The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1549

Therefore, the blue family was born, with a hundred years of hermit people re-enter the imperial court. Naturally, the blood of the grandson of an Wang Ye Tianyi is not enough. The red and pink skirt of women is also needed as a bridge. As long as LAN Yi can be the queen, the blue family will be able to join the court in a short time and become a decisive support in the imperial court.

Several elders of the blue family planned to do so, but several families attached to the blue family, such as the Yi family, the Hua family, the Ling family and the Cang family, naturally supported it. Since their five aristocratic families have joined the emperor of heaven, they are naturally both prosperous and damaged. We have to work together. So the patriarchs agreed privately. Support LAN Yi as the queen, Ling Yan and Hua Shu as concubines. As long as three people succeed. Then the new generation of Tiansheng Jiangshan Chaoju five families can quickly occupy a place.

Although cangting and Lanyi are not married, they both submit to the new emperor, which naturally does not damage their friendship. Now the new emperor has just ascended the throne and is busy with the war in Southwest China. He has sent troops to restrain Nanliang and help the southwest. He has no time to set up his imperial concubine. But once the war is over, the new emperor will accept his concubine, fill the back palace and draft talent. At that time, all the young princes of the five aristocratic families could pour into the court hall. The women's palace in the future is intertwined, and the prosperity of the five aristocratic families is just around the corner.

Therefore, the three of them entered the dynasty with the mission of the family.

Lingyan and Huashu have been training in Kunwu hall. They have been together since childhood and have a good relationship. Therefore, they also reached an agreement in private, but although both of them lived in ten li peach blossom forest, they had not been together since childhood. After all, they were not familiar with each other, and they never discussed with her the secrets of such family elders. After she entered Beijing, she did not get close to the new emperor, nor did he see that she was still reading Cang Pavilion. What did she think? They had been together for so many days. So, she left with a gloomy face and could not sit still. She followed her.

When the three came to the headquarters, they saw Rongjing and yunqianyue nestling under the Begonia tree. Each of them took a book and read it. It was clear that they looked at each other, but they were just like one person from any angle. These three days, the bud of Begonia flower seems to bloom some more, there is a great illusion of opening in an instant. The two men were beaten by the petals falling in the breeze. The picturesque scenery is not enough to describe.

LAN Yi stops, Ling Yan and Hua Shu stop.

Ling Lian saw three people come, met the past, she has not opened her mouth. LAN Yi suddenly turns around and walks to where he lives. Ling Yan and Hua Shu are stunned, but also quickly put away the envy of cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing to keep up with her. Ling Lian stares at LAN Yi's back for a moment and turns back to the yard.

Rongjing and yunqianyue seem to have no idea that the three people have come and gone without any interruption.

Three days later, Sun Zhen finished the task of preparing 230000 troops, and finished the task assigned by yunqianyue within ten days ahead of schedule. He came to the general military office to report and give the name list to Yun Qianyue.

Yunqianyue takes a brief look and hands it to Rongjing.

"The jade Prince is really admirable."

"What does it matter to him?" Sun Zhen looked at Rongjing discontentedly. He worked hard for six days, day and night, and got this sentence? I thought I could get some praise.

Rong Jing looked at him, "I mean, only prince Yu can teach you."

"Go and rest!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and waves to him.

Sun Zhen curled his mouth and went down with the book in his arms. Seeing that his feet were weak, he could not open his eyes. He was obviously tired.

Yunqianyue thinks that Yuzixi will stay in Tiansheng, but it helps her a lot.

"Childe, mistress!" The voice of Mo Ju suddenly rings out.

When yunqianyue saw Mo Ju, she thought of her revenge that day. If it wasn't for him, she would not have been defeated by Rongjing. She used all her unique skills and could not use them any more. When she thought about it, she got angry and said, "if you have something to say, just let go of your fart!"

Mo Ju choked, for a moment, it seemed that she took a cold breath, "mistress, why are you so rude? It's not like a woman. "

"Whether I am a woman or not is clear to you. Let him tell you? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is overcast.

Ink chrysanthemum immediately silence voice, know offend cloud shallow moon, dare not speak again.

"What's the matter?" Rong Jing looked at the cloud with a smile and inquired out of the window.

Cloud shallow moon hums a, allow a certain attitude of scenery is to connive at ink chrysanthemum. In other words, he is willing to have such a popular her. If she is angry, he will be happy.

Mo Ju's voice was very weak and pitiful: "I came to tell my mother that the sixth Prince didn't eat or drink when he woke up that day. He poured medicine and soup for several days. He didn't speak for seven days. Today, he finally spoke and wanted to see his mother."

Look at the clouds and the moon.

Cloud shallow month thinks that there is a sixth prince, she from that day will he gas faint after pour is to forget. She got up and stood up and said to Rongjing, "I'll go to see him. Are you going with me or I'll go by myself."

"Two people should be coming soon. I'll wait for them here. Go yourself Rongjing sat still and waved his hand.

Cloud light moon blinked eyes, heart will, nodded, turned and walked out.

The sixth prince was arranged in the side yard, where it was very quiet. With the protection of the ink chrysanthemum and the hidden guards, the six princes were on guard. It was like a wall of iron, and the wings could not fly out.Mo Ju did not dare to show up after passing the words, Mo LAN respectfully opened the door to cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue opened the bead curtain and went in. She saw the sixth Prince half lying on the bed. She was much thinner, but her complexion was not bad. Seeing her coming, the storm surged in her eyes, apparently thinking of seven days ago. Cloud shallow month looks at her, the footstep does not stop, she laughs to walk to the bed, pick eyebrow to her, "cousin thought through?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!