The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1533

Her words fell, and suddenly there was a puff.

Yun Qianyue put down the topographic map and looked at the 100000 troops in front of him, "so, we need to divide the soldiers into three routes. All the way to the ravines of Tianshui cliff and the cave of Zhuque peak. Walking through the ravines of Tianshui cliff requires the skill of crossing mountains and mountains, climbing the mountain lock, being able to bear climbing, and going through the cave of Zhuque peak needs meeting water. On the other hand, there was a frontal attack. Form the trend of three bread copy. "

"General, my brothers and I are good at climbing mountains and mountains. Let me go to Tianshui cliff." Zhang Pei said in a loud voice.

"If I can't go over the mountains, Zhang Dahan is OK, but if it's underwater Kung Fu, ten of him are not my opponents. General, Zhu que Feng, let me go Han Yi yelled.

Yun Qianyue's eyes fall on the two men. Nowadays, the positions of deputy general, participating general and school captain in 100000 troops are all selected from Xishan military aircraft camp. Although Zhang Pei and Han Yi have their own brothers, they are also new recruits, so they are not officers. She looked at them for a moment, and saw their eyes eagerly looking at her. She said clearly, "in this war, you can only win, not lose. The key lies in the fact that after entering the Phoenix pass, these two groups of soldiers cooperated with each other inside and outside the front gate. Are you sure you can do it? "

"Sure!" Zhang Pei yelled.

"I can make a military order." Han Yi yelled.

"Yes, I can also make military orders." As soon as Zhang Pei was in a hurry, Laozi came out again.

Cloud shallow moon slants head to see to Rong Jing, Rong Jing nodded to him, she clear voice way: "good! Then I'll trust you. "

Zhang Pei and Han Yi were so happy that they almost jumped up.

Yun Qianyue looked at them. Her voice turned, her face was cold and her tone was extremely cold. "These two armies have only one hour. After an hour, you must enter Fenghuang pass and cooperate with me inside and outside. If you can't, you don't have to live. " Words down, she told Ling Lian Yi Xue, "you go over and give them a military warrant. Sign it

"Yes Ling Lian and Yi Xue walk past with military orders.

Zhang Pei and Han Yi signed the military order with a stroke of pen.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take back the military order form. Yun Xiaoyue takes a look at it and says in a soft voice, "I'll give you two thousand each. You're all in line now. Let's go Then she threw a signal bomb to each of them. "When you enter the city, use these two flares as signals."

"Yes Excitedly, they caught the signal bomb, put them into their arms and began to count people.

Not long, each person ordered two thousand people, a wave of cloud shallow moon, two people each with people left.

"Let's continue our march to Fenghuang." Cloud shallow month orders a, turn horse rein.

The army moved on.

Rongjing and yunqianyue are still sitting on a horse. The breeze comes out and the purple and white clothes are entangled. The scenery has been used by the soldiers behind.

According to the calculation of the cloud and the moon, 50 Li land, an hour, just arrived at the Phoenix pass.

After the collapse of tianshuiya sluice last year, fenghuangguan survived alone. However, he felt ashamed of his respect for the king of Nanliang and committed suicide in front of the imperial court. After his death, the king of Nanliang buried himself and reappointed an important official in the court. On New Year's Eve, the five princes of Nanliang were implicated in the mutiny launched by the five princes of Nanliang With the third prince as the leader, the fifth prince, the seventh Prince and the eighth prince took the second place, which was smashed by Gu Shaoqing at one stroke. At the beginning, the government and the public were shocked, and the first Prince and the third prince, the fifth prince, the seventh Prince and the eighth Prince were banned. The chief soldier of Fenghuang pass is the son of the great prince. Nan Lingrui had already ascended the throne as the emperor. He was relieved of his duty and was sent to guard the Phoenix pass by sending the sixth prince.

Therefore, it is the sixth prince who guards the Phoenix pass.

The prince of Nanliang had sixteen sons, and nanlingrui ranked fourth. He was born to the queen with the sixth and tenth princes, and was considered a mother's compatriots. Of course, although nanlingrui is not yunmuhan, he is also a cousin because of his mother's relationship. Therefore, the sixth Prince and his mother, yunmuhan, who is now in Nanliang, belong to his younger brother, so he is also her cousin.

After the sixth Prince arrived at Fenghuang pass, he adhered to nanlingrui's water control policy and strictly observed Fenghuang pass. However, he didn't make any mistakes. He was also a talented man.

Yun Qianyue went to Nanliang to help Ye Qian last year, and then went to Nanliang to help wake up his uncle. As a lady of Chu, he met a number of princes in Nanliang, including the sixth prince. At that time, she was anxious to go back to see Rongjing. She did not have much contact with those princes, so she could not understand much.

But in any case, she only knew that the six princes could not be killed today.

"What do you think? So absorbed? " Rong Jing looks down at the cloud and the moon.

Yunqianyue took back her thoughts and laughed at him. "I wonder if there will be a national master of Nanliang on the wall of Fenghuang pass today. Fifteen years ago, he defeated the Tiansheng 150000 soldiers and horses by himself. Now, 15 years later, I bring 100000 soldiers and horses. Don't you know that he still comes? "

Rong Jing said with a smile, "fifteen years ago, the national master of Nanliang is also old. I don't think so. "

Cloud shallow moon picked pick pick eyebrow, suddenly look back at behind, "blue guard army, you say?""It is said that fifteen years ago, although Nanliang Guoshi defeated the 150000 soldiers and horses of Tiansheng, he was seriously injured and nearly lost his life. Since then, he has fallen ill. Now he is just a nominal name in Nanliang." LAN Yi Dao.

Cloud shallow moon nodded and laughed, "I hope he doesn't come! Otherwise, it will be a bloody battle. "

LAN Yi took a look at her, and she seemed to talk about it. There was no special meaning on her face. She stopped talking.

Five hundred meters away from the gate of Fenghuang pass, Yun Qianyue reined in his horse and waved his hand behind him. The soldiers stopped at once.

Yunqianyue looks at the Phoenix pass in front of her. She sees the figures on the wall. One of them is wearing a dark green robe. Her appearance is vaguely familiar. She is the sixth prince. He was looking down with a military looking glass in his hand. Around him, all around him are generals of Fenghuang pass.

"Is there no one in heaven? You sent a woman to attack the city? " At this time, the voice of the sixth Prince rang out, and his tone was extremely mocking.

His words fall, the wall of Phoenix pass suddenly burst into laughter.

Is that Shijing? How do you sit behind a woman's ass? " The sixth Prince's words were arrogant and even more ridiculed: "I am respected by the world as king Shizi. How elegant should I be? Today, I see, the original is no more than this, hiding behind the woman, fishing for fame! People in the world are probably bewildered by your feminine appearance. "

There was a burst of laughter on the wall of Fenghuang pass, but the laughter was not as big as it was just now, and it was obviously taboo for the scene.

Rong Jing chuckled and looked at the people on the wall, but did not speak. , the fastest update of the webnovel!