The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1546

LAN Yi heard that Yun Qianyue told him not to send troops, but he still stayed in the barracks of Wei Zhang's 100000 troops.

A day flies by.

Yunqianyue was tormented by Rongjing this time. She had been sleeping for a whole day and night before waking up. When she woke up, she could not get out of bed. While Rongjing was sitting at the table, reading the secret letter in a leisurely manner, she glared at him angrily.

Rong Jing feels the sight of cloud shallow moon, but looks to her. For a moment, she smiles slightly, and her voice is gentle, "wake up?"

Cloud shallow month angrily turned over, but because of the action is too big, make her take a breath of air conditioning.

Rong Jing put down the secret letter, came to the bed, looking at her frown, picturesque eyebrows also followed frown, "I have helped you knead the bones, how can it be so serious?"

Yunqianyue ignored him.

Rongjing stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms and gently hugged her. Looking at her, he complained without half a silk of guilt: "it was you who provoked me first."

What a drag! If he had not made a fuss before drinking the old vinegar, would she have coaxed him out of the enemy? Cloud light moon closed her eyes and did not look at him.

Rong Jing lowered her head and kissed her lips. "I really drank ten jars of wine the day before yesterday. I was very drunk..."

Cloud shallow moon cold hum, less than noon to drink late into the night, two drunkards, even did not blush to say it. I reached out and pushed him, but I couldn't. She said angrily, "go away, I am a general. What do you look like when I lie in bed every day?"

Rong Jing chuckled and let go of her, "you should be active. If you go to sleep again, I'm worried about you growing up in bed."

Cloud shallow moon dug him one eye, struggling to sit up to dress. Rong Jing reached out to help with conscience.

Yunqianyue got out of bed and felt weak legs and weak body when she walked on the floor. She ground her teeth severely and scolded Rongjing. He listened with a smile and gently waited on her to clean her face and tidy up properly. She was still angry and ignored him and left the room by herself.

Sunny outside, hit her body, warm, relaxed a little tired.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue see cloud shallow moon out of the door, are Qi Qi Qi relaxed tone, meet up.

"What happened?" Cloud shallow moon asks two people.

They shook their heads and said in a low voice: "Zhang Pei and others came to ask if they would send troops several times, but they were all blocked back by Jing Shizi. Nothing happened in the barracks of Nanliang thirty miles away, and nothing happened in the city. "

Yunqianyue nodded, leaning against the door frame, lazily basking in the sun.

Ling Lian said, "but something happened in Southwest China. The 100000 troops led by General Chen arrived at Jiangling City, where they joined forces and horses of Qingnuan and cangting at night. At noon yesterday, they captured Jiangling city in one fell swoop. When Jiangling city was occupied, ye Qian was not in the city. "

"Although Jiangling city is a natural danger, it is a small city in the end. With 100000 troops and warm royal guards at night, it is natural to break through Jiangling city." "What about Jiang lie?" said the moon

"Jiang Lieji and his family are missing." Ling Lian said in a low voice: "I was picked up by King Shizi."

Yunqianyue thinks that Jiang lie is the younger brother of Xiaoqin Princess and the uncle of Leng shaozhuo. Naturally, we should protect him. If you don't put out your hand to protect it, who dare to be bribed to resist the heavenly saint?

As they were talking, a loud cry came from outside, "newspaper! The decree of the emperor has arrived

The moon looks at the door.

After a while, a soldier came in with a man, who was Brunei. Brunei is dusty and looks pale. It is obvious that Brunei is coming from both sides of the road. He is in a hurry, and his steps are a little shaky.

When Brunei entered the general military office, he saw the cloud and the moon at a glance. He quickly came over and said, "I'll show you to the general!"

Cloud shallow month to him smile, "Wen Gonggong is laborious!"

"I didn't have to suffer. I just killed two horses." Brunei said, "the emperor wants to speed up 800 Li, but he doesn't think it will be fast enough to avoid delaying the military information and appointing the slaves to come. The emperor said that the imperial edict should be read in front of the 230000 troops and all the generals. You see... "

Yunqianyue picked her eyebrows and read it in front of the 230000 army and all the generals? She took a look at the room, see the scene as if do not know the outside of the imperial edict, still sitting at the table reading the secret letter, she nodded, to Ling Lian and Yi snow command, "drum, raise the account!"

"Yes Ling Lian and Yi Xue went immediately.

Yunqianyue walked out. Brunei took a look at the house and immediately followed her with the imperial edict.

When he arrived at the Chinese army camp, the 100000 troops and horses brought by Yun Qianyue from Xishan military aircraft camp and Yulongshan new barracks, as well as 30000 soldiers and horses captured in the attack of Fenghuang pass, and 100000 troops and horses of Weizhang in Qingshan city.

LAN Yi, Hua Shu, Ling Yan, Sun Zhen, Zhang Pei and Han Yi have all been waiting.

As soon as Yunqian Yuepu arrived, everyone's eyes were fixed on her. Breeze blowing, purple soft smoke Luo like nine, the sky spread out the purple haze, wrapped in the beautiful people, such as weaving and dyeing painting. There was an amazing look in everyone's eyes. In the past, it was as cool as a dust laden sword and piled with ice and snow. Today, it seems that the ice is gone and the jade is broken. It is soft and beautiful, like a weak willow and a strong wind.

Two hundred and thirty thousand soldiers held their breath.Zhang Pei, Han Yi and others have never seen such a cloud moon. When they saw her, they did not regard her as a woman. Although she has been a general in everyone's mind since the March. Now, seeing her like this, all of them were in a daze. After a while, they all woke up in a hurry. They did not dare to see the words of Brunei. They took out the imperial edict and read aloud, "I am very glad to know that the general has captured Fenghuang pass in one fell swoop. The general's victory in the first battle, praised our heavenly saints and rewarded our military prestige. It's a great achievement. I'll write it down first. I'll give it back to you in the future. I will reward all the officers and men who have made contributions in this war. "

All of a sudden, the soldiers cheered.

Brunei paused and continued to read, "Wei Zhang, the commander-in-chief of Castle Peak City, has been guarding castle peak city for 15 years with great achievements. Now that I am old, I can't go to the battle to kill the enemy any more. I'm not worried enough, so I'm seriously injured. Now I'm allowed to return to Beijing to recuperate. After the injury is good, I'll choose a job. His 100000 troops were under the command of the general. LAN Jianjun saved the life of Wei Zongbing, and saved my Tiansheng old minister from death. He was promoted to the rank of deputy general to assist the general in conquering the south. That's it

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