The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1545

Cloud shallow moon looks at the green shadow, unexpectedly night does not return home? "What are your sons doing?" he asked

"Shizi and general Gu are drinking." Green shadow road.

"How can Gu Shaoqing drink when she is injured? Nonsense The cloud is light and the moon's face sinks.

Green shadow does not speak.

Cloud shallow month looks at green shadow, "is he unwilling to come back, or does Gu Shaoqing not let him come back?" Although asked so, but think who can stop Rong Jing? Unless he doesn't want to come back.

Qing Ying seemed to take a careful look at the cloud and the moon, and said in a low voice, "the son of heaven said that he and general Gu were as good as before at first sight. They talked at night by candlelight and drank wine."

"I'll find him." Cloud shallow month thinks if drink a night wine, Gu Shaoqing's injury is more serious. He just bit her and said two provocative words. He has already shot people with one arrow and heavy hand. How can he run to force people to drink again? Although Gu Shaoqing is a general, in charge of 300000 troops, he is just a young man who has not yet reached the crown. What a bully.

Green shadow did not block, and stagger the body, give way to the cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue stepped out of the threshold and took two steps. As soon as she was about to use her lightness skills, she turned back and said to Qingying, "forget it, he can drink if he likes! You go

She went back to her room, closed the door and went to bed.

Qing Ying seemed to be relieved, and then left the headquarters.

Yunqianyue lies in bed, yawns, and sleeps in the past.

Not long, someone fell silent in the yard, half of the wind did not lift, Ling Lian, Yi snow did not feel, in a moment, the man opened the door, quietly walked in.

He went straight to the bed. The people in the bed were wrapped in quilts and slept soundly, breathing evenly. The whole person occupied a big bed. He looked at the people on the bed for a moment. Suddenly, he lifted the quilt and grabbed the sleeping man up. He said angrily, "cloud shallow moon, do you trust me so much?"

Cloud shallow month sleeps faintly, the eye also does not open, the body soft ground follows his hand to drag up, murmurs: "don't quarrel."

Rong Jing glared at her, "I'm not here, you sleep so sweet?"

"Sleepy!" Cloud shallow moon shakes off him, body a slant, lie back on the bed.

Rongjing then reached out and pulled her up. Her body was as soft as noodles. She leaned against him. He suddenly threw her away and walked out.

Just took a step, suddenly wrapped a pair of arms around his waist, cloud shallow moon opened his eyes, where there is half a silk sleepy, funny looking at his angry face, "is you one day ignore me, leave me regardless, and tell me that night no home, now this is running back with me what temper?"

"You didn't sleep?" Rongjing turns to look at her.

"I can't sleep without you." Cloud shallow moon soft wriggle ground looks at him, "I think Gu Shaoqing's wine has so good to drink? How can you compare with me? Let you linger? "

Rong Jing hummed, "his wine is naturally good to drink, ten Liang silver is a jar, drank ten jars."

Cloud shallow month picks eyebrow, "when did you lower your status so much, never drink wine, is not not a thousand gold jar and don't drink?"

Rongjing looks at her and doesn't speak.

"Full of wine! Is this coming back to drink crazy Cloud shallow moon looks at the scene, awkward like a child. She playfully pulled him to bed and coaxed, "Mr. Rong, what do you care about a child? Didn't you just bite me and say a few words? You also gave him an arrow and made him drink a bellyful of wine. He was injured for half a month, but now it is estimated that it will be a month. You won anyway. Take it easy

Rongjing did not speak, lying on the bed, looking at her in a deep and secluded way.

Cloud shallow moon a sigh, this old vinegar to eat, can really have the standard. She stretched out her hand to undress him, covered his eyes, removed the ribbon from her nightgown, and the brocade slipped down, covering him with her body, touching his skin, and lowering her head and kissing him.

Rong Jing's body trembled slightly, but he lay still.

Yun Qianyue's hands around him, hands on his body gently pick slow twist, fingertips across, stir up layers of trembling, two people know each other very well, she naturally also know his sensitivity, not long, he came in from the outside, the cool body was aroused by her, she felt his body tight, in her tease shudder, heart proud, rich interest.

Unfortunately, she didn't feel proud for a long time. Rongjing suddenly turned over and pressed her under her body. Ruyu's hand clasped her waist, and the overwhelming kiss fell down.

Cloud shallow moon can't bear him so hot, can't help but cry.

As if she had not heard of it, she was engulfed in a raging fire. People who are obviously warm and moist like jade are wanton and crazy tonight.

Yunqianyue felt that she had broken her waist several times, and was picked up by him. Finally, the sky was slightly bright, and she just got out of the fire and fell asleep exhausted. Before going to bed, it seems that after listening to Rong Jing's satisfaction, he murmured in an indefatigable way, "even a little hair dares to threaten to rob you with me. Naturally, we can't let him go easily." Then he put his arms around her sweat dripping slender waist and said, "in the end, are you too likely to provoke peach blossom, or do I look good at bullying..."

Cloud shallow moon has not even the strength to listen. Leave a trace of mind to think of self sin, can not live, the next time she killed will not provoke him to get angry.After Rongjing said two words, Ruyu's fingertips caressed her white porcelain like face, and suddenly chuckled, "I don't know that you have the ability to ignite. It's excellent."

He didn't seem to need a reply from Yun Xiaoyue. He was depressed and had a pleasant tone.

It was not long before dawn. Although they are still talking about the affairs of general manager Zhang Yibing, they will be able to talk to a group of people from outside.

Rong Jing looked out and said to the outside, "block them back and say that the general ordered not to send troops today."

"Yes Ling Lian and Yi Xue answered immediately and turned away.

They came to the door, blocked the visitors and conveyed the meaning of Rongjing. People have a look at it, but they still don't send troops today? What are the general's thoughts? Are the Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty and Princess Yun not saved? It is said that the general and the Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty in the palace don't match each other very much, but there is also Princess Yun! Isn't it possible that Princess Yun will suffer in Gu Shaoqing's camp? Zhang Pei couldn't hide his words. Looking at Ling Lian and Yi Xue, he asked, "two sisters, what is the general's plan? Why don't we send troops today? Gu Shaoqing is seriously injured. We all have enough rest. Now is the best time to send troops! If Gu Shaoqing is well injured, it will be difficult to hit him again. "

Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi shook their heads, "since the general is so ordered, naturally there is her plan. All generals are obedient." After the words fell, they did not pay attention to the crowd. They all turned around and went back.

People look at each other and know that Ling Lian and Yi Xue are close trusted people of Yun Qianyue. Although they still want to ask again, they no longer pay attention to them. Naturally, they do not dare to ask again. They can only obey orders and turn around to leave together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!