The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1530

Rong Feng warm smile, "today she is very prestige, than all the general are like a general. Although general Chen is not old, he may not have the momentum of her if he stands in front of her. "

Leng Shao Zhuo also laughed, "although I didn't go to order soldiers today, I just saw her sitting on the horse, under the flag of the stars, sacrificing flags and throwing cups. Her bearing was like fighting in the battlefield, which made no one dare to underestimate. From now on, I'm afraid that the capital city will spread, and the imperial concubine of King Rong's mansion will be born with talents. "

Rong Feng nodded with a smile, "this is the beginning of the world's attention. She was born to stand high. "

Leng Shao Zhuo no longer talks, looking at the distance.

Rong Feng no longer talks.

After a stick of incense, a man came out of the gate. It was Shen Zhao. He also held an umbrella. Seeing Leng Shao Zhuo holding an umbrella for Rongfeng, he was stunned and walked forward and said with a smile: "it seems that I am not as early as Leng Xiaowang."

Leng Shao Zhuo said with a smile, "after noon, I and I can go to zuixiang building for a drink."

"Well, it's just for the heat." Shen Zhao nods.

As soon as Rongjing and yunqianyue left, it seemed that there was something missing in this magnificent imperial city for hundreds of years, which made them feel empty. One day later, they arrived in Yuncheng. The master of Cloud City immediately opened the gate and let 100000 troops into the city. And enthusiastically arranged a post station and a rest place for 100000 troops to yunqianyue and Rongjing. Yunqianyue didn't accept the arrangement, but ordered to stop disturbing the people in the city and set up camp ten miles outside the city.

In the evening, tents were set up ten miles outside the Cloud City, and campfires were set up around the camp.

Yunqianyue's main camp is in the middle of the barracks. On her left are Lanyi's prison account and Huashu's and Lingyan's deputy general's accounts. On the right are the army tents of Ling Lian and Yi Xue, surrounded by Zhonglang generals, participating generals, Xiaowei and Dusi. The garrison is guarded by ordinary soldiers.

After dinner, LAN Yi, Hua Shu and Ling Yan report to the main account.

Cloud shallow Moon said, "please!"

Three people came in, and saw cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing sitting on a low couch, two people in front of a topographic map. They took a look, and they all met.

Rong Jing nodded slightly and did not speak.

Cloud shallow moon light smile, wave hand, "please sit down."

The three sat down on a low bench. LAN Yi looks natural. Hua Shu and Ling Yan look at the cloud moon with curiosity.

"Blue family master, Hua Shao Zhu, Ling Shao Zhu, I hope to have a happy cooperation in the future." Cloud shallow moon to three people smile way.

Blue Yi calmly looked at cloud shallow moon, "there is no blue master here, the general should call me blue soldier."

"It's just a name. When the leader of the blue family entered the dynasty, he was also the head of the top ten families." Cloud shallow moon from the flow of good, "blue join the army on this expedition to Nanliang, can have any idea?"

LAN Yi shakes his head, "there are generals and divisions in the army. It's good for us to take good care of the three armies. It seems that I don't have any idea."

Cloud shallow month smile, look to Hua Shu and Ling Yan, "so two vice generals? What's your idea? "

"The emperor has a decree, and I only follow the orders of the general." The two were together.

Yunqianyue nodded, no longer looking at the three people, but looking at the topographic map in front of him. He asked Rongjing, not as shallow as the three people said, and his voice was slightly lighter, like the wind blowing, "do you want to go that way?"

Rongjing has one leg on one leg, one leg stretched out, one hand on one leg at random, and the other hand gently taps on the table top, making a light and pleasant sound. Seeing the inquiry from Yun Qianyue, he smiles and says softly: "bypass Lancheng, walk Qingshan Valley, cross the nearest road, and arrive at Qingshan city."

"How many days is the normal March?" Asked the moon.

"Seven days." Yung King Road.

"What about the shortest way now?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Four days." Yung King Road.

Looking at the topographic map, Yun Qianyue was thoughtful. After a moment, she asked, "yesterday, the imperial court gave the order. Today I ordered troops to set out. Now, have you got the news from Nanliang?"? Can Gu Shaoqing also point out his troops? How many days will he arrive? "

"It's four days to go the shortest way through the eight barren mountains." Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon frown, "can we still advance a day?"

"No Rong Jing shakes his head.

"Can you stop him then? Will we arrive at Fenghuang pass one day later Cloud shallow moon asks again.

Rong Jing Mou Guang flashed for a moment, "it's not impossible."

"What can I do?" Asked the moon.

"The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and her mother have been gone for five days now? Now it should be Qicheng. Qi city is three days away from Castle Peak and Fenghuang pass. After they have passed Fenghuang pass, they can take Tianshui cliff, qianxicheng and Bahuang mountain instead of official road. If you can stop it, then Gu Shaoqing will be able to spend a day and a half at night. " Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon ha ground smile, "this is a good idea." "But what should the Empress Dowager and her mother do when they are in danger? Can they stop Gu Shaoqing's three hundred thousand army with them

"When the two sides fight, the envoys will not be hurt." Yung King Road."Gu Shaoqing is bloodthirsty and cold faced general. If he doesn't play cards according to common sense, he will not hurt the envoy." Cloud light moon road.

"If he is really injured, there is no way. His mother should be able to protect herself. But the Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty can only depend on her luck." Rongjing said slowly: "the first battle of the war is very important. As the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty, as the Empress Dowager of heaven, took the lead and made the first contribution to Tiansheng. Only then can we show the heavenly power and royal style."

Cloud shallow month smiles nod, "good." Words down, she looked at LAN Yi, "how does LAN Jianjun feel about this method?"

LAN Yi said without expression, "the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty is the Empress Dowager of the seventh princess, and the seventh princess is the sister-in-law of the general. It's very close. The Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty accompanied Princess Yun to Nanliang to meet the king. Although the military division and the general did a good job, they were in danger. Did they not care too much about their family relationship? "

Rong Jing looked at LAN Yi with a smile. "It's dangerous for the emperor to send them to Nanliang at this time. Even if they did not meet Gu Shaoqing, they were restrained by Nanliang as long as they stepped into the territory of Nanliang. Since both sides are restrained, why not take advantage of the convenience? "

"What if something happened to the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty?" LAN Yi asked.

"That can only be blamed on her bad luck." Yung King Road.

"Although the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty was not the mother of the emperor, she was also respected as the Empress Dowager and made great contributions to the emperor's accession to the throne. If something happens this time, I'm afraid it's hard for the emperor to explain it. " LAN Yi said: "seven princesses are afraid to cry and hurt the child in the stomach."

"The emperor will seal the Empress Dowager." Rong Jing laughed and said casually, "as for the seven princesses, she will only respect the heroism of the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty and take her as her pride."

Blue Yi Teng ground stood up, "since the general and division so decided, this Jianjun naturally can not stop." She turned and walked out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!