The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1527

"If you don't go, I won't stay here any more." The bearded man stepped out in great strides.

Yunqianyue sat on his horse, looking at him leave without expression, without saying a word.

Seeing that she didn't stop him, Qiu bearded big man stepped bigger. The two thousand people behind him followed him wholeheartedly, and everyone's face was proud to leave. And the weak scholar looked at the cloud shallow moon two eyes more, also followed the big stride to leave, behind him the person is partial thin weak, but the momentum does not lose.

"Princess jingshizi, this Is that going to let them go? " The two vice generals were nervous when they saw that the moon was not stopped. If they really want them to go out, then the new army will be broken. If there is one, there will be two. Maybe they will learn from the past, and then there will be a teacher for the rear.

Cloud shallow moon lightly looked at two people one eye, did not speak.

The two were swept by her plain eyes, and suddenly their hearts were awe inspiring and silent.

The training ground is a hundred paces away from the gate. A troop of four or five thousand people soon arrived at the gate. When the bearded man's feet were still a few steps away from the gate, Yun Qianyue suddenly asked Rong Feng, "what is the first military regulation in the barracks?" "Without the approval of the Ministry of war, even if you die, you can't leave the barracks." Yung Fung Road.

"If they go out of the camp today, are they violating military regulations?" Asked the moon.

"Yes, because from the day they were recruited, they were already in the army and had military status." Yung Fung Road.

"If you leave the barracks without permission, how to deal with it according to the military law?" Asked the moon.

"If it's light, it's thirty army sticks, and if it's heavy, it's put to death." Yung Fung Road.

Cloud shallow moon nod, no longer speak, Rong Feng also do not say.

They spoke in a low voice, like a common conversation, but it was enough for the entire military camp to hear.

The bearded man was about to step out. At this time, he stopped. Looking back, he saw Yun Qianyue sitting on his horse, looking at the gate blandly. He seemed to be waiting for him to step out to carry out military law. He looked at the weak scholar with a big face.

"Zhang Dahan, are you afraid?" The weak scholar also looked back and scoffed at the man with long beard.

"Who is afraid? I'm not scared. " The bearded man stepped out.

Cloud shallow moon did not speak, the two vice generals heart were raised to the throat.

The big man with Qiu beard looked back and saw that the moon didn't respond. His other foot also stepped out. After, see cloud shallow month has not spoken, he laughs three times, strides out. The morale of the people behind him also rose and left in a big step. More than 2000 people quickly left the camp.

Cloud shallow moon still did not speak, eyes fell on the weak scholar behind.

The weak scholar came to the door, stepped forward and took it back. Suddenly, he laughed three times, "Zhang Dahan, if you want to go, I won't go. I don't want to marry that little girl Xinger. If you want to marry you, I'm going to send troops with Princess jingshizi. Cold heart and cold blood make me like it. "

He turned and walked back. More than two thousand brothers behind him were stunned, all looking at their big brother.

"What's good about going out? It's better to stay here and have good food and drink. Maybe you can mix military skills and marry a rich lady. It's better than Xinger's fickle little lady. " The weak scholar said.

"Brother wise." More than 2000 people immediately agreed with him and came back with him.

"Han Xiaoer, you're lying to me. You're not a human being." The bearded man turned back and scolded, his face black.

"You're so stupid when you say you're stupid." Weak scholars scoff at it.

After grinding his teeth, he waved his hand and said angrily, "let's go. There's a long way to go. I'll clean him up one day."

More than two thousand people, itching with hatred, followed the bearded man to leave.

At this time, yunqianyue said in a clear voice, "stop them, and don't let them go."

"Yes There was a deafening sound outside.

The two aides were surprised. They didn't know there were soldiers outside.

"Come on, let's get out." Cloud shallow moon beat horse to go out.

Rong Feng nodded and urged the horse to follow. Ling Lian and Yi Xue naturally follow behind them. The two vice generals took a look at each other and quickly followed them out. The soldiers on the scene rushed to the gate.

Han Yi, a weak scholar, laughed, "Zhang Dahan deserves it! Imperial concubine Jing Shizi is going to enforce military law. If you don't die, wait for your ass to blossom! Ha ha... "

Obviously, he was a weak and weak scholar. However, he had a thick and wild voice, and his laughter was loud enough to be heard throughout the camp.

Cloud shallow month came to the door and looked at him faintly, did not speak, but he felt the whole body a cool, immediately shut down the voice.

Yunqianyue ignored him and beat his horse out of the gate. Fifty thousand soldiers surrounded two thousand of Zhang Pei's bearded man. Two thousand soldiers and fifty thousand horses could not fly out even if he inserted his wings.

As soon as Qiu bearded man's face changed, so did the two thousand men behind him. In a moment, they all grasped the weapons in their hands."Come on, put down these 2350 people, Zhang Pei's 30 army staff, and the rest 20 army staff. Immediately. " Cloud shallow month reinforces the horse rein, sits upright on the horse, ordered a.

Suddenly, a group of people came forward, together to catch people, the bearded man resisted and swung his axe.

"Ling Lian! Take him. " Cloud light moon command.

"Yes, miss!" Ling Lian flies up and flutters down beside Zhang Pei, a man with long beard. She reaches out to grab his axe.

Zhang Pei was also a capable man. He immediately dodged and swung his axe at Ling Lian. Ling Lian was as light as a swallow. After a few moves, he took the axe from his hand, kicked him to the ground, and his embroidered shoes stepped on his back.

Ling Lian is one of the seven elders of the Red Pavilion. She was trained by the Red Pavilion since she was a child. Although her martial arts are not as good as those of Hualuo and canglan, she is not comparable to ordinary experts in the world. Although this Pei is famous in the world, where is Ling Lian's opponent? Naturally, he was knocked to the ground. She stepped on his back with one foot, and a man of 160-70 Jin could not turn over.

His group of brothers saw that Zhang Pei was subdued by a little woman in three or two moves. All of a sudden, they were stupid. These people were subdued by soldiers from Xishan military aircraft camp who had been trained for many years. More than 2000 people were lying on the ground, head down and buttocks up. According to their soldiers and Ling Lian action, a foot on their back, let people motionless.

"Fight!" Cloud shallow moon spits out a word.

Suddenly, two thousand people, including Zhang Pei, were beaten down with military sticks. Zhang Pei was such a big man in the battle that he was also beaten and yelled at. The brothers behind him couldn't stand it. All of a sudden, the gate of the new barracks was full of bitterness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!