The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1532

Rong Jing glanced at Wei Zhang lightly and did not speak.

Wei Zhang bowed his head and said to Yun Qianyue in disapproval: "a general, when marching to fight, the most taboo is to advance in haste. Now 100000 troops are coming from the capital, exhausted and exhausted. However, Fenghuang pass has been prepared for a long time, with plenty of food and grass and abundant manpower. How can we capture the Phoenix pass so urgently? It's a lot of harm and no benefit. "

"General Wei said you were tired and exhausted. Is that right?" Cloud shallow moon turns round, clear voice asks behind.

"No!" One hundred thousand soldiers are in high spirits.

"If you attack Fenghuang pass immediately, do you have strength?" Cloud shallow moon raises a voice to ask again.

"Yes!" The soldiers yelled in unison.

Wei Zhang was stunned and couldn't believe it. As far as he knew, yunqianyue ordered his troops to go through the castle peak valley. However, he arrived at Castle Peak city on the fifth day. It should be true that all the soldiers were exhausted. However, the 100000 soldiers are very popular, and they can't even see that they are exhausted. They even seem excited It's amazing.

He had an early report from his spies that Princess jingshizi, a military general, was marching with 100000 soldiers in a folk song. Folk songs have been sung all the way to Castle Peak City, which has never been a new thing. Obviously, it should be a bloody army. She makes it like a spring outing. He was dissatisfied with her and despised her. He thought that the emperor was too indulgent to her. He even joked about the military affairs such as the military general's sending troops to Nanliang. But now I saw her, black horse and purple clothes, sitting upright on the horse, with calm breath and calm face, his dissatisfaction and contempt were beaten back into his stomach, and he was awed and did not dare to make a mistake.

At this time, he remembered the rumors about the woman in front of him. It is said that she disguised herself for ten years and was not afraid of the late emperor and the present, and made king Shizi willing to fight with the royal family and destroy her engagement to marry her. The rumors about her have never been less heard. Thinking that this was a man who was not even afraid of the former Emperor and the present emperor, he was immediately cautious.

"All my soldiers are willing to attack at once. Is general Wei still blocking them?" Cloud shallow moon sees Wei Zhang not to speak, picked pick eyebrow.

Wei Zhang immediately bowed his head, "I dare not stop the general. The general sent troops to Nanliang, and the generals within 100 li of Qingshan city's border are all subject to the general's dispatch and assignment. I am the commander-in-chief of Qingshan City, and naturally I am also at the command of the general."

Yun Qianyue wrapped his whip around his hand in a circle. Hearing this, she looked at Wei Zhang calmly. After a moment, she said in a clear voice: "in this case, the commander-in-chief of Wei led a hundred thousand troops and horses in Qingshan city to watch the enemy's array behind us!" After that, she waved to the back, "keep marching."

One hundred thousand troops passed through castle peak city without stopping, crossing the streets. After a while, he left castle peak city and drove to Fenghuang pass.

Wei Zhang watched the 100000 troops seriously go to attack the city. His old face changed for a while. He called a man behind him and said in a low voice, "immediately send a letter back to Beijing to Deqin to know about it."

"Yes The man went down in a hurry.

One of Wei Zhang's aides came up and whispered, "commander in chief, can the imperial concubine really capture the Phoenix pass today?"

Wei Zhang shook his head and said, "it's unknown if you have Jing Shizi. I just got the news that the five hundred troops of the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and Princess Yun stopped Gu Shaoqing's 300000 troops in the Bahuang mountain yesterday. It's time for Gu Shaoqing to arrive at Fenghuang one night. If the imperial concubine Jing Shizi can really take advantage of this day and take Fenghuang pass, Gu Shaoqing will be stopped outside the Phoenix pass. "

"How can a troop of 500 people be able to stop 300000 troops?" The aide was surprised.

"I don't believe it either, but I stopped." Wei Zhang said in a low voice: "Gu Shaoqing has taken over the team of envoys. None of the 500 people escorted by the royal family has survived. The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and Princess Yun were tied up in the camp by Gu Shaoqing

"When the two sides fight, don't hurt the emissary! How dare Gu Shaoqing The aides were surprised again.

"He's Gu Shaoqing. If he doesn't play according to common sense, there's nothing to be afraid of!" Wei Zhang waved his hand, "go, let's count the soldiers and watch the enemy's array for imperial concubine jingshizi. See if she really has the ability to win the Phoenix pass. "

"Commander in chief, just watching the enemy's array?" The aide asked suspiciously, "don't you want the commander in chief to help?"

Wei Zhang nodded, "if this war is won, she will be able to sit firmly in this general. If she loses, then the impeachment Memorial will pile up a mountain of imperial study. Even if the emperor is hard tempered, he can't resist the advice of the king and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. A letter of imperial edict can recall her for questioning. From now on, she would not dare to show off freely, let her know that women are women after all, and it is better to embroider at home. What kind of soldiers to lead and what battles to fight? The emperor asked her to stab her. That was connivance. "

The aide nodded, or lowered his voice: "commander in chief, you forget that there is Jing Shizi."

"Not forgotten!" Wei Zhang shook his head and his face was dim. "Jing Shizi is also a woman who connives at him. Beauty brings disaster to the country and the people. How capable a man is, it is inevitable that a woman will miss him for life. " The words fall, he turns over to mount a horse, go to count troops.

The aide followed him.

Fifty miles out of Castle Peak City, Yun Qianyue reined in her horse's reins, took out a hand-painted map of Fenghuang pass and a hundred Li wide topographic map of Castle Peak city. After a glance, she said in a clear voice, "now it's noon. I want to take Fenghuang pass at night."None of the 100000 soldiers spoke, and they all looked forward to the looming majestic pass ahead. Although Fenghuang pass was flooded last year, it was restored by the prince of Nanliang, but it was also a great pass and should not be underestimated. There are mountains on both sides. There is only one gate of Fenghuang pass in the middle. There is no way to enter the pass. If we attack hard, we will have 100000 soldiers and horses. How can we attack Fenghuang pass in half a day? They can't help wondering if this is possible?

"It's time to start." Cloud shallow moon turns the horse head, looks back at the hundred thousand troops behind him.

Hearing of the general's call, everyone was solemn.

"Although Fenghuang pass is a natural danger, it also has advantages and disadvantages." Yun Xiaoyue spread out the drawings in her hands and faced all the soldiers, "Fenghuang pass is flanked by mountains, and in the middle is Zhengguan. Everyone thinks there is only one way to Fenghuang pass, wrong. There are actually three ways for him to enter the pass. "

When they heard the speech, they all opened their eyes and looked at the paper in her hand. Although the paper was small, the soldiers in dozens of rows ahead could still see clearly under the sunlight. Several generals, deputy generals and Zhonglang generals could see clearly. They all wondered.

"This is Fenghuang pass, Tianshui cliff and Zhuque peak." Cloud light moon fingers one by one on the drawing, the voice is clear, "Tianshui cliff has a gully, Zhuque peak has a cave. The ravine of Tianshui cliff is 30 miles away from here. If you enter the staggering Valley, you can enter the valley by splitting a giant stone similar to a Buddha statue. However, the mountain is steep and requires climbing ropes and wall climbing ropes. And the hook. You can enter the Phoenix pass from here. And the cave of Zhuque peak, behind an old banyan tree, also splits a large stone similar to a spiral layer to enter the cave. About three miles from the cave, there is a lake, which leads to the moat. Swim from the bottom and enter the Phoenix pass. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!