The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1544

Back in the main hall of the headquarters, Rongjing is sitting on a chair reading the secret letter.

Yun Qianyue went over, sat down against him, and looked at the secret letter in his hand. He saw that it was a secret letter about the war in Southwest China.

The secret letter said that night Qingnuan went to Jiangling city with the emperor's sword, and the memorial she wrote with Ye Qian was naturally extremely simple. It only explained that Wei Zhang was old and could not be used any more. LAN Jianjun had the ability and ordered her to take over 100000 troops. After writing a signature, he called Linglian and asked her to send her to the post station and the capital.

After she wrote the memorial and sent her away, she saw that Rongjing didn't even lift her head. She still dealt with things by herself and didn't disturb him. She went to bed to have a rest and ran for several days. She was haunted by him in the middle of the night yesterday. Naturally, she was very tired and soon fell asleep.

Wake up again, it's dark. Cloud light moon opened her eyes, there was no one in the room, there was no scene and stacked letters on the table. She sat up and called out, "Ling Lian, Yi Xue!"

"Miss!" They ran in at once.

"What about Rongjing?" Asked the moon.

Ling Lian said softly, "it seems that Jing Shizi is out of the city."

"He's out of town? when? What did you do? " Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

"Not long after you fell asleep, he went out. And they didn't explain it. The maids didn't dare to ask. " Ling Lian shakes her head.

Cloud shallow moon looks out, she sleeps not to noon, now it's night. She frowned, wondering where he was going out of town? A moment later, he called out, "green shadow!"

There is no sound outside.

Cloud shallow moon and shout, "Mo Ju!"

"Mistress! You call me Ink chrysanthemum appears at the door, the sound seems to be a little happy excited.

"Where's your son?" Cloud shallow moon looks out the window to ask.

"If I tell you, will the mistress have a reward?" Mo Ju asked mischievously.

"Give you two slaps, be serious!" The moon is staring at the outside.

Mo Ju giggled and did not dare to joke again. She quickly and seriously said, "the young master has gone to the enemy camp. It is about betraying the country."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue smile.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, it turned out that he was going to the barracks of Nanliang to see Gu Shaoqing. She said to the outside: "look at you are really tight skin, sooner or later said a daughter-in-law control you."

"The daughter-in-law chosen by my mother must be the best in the future." Mo Ju laughs and laughs.

"I'll give you a fork." Cloud shallow moon smile angry way.

Mo Ju seemed to cough a little, and then whispered: "mother yecha also has someone to love, such as childe, love the mother to death!" Then he disappeared.

The cloud shallow month hears speech some good spirit and funny, secretly ground teeth.

"Today, general Gu is seriously injured. The son of a generation should go to check on general Gu's injury." Ling Lian said with a smile.

Yunqianyue nodded, got up and got out of bed, thinking that since he went to see Gu Shaoqing, he thought that the dinner would be used there, so ling Lian and Yi Xue brought the meal. As soon as she sat down, there were footsteps outside. She looked up and saw Sun Zhen.

Sun Zhen came into the courtyard and said at the door, "please see the general."

Cloud shallow moon takes back sight, "come in."

Sun Zhen came in, respectful and steady. It seemed that he was a man who had been in the barracks for a long time. After he came in, he solemnly saluted Yun Qianyue. Without paying attention to him, he stood up and sat down directly at the table. He picked up his chopsticks and ate the food just put on the table.

Cloud shallow moon looked at him, did not speak.

After a meal, Sun Zhen wiped his mouth, got up, turned and walked out.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue look at him in a daze. They see that he goes out of the yard without looking back. They ask the cloud in a low voice, "Miss, he..."

"He's here to eat." Yun Qianyue looks at the clean dishes on the table and thinks that the second prince of Donghai is hungry these two days? Wave your hand. "Don't worry about him. What is Lanyi doing now? "

"Lan Jianjun went to the barracks under the jurisdiction of general Wei after he came out from the general soldier of Wei, and the dinner was also used in the barracks. The soldiers liked her very much for half a day. He said that the blue prison soldiers looked lonely, but they were easy to get along with. " Ling Lian Dao.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, "what about Lingyan and Huashu? With her? "

"No, they were with Zhang Pei, Han Yi and other generals. Talk about whether you are going to fight again when general Gu is injured and when. " Yi snow shakes his head, "they are also liked by soldiers."

Cloud light month hand gently tap the table top, a light smile, "and hit it, women really can't be underestimated."

They stopped talking.

Yunqianyue takes out the topographic map of Xiliang and puts it on the table. Every city, every mountain and every village is clear in her eyes. She looks at it quietly and meditates.

Late at night, the scene is still not back, cloud shallow moon close the topographic map, frown to look out of the window.

After waiting for another hour, Rongjing still hasn't returned. She can't help but stand up and walk out of the door. As soon as she gets to the door, a black shadow falls, and then the voice of the green shadow rings out, "princess, the son won't come back tonight. Tell your subordinates to come back and tell you that you don't have to wait for him. You can rest yourself!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!