The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1537

After a while, LAN Yi and Sun Zhen come to the door. They see Ling Lian and Yi Xue guarding the door. LAN Yi looks at them, stops and says in a clear voice, "Lan Yi wants to see the general."

"Miss, LAN Jianjun and sun Xiaowei are here. Please come in." Ling Lian Dao.

LAN Yi and Sun Zhen walk into the main hall. They see the sixth Prince lying unconscious on the bed. LAN Yi picks her eyebrows. Sun Zhen bowed his head to meet Yun Qianyue and Rongjing.

"Has everything been dealt with properly? Hard work Cloud light moon lazy tunnel.

"The rectification has been completed, but we can not afford to be a general." LAN Yi looks away from the bed, looks at Yun Qianyue and says, "now that the casualties have been counted, the soldiers and generals have been rectified, and the people of Fenghuang pass have been pacified. But these are all thanks to Sun Zhen. I'm afraid the emperor and an Wang don't know that there is such a capable person hidden in the Xishan military aircraft camp, but there are only a small captain, so there are no talents. His means are not inferior to that of a general. In half an hour, he has done what the general has told him. "

"Oh?" Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrows, looks at Sun Zhen, "Sun Zhen has its ability?"

Sun Zhen quickly bowed his hand in fear. "General LAN exaggerates that villains have some skills, but these things can be done by several deputy generals and participating generals in the barracks who follow the general. But the general called the villain, and the villain thought of the first battle of the general. Naturally, if he wanted to do a good job, he did his best to complete the task assigned by the general. Fortunately, his life was not disgraced. "

LAN Yi took a deep look at Sun Zhen, and said to Yun Qianyue, "the general is doubting his talent?"

Cloud shallow moon smile, take back sight from Sun Zhen body, light way: "can follow me, nature is able person." "What was the result of the inventory?" he asked

"We took 31500 soldiers from Nanliang, 105 of whom died and 10000 wounded. The Tiansheng soldiers died 502 and wounded 4000 Sun Zhen immediately said.

Yunqianyue thought that it was not much different from the calculation of Rongjing. She nodded, which was the smallest casualty ever! She said to you, Sun Zhen, "Sun Xiaowei, work hard to comfort the dead and bury the dead. No matter whether they are soldiers of Tiansheng or Nanliang, they will be treated equally. "

"Yes Sun Zhen nodded.

"I have given orders to reward the three armies and stew meat in large pots. After you have buried the dead soldiers of Nanliang and Tiansheng, you can drink the celebration bar." Yun Xiaoyue waved to him.

Sun Zhen quickly responded to "yes" and retired. He had been retreating out of the door, and then turned away, respectfully.

Blue Yi's eyes flashed and pondered, and the tone of her voice was not clear: "the general's battle is too beautiful. Now the commander-in-chief of Castle Peak city is afraid to be surprised! If tomorrow's news comes back to heaven, I'm afraid the people will cheer and the court will shake. After the general's victory in the first battle, the emperor's reward will soon arrive at Fenghuang pass. No one in the court said that the emperor was joking about national affairs and appointed a general. Congratulations. "

Yun Qianyue looks at LAN Yi with a smile, "Lan Jianjun is in charge of the task of supervising the army. It is the son of heaven's Pro faction, representing the Emperor today. I am tired now. General LAN will reward the three armies for me and go to celebrate! "

LAN Yi took a look at Rongjing and saw him close his eyes on the chair after she and Sun Zhen came in. Although her look was the same as in the past, she seemed to feel his slight fatigue. She thought that Yun Qianyue had shot the sixth prince with an arrow. Now only he could save the living. Obviously, it was not Yun Qianyue who was tired, but he was tired. He was going to refuse, but he swallowed it again. He nodded and said in silence, "OK! The general will have a good rest. Tomorrow, Gu Shaoqing's 300000 troops are expected to arrive, and there are still tough battles to fight. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, "good to say!"

LAN Yi turns around and walks out, and soon goes out of the headquarters.

Cloud shallow moon looks at blue Yi figure to leave, suddenly a smile, "it's a pity that such a beauty, once red face shame angry appearance how beautiful, I almost thought she would become my sister-in-law, now pure and cold, shady, just need to take a handle of dust can become a monk." After saying that, she sighed again, "cangting has retired from marriage. Although the blue family and Cang family are both secretive, they have destroyed this marriage. He really spoils beauty. "

Rong Jing Wen Yan opened his eyes and looked at her, "if you have leisure, think about this. It's better to think about how to do it at night."

Cloud shallow moon smell speech face is a red again, stare at him one eye, "can how? Sleep. "

Rong Jing's eyes turned for a moment, and then he closed his eyes without speaking.

Yunqianyue only felt that her heart was leaping at the sight of him. She was about to speak when a thin groan came from the bed. She immediately turned her head and looked at the bed. The sixth prince seemed to wake up. She stopped talking and looked at him quietly.

