The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1538

Yunqianyue looked at the sixth Prince passed out, shook his head, picked up the tea, slowly drank a mouthful, felt that the tea taste very good.

Rongjing opened his eyes and looked at her with a smile.

Cloud shallow month puts down tea cup, murmurs to him, "also too useless, I just said a few words, he fainted."

Rong Jing was amused and reminded her, "what you said is all the secrets of the world."

Cloud shallow moon Gaga mouth, "no matter how good the tea drink too much also has no taste, the secret Xin is hidden, tucked in is a secret, once spread out exposed to the sun, chewing and chewing will not taste."

Rongjing chuckles.

Cloud shallow moon calls out to the outside, "Ling Lian, Yi Xue!"

"Miss!" Wensheng and Wensheng ran in immediately.

"Move him down, and you'll keep watching. No one can touch him without my permission Cloud shallow month command, words fall, suddenly put a wave hand, give up the idea, "forget it, you are a woman, after all inconvenient." She said to Rongjing, "use ink chrysanthemum and ink haze! how? The two of them seemed to be very busy looking for something to do for them.

The most important thing is that Mo Ju and Mo LAN look at it, and she is at ease. Ling Lian and Yi Xue are sometimes not rivals of some people.

"Good!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile and said in a warm voice, "do you hear me? Come in and take people away. "

There was a smile from Mo Ju outside, and she said, "yes, my mother has orders. I can't help it." Words fall, he "whoosh" into the room, and then floated out, the bed for an instant no six Prince's figure.

"Where did you find such a treasure?" Cloud light moon can't help laughing.

Rong Jing reached out and rubbed his forehead, "pick it up casually."

Cloud shallow moon curls mouth, how can he not pick up such a person? To Ling Lian and Yi Xue, wave hands, "have a meal!"

They made the bed, changed the new bedding, and walked down with a smile. After a while, they brought the food.

In front of them, a banquet was set up to reward the three armies. Soldiers in the barracks drank and ate meat in large quantities. The noise was heard in the headquarters. Rongjing and yunqianyue each carried a glass of wine and touched it gently. They drank a lot unconsciously.

After the meal, Ling Lian and Yi Xue clean up the leftovers.

Cloud shallow moon some drunk to stand up, stretched out his arm lazily to embrace Rongjing, soft and soft way: "sleep?"

Rong Jingyu Yan Weixun, eyes also dyed silk drunk, side head looking at her, honey lips wine fragrance light vomit, "sleep!"

Cloud shallow month looks at him, can't help but be bewitched, "use me to hold you to bed?"

Rong Jing raised her eyebrows, "what do you say?" Cloud shallow moon thinks this is what words? Is it used or not? Based on the fact that she was carried to bed every time, she should also feel what it was like to hold someone to bed, so she stretched out her hand to hold him. Unfortunately, before her hand was reached, she was beaten down impolitely by Rongjing, and then her body lightened and she was held in his arms. She couldn't help staring.

Rong Jing looked down at her and said, "some things are done by men. Don't rush to do them."

Cloud light moon hummed softly.

Rongjing put her on the bed and covered her body. Cloud shallow month suddenly a roll, roll to the bed, Rongjing pick eyebrows to look at her, she raised eyebrows, witty way: "fight? Who is better than who is listening to today? "

"Are you sure?" Rong Jing measured his body and raised his eyebrows on the bed.

"Sure." Cloud shallow moon way: "barehanded, close combat, no internal force, you are not necessarily my opponent."

Rong Jing hooked up his lips and said, "originally I wanted you to rest tonight, but I think you have great strength, so..."

Before his words fell, Yun Qianyue hit him with an inverted hook. He flashed sideways and just flashed by. Yun's foot kicked him in front of his face. He could only turn his side again. Yun Qianyue did not give him a chance to breathe, so he continued to take moves. He was not polite. Let the scene hide left and right, although hide quickly, but do not show the slightest effort.

Two people, you come and I go, the bed as a battlefield.

About half an hour later, yunqianyue didn't meet Rongjing's corner of dress. She felt that she should take out the ability to look after her family. Then suddenly a handstand, head to Rong Jing straight down. Rong Jing is stunned. If he dodges her, she will fall to the ground. Naturally, he can't but reach out to hold her. Yun Xiaoyue's treacherous plan succeeds. He puts his hand around his neck, and with a little ingenuity, she can crush him under his body.

At this time, the voice of Mo Ju came from outside, which seemed to be a little bitter, "childe, mistress, you Is it too intense? I'm so full that I don't know how hungry I am. Don't you have a daughter-in-law? You should be quiet... "

The cloud shallow month hears the speech to immediately vent the gas.

Rong Jing turned her body and pressed her under the body.

It's too late to think about it again. She is very angry and scolds the outside, "moju, wait for me to find ten daughters-in-law for you."

Ink chrysanthemum voice suddenly weak down, a moment later, with a very small voice: "ten daughter-in-law subordinates can not cope with it, one on the line, thank the housewife first."

Cloud shallow moon breath hold in the heart, take back sight, stare at Rong Jing.

Rong Jing Mou is a deep smile, extremely happy to the outside: "I give you a gong.""Thank you Mo Ju laughs and flatters, "I didn't expect master son's bed Kung Fu is also excellent. I've taken it." The words fall, the person seems to slip away to the cat.

Cloud shallow moon is short of breath and laughs, this ink chrysanthemum, Liang Zi knot big!

Rong Jing coughs gently, looks at the face of the cloud light moon black down, skillfully lowers the head to kiss, lightly unties Luo Shang.

If the skin of jade is close to each other, the soft tent is warm in spring.

In the middle of the night, the feast for the three armies was stopped, and the soldiers were ordered to rest. Sleep naturally and safely.

Lanyi was filled with a lot of wine, Lingyan and Huashu did not drink less. Lanyi sat in the hall and watched a group of people fall asleep when they were drunk. Her eyes were in a trance.

Ling Yan and Hua Shu stood up and approached her, "sister LAN, do you really listen to the command of the general to rest? If the whole city is resting, don't you worry about the enemy's sneak attack? Is it not a good thing to be so slack after a great victory? "

Blue Yi looked at two people one eye, slightly drunk eye light break scattered two points sober, light way: "cloud shallow moon is a general, she said how to how, listen to her."

Ling Yan and Hua Shu looked at her and glanced at the crooked people in the hall, "but..."

"No, but." LAN Yi waved to them, got up, stood up and went out, "we also go back to have a rest."

The two looked at each other and followed her up.

After the three left, one of the sleeping group suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were not half drunk. In a moment, he closed his eyes again, muttered something, and went on to sleep.

The next day, Ling Lian's voice sounded softly outside, "Miss, the commander-in-chief of Castle Peak City, Wei Zhang, requests to see you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!