The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1550

The sixth Prince looked at the cloud and the moon. His face suddenly changed a few times, which was very ugly.

Yun Qianyue sat down beside the bed and looked at his face. The sixth prince was very good-looking. Although he was not as handsome as Nanling Rui, and not as cool as yunmu, his eyebrows and eyes were also extremely elegant, especially those with the shadow of her mother jade Qingqing. She sighed, her mother is his aunt, some shadow should be.

"What do you sigh for?" The sixth prince asked with a straight face. He didn't speak for a long time. His voice was hoarse and hard.

"Have you met my mother?" Cloud shallow moon smiles to look at him to ask.

"No The sixth Prince shook his head.

"You look like my mother." Cloud shallow month stretched out a finger to point to his eyebrow center.

The sixth Prince reached out and opened her hand, "don't touch me."

Cloud shallow moon turned her mouth and said in a funny way: "cousin, are you a man? Not a woman? Do such virtuous things? I'm your cousin. Do you really take me as your enemy? "

The sixth Prince looked at her sarcastically, "does a cousin shoot me an arrow with no mercy, which nearly killed me?"

Cloud shallow month suddenly a happy, "you poison mouth poisonous tongue scold me to laugh at me, also should not get this arrow to return?"

The sixth Prince snorted coldly.

"My brother, you've got to settle the bill! What's more, we're just cousins. " Cloud shallow month looks at him, slow leisurely way: "besides you still collude with the person of light warm night."

The sixth Prince's face sank in an instant, "I didn't hook up with her."

Cloud moon blinked, "didn't you make some kind of deal with night light and warm? Is it that I wronged you? "

The sixth prince was calm and did not speak.

"No denial is acquiescence." Cloud shallow month looks at him with a smile, "last year uncle coma, is the night light warm do?"? You led her into the palace, performed surgery on her uncle, and then helped her to leave. When I woke up my uncle and returned to the heavenly capital, she had been back for two or three days, and the time was the same. "

The sixth Prince did not retort, mocked: "you can easily become Mrs. Chu, but it is quite different from you today. It's a world of difference."

Cloud shallow moon helpless way: "no way ah, come out to mix, how to do without a few faces?"

The sixth Prince turned his face away from her and said in a cold voice, "now I'm in your hands. What do you want to do with me? I tell you, I'm not going to help you deal with the light and warm night. "

Cloud light moon blinked, "do you like the night light and warm?"

The sixth Prince sneered, "in your eyes, only like between men and women? I don't know. "

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, the body does not have the image ground to lie on the bed, just press on the leg of six prince.

"You go away!" The sixth prince was furious.

"Don't be so stingy, you are my cousin, I am your cousin. It's tiring to walk to you from my yard. Lie down for a while and you won't be tired

"No way." The sixth prince was angry and waved to open her.

Cloud shallow moon warning, "cousin, I will point dumb acupoints, if you don't want to speak out, you'd better not rush me."

The sixth Prince wanted to open her hand and stop. Looking at her appearance, he seemed to gnash his teeth, "how can you be such a rogue?"

Cloud shallow moon immediately happy, "once brother also said me."

The sixth Prince narrowed his eyes and withdrew his hand

Cloud shallow moon nods, "before he called cloud evening cold, later called nanlingrui. It's my brother. Well, now I'm your brother. It's OK to call a cousin. "

The sixth Prince's cold hum way: "cloud palace and father emperor jointly performed a good play, blinding the world."

"Where is it? I told you that day She looked at him with a smile. "I heard that the sixth Prince of Nanliang knew what he meant by smelling flowers. He always smiles when he doesn't smile. The girls who go up to the princes and down to Nanliang love the sixth Prince very much. How is cousin different from the rumor now

The sixth Prince looked at her.

Yun Xiaoyue yawned and said to him, "I'm not here to see your cold face. If you don't want to see me, I can go." Although I said that, I didn't get up.

The sixth Prince's gloomy face faded away and said to her, "tell me about your brother."

"There are so many things about him. What kind of things do you want to hear?" With blinking eyes, Yun Qianyue said: "as soon as I see my cousin, you like it in your heart. As long as you want to hear something, I will tell you everything. You ask! Even if it's about digging his family's grave, I can tell you where his family's grave is. "

The sixth Prince's face sank again and said angrily, "be serious. How can jingshizi teach you? Do you want to let everyone you meet say you like it? It's not proper! "

Cloud shallow moon eyelids turn over, "you teach people's appearance and cloud dusk cold can really be like. It is worthy of being a brother. "

The sixth Prince did not speak and looked at her.

"Do you want to take him off the throne?" Yun Qianyue moved his body to make his head comfortable on his legs. Seeing that his face sank again, he continued to gossip to him: "I tell you, he and princess Luoyao of Donghai kingdom are good. Now they are back, you can leave the night light and warm and go with Luoyao. Night Qingnuan is just a little princess of Deqin's palace. Although she has a hidden guard in her hand and is the Dark Phoenix of the heavenly Saint royal family, she can't see the sky. However, Luoyao is different. She is a princess with the right name of Donghai, playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry, song and Fu, establishing a state, and military strategy. She is proficient and understands all of them. If you capture her, according to the degree of nanlingrui's infatuation with Luoyao, you will hurt your liver and lung, maybe... ""Shut up The sixth Prince denounced her.

"What? You don't agree? Or are you sorry to rob a woman from him Cloud shallow month looks at him with disapproval look, "night light dye robbed Ye Qian in those years, later Ye Qian was robbed by cloud evening cold. He fell in love with LAN Yi, the leader of the ten great aristocratic families. Unfortunately, LAN Yi has a sweetheart who is Cang Ting, the little master of the Cang family. He did not marry, and then ran to the goddess Luoyao, and now he finally caught a flower. If you think about it, his marriage is full of ups and downs. After nine turns and eighteen turns, he is about to achieve the right result. If you suddenly snatch love with a knife, he will die of crying for nothing? He cried to death, and there was a natural need for someone to take over. Among the princes of Nanliang, you are the most capable. Is it easy for you to take over

"Get out of here The sixth prince seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and waved at her.

Cloud shallow month grabs his hand, helplessly sighs, "cousin, I am to you, why don't you appreciate it? You'd better not move, or the wound you just healed should crack. It was my family who saved you after a lot of hard work. You know, I shot that sword, the world except he can save you, no one else has the ability to save you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!