The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 349

Cloud shallow moon hears speech is a Zheng at first, then understand the meaning of night light dye. Although he knew that Duke Lu was instructed by the old emperor to protect Qin Yuning, he could not blame the old emperor in front of all the civil and military officials. Therefore, how clever and has the city government to take advantage of Duke Lu? About when he was in charge of the chopping platform, he said he wanted to look for the old emperor, right? Otherwise, you won't kick Duke Lu first.

Cloud light moon looking at night light dye, suddenly broke the previous cognition, the real realization night light dye originally is not a simple person! Although he seems to be reckless and reckless, she remembers that from the first day she came to the world to see night light dye, and since she knew him, everything has been done enough. She has never seen him really make things out of control. For example, she didn't really mischievous on the first day when she came to the world to protect her and night Qingtian's hidden guards from blood splashing into the scenery garden.

This kind of cognition can not say is good or bad, just feel let her heart suddenly cool, although night light dye is for her.

Ye Qian is also stunned. She looks at yeqingran and the old emperor. She seems to understand. She quickly answers the words of night light dye and says, "yes, yeqingran is right. This Duke Lu is really hateful. The young lady of the cloud palace is so weak that a gust of wind can blow her down. But the slave actually drags her here? If there is no night light dye to see wrong, the princess gave her pulse, after bleeding if she died on the prison chopping platform, this responsibility is not blame on the princess? This princess can't afford to accompany the noble legitimate daughter of the cloud palace. "

Cloud shallow moon thinks Ye Qian is not a simple person, can understand the meaning of night light dye so quickly. She is the daughter of the king of Southern Xinjiang. How could ye Qian be a simple person if she was born and grew up in southern Xinjiang? She shook her head in her heart, feeling that she was still out of tune with the world.

In the past, the belief, benevolence and serving the country and the people were smashed into pieces by intrigues and intrigues. Here, there are only those who are playing with their hearts and maneuvering in the great whirlpool of imperial power. Some of them have developed their own Chengfu, and they are able to cope with the whirlpool of Skynet, such as Rongjing and night light dye. Some people are now passive and have no memory, no martial arts and no strength. There is also a troublesome identity for the old emperor to keep an eye on people, such as her.

Cloud shallow moon heart sneer, shrimp can become lobster, just need time just. Does the old emperor really think that she can't find out his heaven? She was weak again and said with a smile: "I also felt that I was not in good health. I didn't want to come. But Duke Lu said that he was ordered by the emperor's uncle and said that you couldn't bear Miss Qin, who was sick and sick in the prime minister's residence. But no one can do this. After all, all the women in the holy capital can use the blood of me and Miss Qin. If Miss Qin doesn't come, I can only come, and I can't let Ye The princess made a lot of preparation in vain, and then delayed to let the murderer escape? Today, the murderer assassinated Jing Shizi and I. maybe tomorrow we will rush into the palace to kill the emperor's uncle and Queen's aunt! No one can tell. What's more, the emperor's life is hard to do. I dare not disobey the orders of the emperor's uncle even if I am killed by bleeding

The old man's face was as white as paper. Looking at the cloud and the moon, he said in a trembling voice: "miss Qianyue, did the old slave ever say that the emperor would not give up the words of Miss Qin, who was ill in bed with wind and cold in the prime minister's house, ah You can't talk nonsense? "

"How can I talk nonsense?" Looking at Duke Lu, Yun asked, "do you mean that Miss Qin of the prime minister's house is sick in bed with wind cold?"

"Yes, that's what the old man said." Duke Lu admitted.

"Do you mean that the emperor's uncle knows that Miss Qin is weak, and Princess Ye's practice can't be delayed and must be carried out at noon. So go to preach to me the second time? " Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Yes, but..." Duke Lu nodded and then quickly shook his head.

"As long as it is, what is there?" Yun Qianyue stopped Duke Lu and said, "I came back from the Lingtai temple and lost all my martial arts. Later, I was assassinated by the hundred corpses. I lost too much blood to take the concealed weapon. I lost too much blood. I was cold yesterday. I drank soup in the morning. Compared with my so many diseases, Miss Qin of the prime minister's residence is just a little cold. You are ordered to go to Yun by the emperor's uncle The palace has sent me two decrees. Everyone knows that you represent the emperor's uncle. The emperor's uncle chose me because Qin Yuning didn't use it. If I didn't come, I had to resist. That's not to give up Miss Qin. What is Miss Qin? "

"This No, the old man is... " Duke Lu's old face turned grey and found that he could not refute Yun's words.

"Are you too partial, uncle? If you don't know, Qin Yuning is your niece, I'm not! " Yunqianyue no longer paid attention to Duke Lu and looked at the old emperor. Without waiting for him to speak, he turned a corner to look at the Prime Minister of Qin and said, "maybe as night qingran said, Duke Lu must have received some benefits from the Prime Minister of Qin, so that he passed the Imperial edict to Miss Qin and wanted to kill me."

The Prime Minister of Qin's face changed greatly, so he quickly got up and said, "the minister did not give Duke Lu any benefits. The little girl was really infected with wind cold and was in bed..."

Duke Lu knelt down on the ground with a thump, and said in a trembling voice, "I dare not pass on the imperial edict with the help of a hundred old slaves!"

"Since the Prime Minister of Qin didn't bribe Duke Lu and Duke Lu didn't pass the imperial edict falsely, then the emperor's uncle couldn't give up Miss Qin!" Yun Xiaoyue fixed her voice, looked at the old emperor, and said weakly, "yes, Miss Qin is a great talent. She can be the mother of the country! The emperor's uncle should have protected her and abandoned me. Who told me that I didn't know poetry, writing and etiquette, and now I'm a broken body covered with diseases and injuries, which is useless! "Cloud light moon words fall, the prison chop seat 100 people are silent, everyone's face is different.

Ye qingran is surprised. He turns a corner and pushes Duke Lu out. Unexpectedly, Yun Qianyue dares to accuse the old emperor of favoring Qin Yuning. He looked at yunqianyue and saw that she was weak and wanted to fall down at any time. He also looked at the old emperor. Seeing that the old emperor looked at Yun Qianyue with deep eyes, he was very nervous and said, "Uncle Huang, little girl's body can't be tossed any more now. If you don't believe me, you can ask the grand doctor to give her a pulse. Isn't wang Taiyi in the process now? Let the Doctor Wang give the little girl a pulse, you will know. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!