you kick her away, you'd better die. Then he will give the next queen to Qin Yuning on the ground that there is no legitimate daughter in the cloud palace

Perhaps even if there is no Rong Jing's words, Qin Yuning is the only one who can be chosen with the talent of Qin Yuning and the position of the prime minister in charge of all officials. The old emperor had reason to choose Qin Yuning and abandon her. Now he said that she didn't need to be cancelled because of yeqingran. It was about yeqingran who had just made a quarrel with the old emperor. The old emperor was afraid that he had no choice but to do it

Cloud shallow month heart sneer, if Qin Yuning is the best queen, she is not willing to marry into the royal family. If the old emperor really wants to move the cloud palace and really starts with her, he will weigh the consequences. , the fastest update of the webnovel!