The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1539

No sound came out of the room. Suddenly, he turned to send people. Walking to the door, I come across Lanyi, Lingyan and Huashu. She said to the three people: "my miss and the son of the world are still awake! If there is nothing urgent, come back at noon! "

LAN Yi looked at Ling Lian and said, "it's time to wait for the army of Gu Shaoqing in the afternoon."

Ling Lian thought for a moment and said, "just now the commander-in-chief of Castle Peak city has come to report to me that the young lady and the son of a generation are still asleep. They want to come from a position of opinion. There's no need to worry

LAN Yi didn't speak, but stopped and didn't go in.

"Why? Sister Lingyan, do you think she looks like you Hua Shu looks at Ling Lian and asks Ling Yan.

Ling Yan looked at Ling Lian suspiciously and nodded, "it's something like. What's your name? "

Ling Lian hung down her head, "there are more people in the world. My servant is just a small person. I can't compare with deputy general Ling."

Ling Yan looks at Ling Lian. Most women frown and close their eyes. When they meet them, they feel lower and bend down. However, she has always been upright and looks like a lady more than other girls. But she knew that yunqianyue was different from ordinary people. Naturally, she and Rongjing's maid were not comparable to those of ordinary people in Beijing. Even if they are married, even if it is the son of a rich family, they all scramble to be a proper wife, so they don't ask any more.

Blue Yi suddenly way: "is call Ling Lian?"

Lingyan suddenly a Zheng, open eyes, "you call Ling Lian?"

Ling Lian pulled the corners of her mouth and said, "maid is the spirit of aura. The curtain of bead curtain is the name given by miss. It has nothing to do with the Ling family, the top ten families. "

Ling Yan was stunned again. She seemed to be relieved and said with a smile, "what do I say? If you are really Ling Lian How could she? "

Hua Shu, who had not spoken, looked at Ling Lian carefully and said, "but it's really like it."

"I don't think so. When you were a child, you didn't see the Ling family following the little master of the Red Pavilion when you were a child. Her eyebrows and eyes are deeper than hers, and her earlobes seem to be bigger. " Ling Yan seemed to see Ling Lian more and more. She waved her hand and said, "one hundred years ago, in addition to one left by sister Lan's family, there were some insignificant branches in our family. One or two people didn't want to remain in seclusion, but they all lost their trace. She was probably a descendant of a branch."

Hua Shu nodded and stopped talking.

LAN Yi took a deep look at Ling Lian and said, "since King Shizi and his concubine haven't woken up yet, let's go and see general Wei! It's not good to hang people out there

They nodded.

Blue Yi walked two steps, as if carelessly said, "there is a Yi snow."

"Yi Xue? Sister LAN Yi is talking about the Yi family? " Lingyandao.

"No, it's a maid who is the same as the spirit curtain beside the princess jingshizi." LAN Yi Dao.

Lingyan looked back doubtfully. Seeing that Ling Lian didn't seem to hear the three people's words, she turned her head and walked back, leaving her a figure of the back. She frowned, "is there such a coincidence?"

"It's no surprise that there are coincidences, because she is a cloud moon." LAN Yi Dao.

"But it's not right. If she is, will she not change her maidservant's name? You're not afraid to get into trouble? " Ling Yan couldn't figure it out. She shook her head and said, "she's not. If so, isn't it that Yun Qianyue has something to do with Mrs. Chu? Brother Chu and Mrs. Chu are said to have visited the island in the East China Sea. Otherwise, with the relationship between her and Nanliang, where can Tiansheng attack Fenghuang pass? "

"Seeing may not be true, hearing may not be empty. The simpler it is, the easier it is to hoodwink the world. It's hard to tell. " Light blue ripples.

Ling Yan and Hua Shu take a look at each other and feel that it is really reasonable and do not speak any more.

LAN Yi doesn't speak any more. Her voice was not high, but it was not low. If she spoke normally, she did not seem to want to avoid people. People with excellent natural ears and eyes could hear clearly from a distance, such as the cloud, the moon and the scenery in the main hall of the headquarters.

Yunqianyue and Rongjing have actually got up and cleaned up, but they didn't leave the room.

Cloud shallow moon heard LAN Yi's words and chuckled, "she is some things in the heart understand, but don't know in the end how to think, she and cangting have been impossible. It's hard to say who will be in the future. "

"The blue family may want her to be queen Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow month was surprised for a while, then said, "the noble daughter of a family of hundreds of years, the identity should also be."

"It depends on her life! If you want something else, you can't get it by marriage. " The tone of Rongjing is casual.

Cloud shallow moon looked at him, some funny, did not speak.

At this time, outside came a rapid cry, "newspaper! The general, Gu Shaoqing of Nanliang, has 300000 soldiers and horses thirty miles away. "

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, "is it morning now? How fast Gu Shaoqing has come

"Go out and have a look." Rongjing holds the hand of cloud and moon.

Cloud shallow moon nods, follow Rong Jing to go out.Two people out of the door, Ling Lian and Yi Xue ran over in a hurry. Ling Lian was about to speak. Yun Xiaoyue waved her hand to her, "your identity is OK. People will know it when they know it. What if you know? Don't worry about it. "

Ling Lian nodded, and her eyebrows suddenly dispersed.

Rong Jing and Yun Qianyue came out of the general military office. They were not far away when a group of people came to the headquarters. Naturally, they were people with official positions in the barracks, including Zhang Pei and Han Yi, who were newly appointed as Zhonglang generals, and Sun Zhen, a school captain.

When Zhang Pei saw Yun Qianyue, he immediately said in a loud voice: "general, it is said that the blood sucking General of Nanliang has taken 300000 people with him. Shall we go out of the city to fight?" Without waiting for Yun Xiaoyue to speak, he said in a loud voice: "general, if you are going to fight, please send me to take the lead! I'll meet the general for a while

"Mr. Han, you can't even beat the maids of the general's men. Do you want to go to meet the blood sucking general? Don't lose face. " Han Yi sniffed at him, "we counted the 30000 people we took in yesterday, but now only 130000 people are in the city. It's not easy to fight a battle against another 300000 people. "

"What are you afraid of? The general again shot an arrow like yesterday. If we shoot the main brain and the rest of the troops are lax, we won. " Zhang Pei takes a look at Ling Lian behind Yun Qianyue. He remembers that she has stepped on her feet, and some of them have no face. He quickly stops looking at her.

"The general fired four arrows yesterday to get one shot." Han Yi said.

"It's OK to shoot ten arrows, as long as one arrow is accurate. Anyway, we didn't see the heroic posture of the general yesterday. Today, we'll see how the generals draw bows and arrows, so we can learn from them. " Zhang Peidao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!