The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1528

After a while, Zhang Pei couldn't move after the fight. He grinned at the moon.

Yunqianyue doesn't look at him, but looks back at Han Yi. Seeing her, Han Yi immediately feels bad. He even says, "Princess jingshizi, I haven't stepped out of the gate."

"Rong Feng, gather people to stir up trouble in the army, what punishment?" Cloud light moon asked.

"The lighter one is the thirty army staff, and the heavier one is put to death." Rong Feng also takes a look at Han Yi.

"You didn't go out of the barracks, but you also gathered people to make trouble." Yun Qianyue looks at Han Yi and says, "do you want to lead the thirty army staff yourself, or do you want me to order people to implement it according to you?"

Han Yi's face is white. He seems to be tangled for a moment. He bites his teeth and immediately lies on the ground.

Cloud shallow moon eyes light turn a circle, clear voice way: "Han Yi hit 30 army stick, the other accomplice 20 army stick! Hang them immediately. "

A group of Han Yi's brothers didn't expect that their elder brother would still be beaten even if he didn't step out of the door. They were all white faced. They were so happy to see Zhang Pei and his people beaten. They didn't expect that it would be their turn in the blink of an eye. Seeing that the elder brother was lying there, they naturally did not dare to resist. They all fell on the ground one by one.

A group of people immediately came to carry out the execution with military sticks. For a moment, the crackling sound fell again.

This time, Zhang Pei felt that he was fair. Although he was beaten with 30 army sticks, he was still smooth. He didn't grin at Yun Xiaoyue. He yelled: "yes, it's time to hit him. Han Xiaoer is a cunning fox."

Han Yi clenched his teeth and said, "Zhang Dahan, your voice just now is really hard to hear. Are you so skinny? Look at me. I'm sure I won't say a word

"I don't know what to do with it. How do you think the thirty army staff can win me?" Zhang Pei was angry.

"Stand up if you can." Han Yi taunts him.

Zhang Pei was excited by him and struggled to get up. However, before he got up, he fell down again. He scolded Han Yi, and Han Yi's pain came up. He didn't have to fight with him any more. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain.

A moment later, the thirty army staff was finished, and the gate was full of blood. It's true that everyone's skin is raw.

Cloud shallow moon see also don't see lie on the ground more than 4000 people, turn back to two Adjutant General Way: "go back to count troops."

The two aides admired Yun's thunder skills and even punished 4000 or 5000 people with military sticks. This is a punishment that has never been more extensive. They glanced at the fifty thousand soldiers and horses. After a long time, the formation was neat and did not disperse at all. They were so shocked that they repeatedly answered, "yes!"

The cloud is shallow and the moon comes back.

"Princess jingshizi, I'm going to fight with you, too." When Zhang Pei saw that yunqianyue had finished beating them, he immediately yelled.

"I want it, too." Han Yi yelled.

Cloud shallow moon if do not smell, head also don't return, entered camp again. Those soldiers who watched the scene no longer looked disrespectful. They all ran back after Yun Qianyue. Everyone stood up spontaneously, waiting for her to choose. No more wanton eyes.

"Today, I ordered troops to fight for Nanliang. Those who are willing to follow me will come out later. Although I am a woman, I also have muscles and bones. My words will come out and my actions will bear fruit. The military merits are clearly calculated, and rewards and punishments are clear. " Cloud shallow moon looks at the faces below, the voice is clear, "do not bury any talented person, also do not cover up any one greedy lazy person. As long as there is a will, I will build you a green ladder. "

Everyone's mind was awe inspiring, and his blood was boiling.

"Rong Feng, it's still hard for you to order soldiers." Cloud shallow moon slant head to Rong Feng Road.

Rong Feng nodded, turned over and dismounted, like in the Xishan military aircraft camp, one by one. Those who are willing to follow will be listed, and those who are not willing to follow will not be listed.

As time goes by, almost no one is out of the line.

Zhang Pei at the gate was in a hurry. "Princess jingshizi, I want to follow you, too. I take back my earlier words. I don't know you. Please give me a chance. What's more, there's nothing wrong with King Shizi's doting on you. He dotes on you very well. You don't know. Everyone in the world envies you. I'm also envious of you. I want to marry a daughter-in-law, and I'll marry one after I've become an official... "

Han Yi seemed to be in a hurry. "Princess jingshizi, I've always planned to follow you. You can't really leave me alone. I will not marry that apricot and give it to Zhang Dahan. He will not fight with me in the future, and I will not incite people to make trouble. "

"You dead Han Xiaoer, I don't want any apricot. I don't want to fight with you any more, even if you don't marry a frivolous woman. That little lady is really nothing Zhang Pei was also busy.

They were rarely beaten with 30 army sticks, and their voices were very loud.

Cloud shallow moon silent, when did not hear.

Rong Feng points up 45003 hundred people and looks back at the moon. Cloud shallow moon nodded to him, "enough!"

Let Feng stop, toe light, back to the horse, sit steady.

The two aides were stunned and looked at Xiangyun's moon in doubt, "Princess jingshizi, this is not enough! Isn't the emperor ordering 50000 people? "

"With the 4700 people at the door, that's enough!" Cloud shallow moon looked at two people one eye, ordered: "find the stretcher of 4700 people, carry these people up, follow me away."Two deputy generals opened their eyes, "Princess jingshizi, do you really want those people? Those people are... "

Cloud shallow moon light looked at two people one eye, two people immediately silence, na na for a moment, hurry should be, personally with people run down to get stretcher. Since ancient times, we have never seen a general ordering soldiers. We have ordered four or five thousand wounded soldiers to carry them on stretchers.

Yun Qianyue took the lead and went out of the military aircraft camp, followed by 45003 people. Although they had not received real training, the team was in good order. Everyone's face was killing and the excitement of being selected also looked like a model.

Zhang Pei and Han Yi naturally know that Yun Qianyue wants them. When they see her coming out, they lie on the ground grinning at him.

Cloud shallow moon looked at two people one eye, the corner of the mouth rare hook, a wave of hand, clear voice way: "go!"

She took the lead, with Rongfeng, Linglian and Yixue following her, followed by 100000 soldiers. The front team was merciless, and the rear team was carrying a stretcher. Step neatly, the earth trembles, vast soup, driving to the gate.

Half an hour later, the team came to the gate of the city, and saw that the night light dyed a dragon's robe, and all the civil and military officials were waiting there. , the fastest update of the webnovel!