The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1540

Han Yi doesn't speak any more. He looks at Xiangyun Qianyue.

Cloud shallow month waits for two people to fall, just slowly leisurely ground opens a mouth, "today we do not face a battle."

Zhang Pei says, "ah," and Han Yi and the others look at her.

"We came from the capital city thousands of miles, and without slacking down we occupied the Phoenix pass. We were exhausted. It's not suitable for another fight. " Cloud light moon road.

"Is it just waiting for Gu Shaoqing to attack the city with 300000 troops?" Zhang Pei couldn't hide his words and immediately asked.

Yun Xiaoyue shook her head, "how can we be 130000 people? Isn't there a hundred thousand troops of general Wei? " After that, she said in a clear voice: "Sun Zhen, go to tell the general soldier of Wei Zhang that we were tired yesterday. Today we sent him out to watch the enemy's array in the rear. Although Gu Shaoqing has a great reputation, he is just a little boy. General Wei Zhang is an old general. At that time, Fenghuang pass was able to use his wisdom to hurt the national master of Nanliang. It can be seen that Fenghuang pass really has the ability. Jing Shizi and I have been admiring him all the time. Today, I'll also see how the veteran can perform. "

"Yes, I'm going." Sun Zhen immediately said.

They had a good night's rest after eating and drinking a lot yesterday. They were all full of blood. Today, when Gu Shaoqing came to do a big job, they did not expect that Yun Qianyue would not send troops. They all let out a breath, but they did not dare to refute it.

"Let's go! Let's go to the wall. " Cloud shallow moon speak, go to the wall.

They were followed by two people. They felt that the figure of one in front was elegant and picturesque, and the other was in purple. Even though they came from the capital and followed them for several days, they still felt that they could not see enough. Admiration for those two people's calm and relaxed posture from the bottom of my heart.

Soon, a group of people climbed the wall.

Yunqianyue went in and out of Fenghuang pass several times, but did not climb the wall. Now there were footsteps behind him, and everyone looked back.

LAN Yi, Ling Yan and Hua Shu went to the city wall. The three women are beautiful, although also have the ability, but the lack of cloud shallow moon Qinghua and the quiet in the bone. All the people looked at it and turned their heads.

"General!" LAN Yi came to the city wall and bowed his hand to Yun Qianyue. "How could the 100000 soldiers of general Wei get Gu Shaoqing's 300000 troops? Now you let him go to war, isn't it with less to more? These three times the number of troops and horses is not a trivial matter. How can general Wei win? "

Cloud shallow moon slowly turned back, looking at LAN Yi, "blue Jian Jun underestimated Wei Zongbing. He guarded Qingshan city for more than ten years, and the soldiers of Nanliang didn't step into Qingshan city. That's the ability. " After that, she said, "who said he was going to fight on his own? Don't we all watch the enemy's battle here for him? "

LAN Yi looked at Yun Qianyue and said, "Gu Shaoqing, commander-in-chief at the age of ten, calmed down a rebellion of vassal kings in Nanliang. He made great contributions and became a general. In the history of Nanliang, it has to be said that Wei Zhang's soldiers were pulled out, and the ranks were neat. Everyone's killing was no less than Gu Shaoqing's soldiers and horses. After a short period of time, 100000 soldiers and horses formed a long formation two miles below the city, waiting for Gu Shaoqing to arrive.

After two sticks of incense, Gu Shaoqing's 300000 troops came to the city.

Gu Shaoqing was sitting on his horse. Two horses tied two women behind him. Both of them were hanging upside down. They could not see their faces. However, it was clear that one was wearing the clothes of Empress Dowager Ming and the other was wearing the clothes of Princess Yun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!