After a while, the sixth Prince woke up. He seemed to want to move, but it affected the wound. He could not move. His face flashed a little pain. In a moment, he struggled for a moment and opened his eyes. The first time I saw myself lying in bed, I seemed to be stunned for a moment. After a while, I turned my head slowly and saw Rongjing and yunqianyue.

Rong Jing leans on the chair and doesn't look at him with his eyes closed, but yunqianyue looks at him without blinking.The sixth prince was startled. His colleagues zoomed in and looked at the moon for a moment. He seemed to realize that he was still alive and squinted at her.

It is said that one's eyes can best reflect one's heart.

Cloud shallow moon secretly thought that the six princes were really different, not as arrogant and useless as earlier on the wall. She was sure that she would not have hurt him if she hadn't made her archery excellent, she had made him despise the enemy if she hadn't made her excellent archery. Some people are good at camouflage, camouflage for a long time, has been true or false, just like her at the beginning. No wonder the sixth prince, who has the most strength to compete with nanlingrui, didn't rebel in the "Wuzi mutiny" and was sent to guard Fenghuang pass. She on his squint eyes, gently smile, "now there is strength to laugh?"

Six Prince son suddenly eye light sharp ground looks at her, "you are Chu madam?"

Cloud shallow moon eyes turn, smile at him, do not answer.

The sixth Prince suddenly said coldly: "I don't know if your brother knows that his beloved sister is the lady of the cloud palace, the imperial concubine of King Rong's mansion, and the general of the emperor Tiansheng, who has been hoodwinking him all the time, coming to attack and capture his city. What should he do

Yun Xiaoyue shook his head with a smile and looked at him. Seriously, he affirmed: "no! Because he is my brother and I am his sister. He gave the topographic map of the dark road of Fenghuang pass, and let me take you at the same time. Therefore, he should be happy at this time, and he will not jump

Her words fall, successfully see the sixth Prince surprised, can't believe to look at her.

Obviously, this news to him, far more than just found out that she is Mrs. Chu.

Cloud shallow moon smile to see him finally change face, deal with a kind of person, she clearly know how to break his mask. She continued, "you should know something, don't you? My brother was originally the son of Prince Yun's mansion, but he was replaced by his uncle ten years ago. Oh, my uncle is your father. Now he abdicates, but he has to work hard to get his brother to marry the princess of Donghai kingdom. He is the supreme emperor who sits on the throne of Nanliang to deal with the government affairs. He had a sister who was born in the royal family, but was not raised in the royal family. Therefore, many people do not know that Nanliang had a princess in his generation. My mother. When she was a child, she was brought into the East China Sea by an old Taoist who was actually Uncle Wang of the East China Sea. Therefore, she became the daughter of the king of the East China Sea. Later, she fell in love with my father, married into the cloud palace and became the cloud Princess. My brother and I were born. "

The disbelief on the sixth Prince's face turned into surprise.

Yunqianyue appreciated his expression and said after a moment: "Oh, there is one more thing, that is, the master of Nanliang is my father, the real Lord Yun, the son of the cloud palace. Fifteen years ago, Emperor Tiansheng sent troops to southwest China. My mother was pregnant with me, so she couldn't bear to see my mother's country destroyed. So he came to Fenghuang pass to block Tiansheng's 150000 troops. Later, he was granted the national teacher of Nanliang by his uncle. Promise him to stay in Nanliang for two months every year. "

The sixth Prince's colleagues suddenly became big.

Yun Qianyue looked at his dark eyes and finally showed some white. She pretended to sigh, "ah, I understand. My father, my mother and my brother are all from Nanliang. Do you think it's easy for me to take a small Phoenix pass? Don't say that I want a phoenix pass in Nanliang. Even if my army wants ten cities and eight cities in Nanliang, my brother may wave his hand and give it to me in vain. My uncle made a gift for my niece without saying a word

The six Prince's colleagues suddenly tightened up. After a moment, he suddenly said angrily, "what do you say to me?"

Cloud shallow moon looked at him innocently, smiling like a flower, "nothing, is to tell you, you are my cousin, I am your cousin, we are still pro."

"Who is your cousin? I don't kiss you. " The sixth Prince almost roared, touched the wound, and his chest suddenly burst into bleeding. He did not seem to feel pain, and glared at the cloud and the moon.

"Oh, there is another thing. Your mother, your mother's wife, is my aunt. She is the descendant of general Murong. And Rongjing is the descendant of Murong royal family. Therefore, your mother and empress are happy that we took the Phoenix pass. " Yunqianyue ignored his anger and concluded with a smile, "so, cousin, you should not have colluded with Qingnuan at night. Where can she have a relationship with you and me

The sixth Prince suddenly reached out and pointed at her. His eyelids rolled and fainted. , the fastest update of the webnovel!