The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1529

Once upon a time, the emperor was the supreme one in the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Night light dye was surrounded by civil and military officials, which was extremely dignified.

Rongjing stands half step behind the night light dye. The white robe is not inferior to the white robe. The bright yellow dragon robe is half gorgeous. It looks like a poem or a painting. Its face is gentle and elegant, elegant and graceful.

The Royal Guard of honor, 5000 royal forest troops, behind them are the people who are blocked and can't get close to them.

Cloud shallow moon vision coolly swept a circle, to behind a wave of hand, 100000 troops immediately stopped. The pace is neat, like a strong soldier galloping on the battlefield for a hundred thousand times. The horse under her keeps moving forward.

Rong Feng, Ling Lian and Yi Xue follow her.

At this moment, there was no one to speak. Many people feel in a trance that they have known the moon for the first time.

Yunqianyue goes straight to yeqingran five steps away. She reinforces her horse and doesn't dismount to pay homage. She looks at yeqingran quietly.

The night light dye also looks at the cloud shallow moon, the phoenix eye is deep, seems to want to penetrate her outside package thing to see the heart inside.

Two people four eyes opposite, five step distance, such as separated by a deep gully.

The officials held their breath. Every time the emperor and the imperial concubine met each other, it was like the top of a mountain, which made them breathless.

The two men looked at each other for about one incense stick. At night, they opened their mouths with a dignified voice. The tone was that the emperor was superior to the courtiers. In a deep voice, they asked, "are you satisfied with the number of soldiers I appointed?"

"Satisfied!" The cloud shallow moon draws back the sight, the vision is calm.

"How can I smell a smell of blood?" Night light dye looks at the hundred thousand soldiers behind her.

"Go out to Nanliang and sacrifice the flag with blood. It's not surprising that the emperor smells of blood. " Cloud light moon road.

Night light dye suddenly a smile, "I wait here for you to go out to sacrifice the flag, watch to send the three armies. But you have crossed my flag? "

The moon does not answer.

Night light dye looks at her deeply, "General of army and horse, do you know the intention that I order you to go out to fight Nanliang?"

"Control the southern Xinjiang, in order to prevent the Nanliang troops, seize its voice first." Cloud light moon road.

"Wrong!" Night light dye's voice is high, Feng's eyes glanced at the hundred thousand soldiers and horses behind him, and the deep voice is sonorous: "I let you step on the Nanliang, raise my heavenly power!"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly squint eyes, "the emperor can really look up to me."

Night light dye suddenly burst out laughing, "cloud shallow moon, I have always looked up to you, dare not despise one day." He stopped looking at her and walked behind her.

The cloud shallow moon gathers the eye light.

I don't dare to wait for my wife and son to fight in front of me, but I don't dare to pay attention to him

"Long live my emperor! hooray! Long live At this time, 100000 soldiers knelt down together, and their voices were deafening.

The cloud light moon purses the lips, covers the slightly heavy eye light, the night light dye a word can buy off the military heart, because he is the emperor, the ancient people's reverence to the imperial power has been rooted in the soul.

"All flat!" Night light dye wave hands.

One hundred thousand soldiers stood up in unison.

Night light dye turned and walked back. Standing in front of the cloud and the moon, he said, "come, hang the flag!"

Some people quickly put a big flag in front of the cloud shallow moon, the big flag "Tian Sheng" two characters.

"Take the dagger, I will sacrifice the flag together with the army and horse general!" Night light dye orders again.

Someone put on a dagger.

Night light dye in a stroke on the middle finger, blood immediately flow out, he threw on the flag, and then handed the dagger to cloud shallow moon. Cloud shallow moon looked at him, reached out to take the dagger, also in the middle finger a stroke, the blood also flows out, threw on the flag.

Two courses of blood such as blooming plum blossom, the star flag blood dye.

"Bring the wine!" Night light dye again orders.

A waiter immediately came forward with two glasses of wine. Night light dye picked it up together. One cup was left for himself, and the other was handed to Yun Qianyue. Looking at her, he said, "if you don't break Nanliang, you will not return it. Is the general confident? "

Cloud shallow moon took over the cup, clear voice way: "I do not swear. Do your best and listen to the destiny. If the emperor doesn't believe me, he can take back the position of general. "

Night light dye "ha" to smile, "as expected or a little girl."

The cloud is shallow, the eye light is cold.

Night light dye holds a cup to cloud shallow month hand cup a touch, look up, one drink. In a moment, he turned the cup over, but there was no drop of wine. He whispered, "be careful on the battlefield! I'll wait for you back in the capital. "

Cloud shallow month looked at him, suddenly the wine in the cup to the ground, the wine glass split, wine splashed, she did not see night light dye, waved to Rongjing, "come here."

The eyes of the crowd gathered on Rong Jing's body in an instant.

With a smile, he stepped forward slowly.

Cloud shallow month reaches out a hand to him, he picks eyebrow to look at her, she way: "you my husband and wife, this is a body, from when a ride."

Rong Jing smiles and puts his hand on her hand. She pulls it gently and sits behind her in an instant.Yunqianyue let go of the horse's reins, turned the horse's head, and drank softly, "go!"

Take the lead and leave the south gate. A hundred thousand troops turned around and followed her.

A hundred thousand troops left Beijing.

"The three of you keep up!" Night light dye face expressionless back to behind blue Yi, Hua Shu, Ling Yan command.

"Yes The three men all ran after each other.

Night light dye watched 100000 soldiers leave, the last row of stretchers is very eye-catching. Until he could not see the shadow of the star flag, he took back his sight and fell on Rong Feng. "I thought that Rongfeng's son had left his job as jingzhaoyin and would follow him to Nanliang."

Rong Feng turned over and dismounted, kneeling on the ground, "the minister arbitrarily accompanied the imperial concubine to order troops, and the emperor condoned."

Night light dye eyes fell on his head, Rong Feng motionless. After a moment, he said faintly: "kneel till noon!" Words down, turn back, to the civil and military officials command, "back to the palace!"

"The emperor drives back to the palace!" Exclaimed the Chamberlain.

Night light dye jade chariot, civil and military officials walk behind, the Imperial Guard, haohaotang into the city.

Not long, so big city gate only Rong Feng a person kneels there. A horse beside him quietly accompanied him.

Half an hour later, Leng Shao Zhuo came back, hit an umbrella in his hand, came to Rong Feng, put the umbrella on his head, and stood quietly with him.

Rong Feng looked up at Leng Shao Zhuo, "not afraid of the emperor's blame?"

"He told you to kneel and didn't say no to umbrella." Leng Shao Zhuo road.

Rong Feng laughed and said, "thank you very much."

Leng Shao Zhuo looked at the direction of Xiang Yun's departure and whispered, "in fact, I also want to accompany her to order soldiers, but I'm not familiar with the barracks, so I can't help. I'd better not go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!