The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1548

There is a wisp of breeze blowing, there are three or two blooming petals can not withstand the cutting of spring wind, quietly falling, is falling on the Rongjing crescent white robe, the white clothes will be dyed a little bit delicate red, particularly gorgeous.

It's hard to tell whether people are picturesque or the scenery is picturesque.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly stops the pace, holds one's breath, looks at the Rong Jing quietly.

It was clearly the barracks of a large army. The two sides fought against each other. There were strange clouds in the court. There was a night of light dye and deep planning. The Phoenix pass did not know how many hands were hidden behind it to promote the situation. However, she did not feel cold and murderous, but felt like a pure land, quiet and warm.

Probably because he has been around all the time! That's why she felt warm.

Because of him, she was able to appreciate the varieties of Begonia flowers in the garden. She patiently identified which one was Xifu Begonia, that one was Malus penduliformis, that one was Chaenomeles sinensis, and the other was Begonia stickiness.

Because of him, she felt that the crabapple flowers here were particularly beautiful, even if they were not in full bloom.

"Have you seen enough?" Rongjing faint smile voice sounded, gentle as the Begonia drunk spring breeze.

Yunqianyue wakes up, steps slowly move to his side, look down at him, he had been tossed miserable, sleep for a day and night can not get out of bed anger disappeared to the clouds, her face warm down, eyes smile, quietly asked, "do you know what I did today?"

Rongjing looked up at her, Yingying standing in front of her, as delicate as the Begonia flowers in spring, reflecting the spring water, unspeakable soft and bright. He was in a state of mind and did not answer the question, "are you going to the Chinese military camp like this?"

Cloud shallow moon "Er" a, do not know why to look at him.

Rong Jing frowned, suddenly reached out and pulled her to the front of her body. She was soft and soft on his body and was tightly held by him. Her voice was a little heavy: "I really want to hide you."

Yunqianyue blinked and looked at him, "I still want to hide you!"

Rong Jing picked up her eyebrows when she heard the speech. Seeing her crazy eyebrows, she immediately lifted the corners of her lips. Some slight depression disappeared and relaxed some strength. She held her face and gently kissed her.

Cloud shallow moon immediately to avoid, angry way: "this is the yard, don't monkey."

"No one dares to disturb." Yung King Road.

"It's not good to be seen." Cloud light moon secretly added a sentence, especially ink chrysanthemum that stinky boy, must not know what kind of smile.

Rong Jing gave up, took her body and let her lie on the reclining chair together, and said with a smile, "reorganize the army?"

Cloud shallow month knew can't conceal him, curl one's lips, "you can't pretend not to guess?"

Rong Jing smiles at her and doesn't answer.

Yunqianyue thinks that if he can't guess, it will not be Rongjing. Even if you can't guess, her every move has been secretly reported to him. She closed her eyes and said with a smile, "Lanyi beauty is extremely angry this time! I want to see if she is really dead to cangting Pavilion, want to ask for the Phoenix seat next to the emperor instead. Where is her concern and bottom line? Always throw it out for me to see. "

"It's time for brother Xiaorui and princess Luoyao to arrive." Rong Jing suddenly said something irrelevant.

The cloud light moon calculates the day, also felt almost. She opened her eyes and raised her face to ask him, "my brother came back from the East China Sea. If you want to go back to Nanliang, you must pass through Fenghuang pass. Do you think he is coming to me, or is he going to visit his general Gu first? "

"Rong Jing smile," where also can't fall, why to distinguish a priority. "

Yunqianyue closes her eyes again, thinking that if her brother comes, she doesn't know whether Luoyao is willing to let him do the beauty trick again. Begonia flowers occasionally fall on two people's bodies, magnificent as a picture.

The officers of the general army's office were far away from the two men, as if they were afraid that something might disturb their peace.

In the next three days, Sun Zhen reorganized and reorganized 230000 troops, disrupted the old establishment and rearranged it according to the new one. Zhang Pei and Han Yi fully cooperate with him, and the other generals in the barracks are also impolitely instructed by Sun Zhen. At first, those generals were not very convinced that Sun Zhen was given the important position of Yun Qianyue, but when they saw his skill, they no longer had any opinions and admired his ability.

Two hundred and thirty thousand troops were reorganized in three days. All the soldiers reorganized were selected by Sun Zhen for special training.

None of the staff in the old castle peak city dare to be meaningful. They all wait for the establishment with absolute obedience.

Yun Qianyue, the general, does not go out of the general's office, and Rongjing does not go out. LAN Yi, the deputy general, is the main thing in the army. However, Sun Zhen does everything right. LAN Yi, the deputy general, has become a decoration. Without asking her for instructions, Sun Zhen takes Zhang Pei and Han Yi to deal with all the things made up by generals Zhang Pei and Han Yi, and there are no people who are dissatisfied with the trouble.

LAN Yi watched in the camp for three days, and her heart sank in an inch. She had already secretly investigated her. Sun Zhenyuan, who was recommended by the prince of Germany to the grand camp of Xishan military aircraft, was regarded as the student of Prince de prince. But now she's committed to work for Yun Qianyue. She thinks that Prince de and the Emperor may have lost sight of him. When Sun Zhen was in Xishan military aircraft camp, he had only some small skills. He acted steadily, was not outstanding, and did not bury it. But now he has become the right-hand assistant of Yun Qianyue. His talent and skill are as good as those of a military strategist, surpassing all the generals in this barracks. In particular, she knew the mind of the soldiers in the army like the palm of one's hand, but she couldn't get involved in it at all."Sister LAN, this Sun Zhen is really powerful!" Ling Yan couldn't help praising. These three days, she and Hua Shu have been following LAN Yi in the barracks to watch the preparation. Everyone is because they can choose the right place. She had no doubt that the 230000 soldiers and horses thus compiled could be equal to 300000.

Hua Shu can't help but agree, "yes, I can't see that he is so ugly that he should have such a wrist."

LAN Yi's eyes were dark and she sneered. She stood up and turned away.

"Sister blue, where are you going Seeing that Lan Yi is gone, Ling Yan is stunned and can't help asking.

"Go to the headquarters." Blue wave head also does not return.

Ling Yan and Hua Shu take a look at each other, Qi Qi follows her. When they went out of the peach blossom forest, in addition to receiving the imperial edict, the family also gave them a secret order. The blue family is the head of several aristocratic families. The leader of the blue family and several middle-aged elders of the family intend to make LAN Yi enter the master's palace.

In recent years, the most famous daughters of the new generation are just a few. Yunqianyue of yunwangfu married jingshizi of rongwangfu. Miss Qin, former Prime Minister of Qin, returned home from the Prime Minister of Qin. Later, she appeared as Yexiao in southern Xinjiang after she failed to seize power. After she was killed, she left the stage of heaven saints and nobles. It is said that when the second prince died of suicide in the night sky, she became disheartened. She wrote and read Buddhist scriptures day and day in the Buddhist Hall of the mansion. No one came to ask for a marriage. She did not want to marry. The second young lady of Rongwang's mansion, Rong Linglan, was banished to the cold land in the north with the collateral branch. Zhao Kehan, who was once a servant of the Ministry of war, married the fourth prince The son forced the palace and besieged the fourth Prince's house. He exhausted his efforts and died. Wen Ruyan, a senior general of Wenda's military mansion, loved Rong Feng, the son of Wenbo Marquis's mansion. He did not marry for a day, but she did not marry for a day. She waited with a firm heart. In sum, there is no talent, virtue, appearance and family in Tiansheng capital. The maiden women who are famous for their talents are suitable to marry the emperor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!