The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1551

The sixth Prince looked at her calmly.

"What do you want to know about him? Do I want to tell you about his shortcomings? " Seeing that the sixth Prince did not speak, she poured out fiercely like an inverted bean, "he has many shortcomings, and he can't count them. I don't like sweet food, but I like sour food. I don't like vegetarian food. I like meat. My favorite food is osmanthus herring. " After that, she whispered mysteriously: "if you want to poison him, the best way is to hide the poison in the osmanthus herring. When he saw the dish, he was more intimate than his father, and could not eat it."

The sixth prince was calm and speechless.

Yun Qianyue continued: "what's more, he likes to sleep side by side. He doesn't like pillows. He likes to hook up with little girls. But he doesn't like girls with hibiscus flower sachets. All things about hibiscus flowers don't like because he is sensitive to the pollen of hibiscus flowers. What's more, you don't look at him. He's very romantic. He doesn't care about anything and doesn't care about it. In fact, his mind is very heavy. He loves cleanliness and becomes addicted to it like Rongjing. Especially for women, if they like the woman, or is ready to like the woman, once he was found to be ambivalent, or not in his mind, then he simply resolutely abandoned. Think of Ye Qian and LAN Yi. That's what happened Then she turned back, "so, cousin, if you want to defeat him, you should start with a woman. He used to like Ye Qian. He really liked Ye Qian. Five or six years ago, ye Qian, for the king of mantra in Nanliang, chased after night qingran. He regarded Nanjiang more seriously than him and hurt his heart. Although he gave up her ruthlessly at that time, it took five years to slow down and completely let go. Later, he was interested in LAN Yi. Unfortunately, LAN Yi had his own feelings. He retreated in time and abandoned LAN Yi. Now he likes Luoyao and takes her home with her. If you pry Luoyao over, you can think about it. He is frustrated and can only become a monk... "

"Is he your brother?" The sixth prince asked angrily.

"Yes Cloud shallow month looks at him, "if it is not my brother, can I know him so well? When I was young, my mother left those years, we were together day by day, sleeping in one bed, eating together. I'm tired of being in his West Maple Garden day and night, and he can't even drive me away. "

"Then why do you You... " The sixth Prince gazed at her, as if he had never seen her betraying her brother so naturally and without scruple.

Yun Xiaoyue looked at him innocently, "that's because you are my cousin! Didn't I say I like you? Do you think I'll tell everybody? I have never told anyone about his shortcomings and weaknesses. "

"I told you not to say you like people." The sixth prince said, "get out of here!"

"Well, then I'll get out of here!" This time, yunqianyue stood up, patted the folds on her body and walked outward.

The sixth Prince looked at her leaving with a bad face.

Yunqianyue came to the door and suddenly asked, "eh? What on earth do you want me to come? You don't seem to have said it yet

The sixth Prince didn't seem to want to see her again. Suddenly he lay down and closed his eyes.

"Cousin, since you don't say so, I'll go first! Let me be called when you miss me Cloud shallow moon mouth hook hook, eyes flash a trace of cunning, turn to go out.

Just stepped out of the door, a dark shadow covered her face, a big hand grabbed her ear, and nanlingrui's familiar vicious voice came, "dead girl, you are so cruel! Even my brother

Cloud shallow moon "ouch" a, reach out to rescue her ear.

"I'm going to strangle you to death today, and make you a man of that country with bald ears." Nanlingrui gnashing teeth tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon speechless, corrected: "it is Turkey, not bald ears."

Nanlingrui snorted, and his hands were strong.

Yunqianyue sees that he pinches tightly. She can't save her ears, so she can only reach out and pinch his ears. "You let go, or we two have no ears together. Rongjing doesn't dislike me anyway. Do you think Luoyao dislikes you?"

South Ling Rui grinds a tooth, "she also does not dislike me."

"I don't know? You haven't eaten her yet, have you? Women, you can't tell. " Cloud shallow month a pair of very understand a woman's appearance, "the woman heart, the bottom needle, the most changeable, less than raw rice cooked rice that day, the total instability." After saying that, she raised Liezi and deliberately killed his scar. "You think about ye Qian, you swore your vows, and then what happened? You've been running for five years with night light dyed butt? Then he turned and took the hand of the cold cloud. Think about LAN Yi, like cangting, right? But now, cangting just said not to marry, she began to plan night light dye around the Queen's throne. So... "

Nanling Rui scolded: "dead girl, you let go first!"

"Loosen up first!" Cloud light moon road.

South Ling Rui gnaws a tooth, "that we loosen together."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"One, two, three, loose!" They both called out and let go.

Step in line with the pace, after releasing the hand, each other back three steps away. Obviously, these things are extremely tacit and skillful. They have been fighting for hundreds of times.Yunqianyue rubbed her ears and looked at nanlingrui. She saw that he looked very good. He had a beautiful robe and a beautiful face. He didn't seem to be on the road. Obviously, she walked slowly with Luoyao. She glared at him and complained: "you've turned red!"

"You deserve it!" Nanlingrui also rubs his ears.

"I'm your sister." Cloud around the remind him, "you under such a heavy hand, careful I tell Dad hit you, mother scold you, sister-in-law quit you."

South Ling Rui smell speech gas music, Yin Yin looked at her, "do you remember you are my sister? Do you have a sister who makes a stumbling block for his brother behind his back, arranges his brother, and shakes out his brother's shortcomings and weaknesses to others? You are a good sister to me

Yunqianyue didn't feel guilty at all. He laughed and walked forward a few steps. He hugged nanlingrui with both hands. He said childishly, "good brother, I'm doing it for you. You see, my sixth cousin is working so hard to get you out of that position... "

"Cloud light moon, I said I did not collude with night light warm!" The six princes in the room roared.

The moon coughed.

Nan Lingrui pushes away yunqianyue and doesn't care about her. He opens the curtain and steps into the room. He smiles at the black faced man on the bed and raises his eyebrows. "Six brothers, don't be hurt!"

"Do you think I'm all right?" The sixth prince said coldly.

Yunqianyue follows nanlingrui, preparing to listen to the corner of the two. Nanlingrui suddenly turns back and stares at her, waves his hand, slams the door and says to her, "dead girl, go back to see your sister-in-law, and don't let her revive the black heart of your family. Otherwise you will cry. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!