The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1534

"The general attacked the city and killed him. He dared to insult King Shizi." There was an angry shout from the soldiers behind.

"Yes, attack! Kill him. " The soldiers yelled together.

"It turns out that Jing Shizi is not only a woman, but also a man." The sixth Prince stood on the wall and looked down with a sneer, "I don't know if Lianlian, the first young shepherd in Nanliang, would be better than jingshizi if he stood with him?"

"General, give the order!" The soldiers were very angry. He even compared Rongjing with the shepherd, which made everyone angry.

"Give me the order! Kill him All the soldiers were shouting.

The voice of the six princes on the wall of Phoenix pass is over.

Rong Jing still didn't speak, smiling faintly, as if not angry.

Cloud shallow moon squint at the sixth prince, listen to the soldiers behind him shouting, hate to have to wait for her order, then rush up. She allowed them to shout for a moment, then waved her hand behind them, and the deafening sound stopped. She said to Ling Lian, "give me a bow and arrow."

Ling Lian immediately took a bow and arrow and handed it to her.

Cloud shallow moon took the bow and arrow, and Rongjing slightly staggered some of the body, pull the bow and arrow, aiming at the sixth prince.

"Do you think she can shoot the prince?" The sixth Prince clearly saw Yun Qianyue pulling his bow and arrow. He was also surprised that even if the soldiers below were angered, they still kept their formation. He was also surprised that with a gesture, no one would shout again. The military discipline and military law were as good as those of the iron cavalry of melu mountain camp, which Gu Shaoqing trained day and night. But he still did not change the color and asked about with a smile.

"The sixth prince, I heard that imperial concubine jingshizi has high martial arts skills." A deputy general lowered his voice.

"It is said that the empress Ye of Southern Xinjiang assassinated the emperor on the day when he ascended the throne. She saved the new emperor. Later, she even broke into the golden palace and stabbed the emperor of Tiansheng. Later, empress Ye was assassinated by an ambush, and she saved Jing Shizi One of the staff also whispered.

"Hum, ye Qian's assassination is an unforgettable old feeling of scruples and night light dye. Where can he be cruel? But she breaks into the golden palace to assassinate night light dye. Isn't night light dye half silk resistance? It's not necessarily a skill. But empress Ye ambushed 500 people and let Rongjing have no strength to fight back. He is not so powerful. She rushed to save people, and she was afraid to pick up a tail, which became her credit. " The sixth Prince scolded, and his voice was not low. When the Phoenix closed, he could hear clearly, "is there no woman in heaven?"? Everyone dotes on such a woman? She was asked to come to the war for fun. That's ridiculous! "

Her voice just fell, the arrow in the hand of cloud shallow moon "whoosh" ground shot out.

"Protect your highness The people around the sixth Prince yelled and put up the shield together.

However, the arrow did not reach the wall of Fenghuang pass, and fell on the way. It looked soft and weak. Even the sound of landing was "pa" and did not make a big sound.

As soon as the people above the Phoenix pass saw it, Qi Qi was stunned. The sixth Prince shook off his shield and laughed at him, "it's really a woman. It's just such a little skill!"

The 100000 soldiers behind Yun Qianyue couldn't believe it, especially the 50000 soldiers in the Xishan military aircraft camp. They saw with their own eyes that when Princess jingshizi ordered the troops, a jade sword pierced the iron drum. I'm afraid the ten big men can't be split together. But now Is Jing Shizi's swordsmanship very good, but archery too bad?

"Bring another arrow." Cloud shallow moon road.

Ling Lian also handed Yun Qianyue an arrow.

Yun Qianyue once again drew a bow and arrow and aimed at the sixth prince. Her movements were extremely standard. She was very serious. She only had a target in her eyes. It seemed that the person she was staring at could not run away. In a moment, the arrow flew to the sixth Prince again.

When the Phoenix closed, the voice of "protecting the six Princes" sounded again, and then the shield was erected to block the sixth prince.

Arrow feather once again "pa" to fall on the ground, the same soft and weak.

"I think you'd better go back to embroider! What kind of soldier does a woman lead? What kind of war? It's a joke to do a man's business. " The sixth Prince ridiculed wantonly, "looking at the face of jingshizi every day, you don't have to beat the Phoenix and the Phoenix, but come out to lead the army and bear hardships. This is not the place for you to have fun."

"Take the arrow again!" Cloud shallow moon ignore his words, to Ling Lian Road.

Ling Lian also handed Yun Qianyue an arrow.

Cloud shallow moon again pull bow and arrow, aim at him, "whoosh" ground, arrow again flies to the sixth prince. The results were the same as the previous two. Three arrows fell side by side, like brother three.

This time, all the people above the Phoenix pass burst into laughter.

The sixth Prince laughed and yelled, and he was very presumptuous and disdainful, "the embroidered pillow that can't be seen and used in the middle! make a fool of oneself! Go back

"Go back! Go back to... " The soldiers in Nanliang were laughing and driving away, and their earlier nervousness was relaxed.

Tiansheng's soldiers and horses also felt that the three arrows could not reach the walls of others. They were really frustrated. They were angry and angry at the ridicule of the soldiers in Nanliang. All look at the cloud shallow moon, angry in showing sorrow.

"Get another arrow for your general." Rongjing finally opened his mouth, his voice seemed to contain a trace of smile.

Ling Lian took the arrow and handed it to the horse.

Rong Jing picked up an arrow and handed it to Yun Xiaoyue. He said with a gentle smile, "this time it's accurate.""Good!" Yunqianyue takes the arrow and smiles at him. In a moment, he also smiles at the sixth prince on the city wall. The sixth prince can see clearly. After a while, she pulls the bow and builds the arrow. Without half a silk pause, the arrow "swishes" at him.

As fast as lightning, as if leaving the string.

The soldiers of Nanliang didn't stop laughing, but there was a flash in front of them. The arrow pierced the body. The sixth prince was hit by the arrow and fell to the ground.

"My highness Nanliang soldiers Qi Qi exclaimed, the nearest guard quickly helped him up. When he saw the center of the mouth, everyone was shocked.

The heavenly Saint soldiers burst out a burst of cheering, and finally raised their eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon put down the bow and arrow, cunningly to Rong Jing and said with a smile: "you had given me the arrow, I had already shot him."

Rong Jing gave her a gentle look with a smile and said, "yes, next time I remember to help you get the arrow earlier."

Cloud light moon nods, at this time, there are two signal bombs flying to the sky in Fenghuang pass. She looks stunned and says, "beat the drum! Attack the city immediately and take the Phoenix pass! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!