The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 1526

When he pulled out the barracks of the military aircraft, his consistent pace and killing made Yun Qianyue satisfied.

The two vice generals in the Xishan military aircraft camp did not dare to stop them. They only sent people back to Beijing to report to king an and the emperor.

Yunqianyue ignored the two lieutenants. Where is the Xishan military aircraft camp? There were more than two vice generals. I'm afraid her every move had already been reported to the palace. Now that no one is blocking it, naturally no one will stop it.

After leaving the military aircraft camp, we came to Yulongshan new military aircraft camp.

The gate of the new military aircraft camp is different from that of the Xishan military aircraft camp. At this time, it is opening and opening, and the inside is noisy. Similarly, no one came to greet him. Yun Xiaoyue waved his hand behind him, and 50000 troops stood together. She walked in with Rong Feng, Ling Lian and Yi Xue Da ma.

The new barracks were built on the basis of the Xishan military aircraft barracks, because they had not been recruited for a long time, there was no arrangement and administration. Therefore, it is extremely chaotic. Dozens of fights and even hundreds of fights occur in a day. They are not fresh, and there are even deaths.

Yunqianyue was familiar with Xishan military aircraft camp, so she soon came to the training ground and naturally caught up with the fight. It's not one person two people, but thousands of people fighting in groups. That's why the noise I just heard outside. The whole training ground is in a mess. Several people have died, the rest are still pinching, and thousands of people have been hanged.

Cloud light moon's eyes narrowed, night light dye allowed here to fight?

Two people, one fat and one thin, were in their thirties. They were nervous and hung with colors. Obviously, they were not dissuaded. They were also injured. They met with a bitter face, "Zhang Fu and Li Cheng, meet Rongfeng and jingshizi."

Rong Feng nodded and did not speak.

Cloud shallow month reined in rein, looking at two people clear voice to ask, "know I come to order troops today?" "I know. The Emperor gave his will here yesterday They immediately said.

"It's said that there are 150000 soldiers and horses here today? It's all here? " Asked the moon.

"Yes, it's all here." They talked as loud as they could, but still couldn't cover up the fighting.

"Although it is said that the recruits are not organized, it is new to fight openly in the barracks now." "What's the matter?" asked yunqianyue, with a cold look? Why do you fight? "

"Princess jingshizi should know that many people came to join the army when the big case that the evil girl in southern Xinjiang killed the emperor and King Shizi was discovered. Among them, there are many people in the river and lake who have martial arts skills. Two of them were enemies. One is Zhang Pei, the other is Han Yi, a rat. The two men had come in early and had no trouble. However, they both wanted to follow when they heard that you were going to call on soldiers. They did not agree with each other, so they started fighting. Because both of them had high prestige, he also brought many brothers when he came in, and in the past month he had attracted many people. Therefore, it turned out that these people were fighting each other on both sides. From midnight yesterday, I have been calling now. His subordinates are incompetent and cannot be controlled. It has been reported to the Ministry of war. The officers of the military department are busy preparing the grain and forage reserves for your expedition, so they can't take care of them for a while. " Zhang Fu quickly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

Yunqianyue nodded and looked at the field. She saw that the fight was in full swing. She looked for a moment, and her eyes fell on the two people who were fighting fiercely in the middle. One was a big man with a long beard, and the other was a weak scholar with a delicate appearance. They are both in their twenties. Qiu beard Khan used a huge axe, and the weak scholar used a soft whip in his hand. It's really big versus small, hard versus soft. However, no one was equal. The people around them were all decorated, but they didn't have any injuries. It's hard to imagine that such two people can have a bitter feud.

"That's interesting." Yung Fung Road.

Cloud shallow moon also feel some interesting, hands playing with the whip, see also have taste.

"Princess jingshizi, Rongfeng Shizi, if you go on like this, you will die a few more people." When the two deputies saw that they had been here for a long time, they did not move, did not speak, did not persuade, did not pull apart. They only watched the two fight, and could not help speaking in a hurry.

"What's the hurry? Dead, dragged out and buried. " Cloud light moon sound cool enough to spread throughout the field.

At this time, 150000 people in the field seemed to know that the woman was coming. They all looked to this side. When they saw Yun Qianyue, Rongfeng, Linglian and Yixue, they were all stunned. Suddenly, someone yelled, "it's the princess jingshizi!"

The people in the field stopped fighting immediately and looked to this side.

The two vice generals did not expect that a sentence from Yun Qianyue was so effective that they were relieved to see if they could not fight.

"King Shizi loves the people very much. It turns out that Princess jingshizi is so cold-blooded and cold-hearted. All the brothers in the military camp are here. When they die, they drag them out and bury them. Isn't it chilling to hear this The man with a big beard held a big axe and looked at the moon. "Yesterday I was looking forward to the imperial concubine Jing Shizi. I didn't expect a heartless one. I won this fight."

"That's right. How can Princess jingshizi say so?" It was immediately echoed.

"Three brothers died." There was also a indignant voice.

"Three brothers died, too!" There is also humanity.

"Zhang Er Gouzi died before he married his wife." Another man cried, "I'm not a soldier anymore!""Yes, let's go, no more soldiers!" Someone immediately agreed, "what's good here? Why don't you go home and listen to a woman who is sent to do something? "

"Yes, go!" Qiu bearded man shouldered the axe and asked the weak scholar, "Han Xiaoer, are you going?"

That weak scholar looked at cloud shallow moon, Xiu eyebrow picked pick, "go, here is really boring, it's better to go back and marry apricot."

"If you mention apricot in front of Laozi again, I will kill your whole family." The big man with a long beard is angry.

"I'm the only one in my family. You can't kill me." The weak scholar tied the whip around his waist.

"There is a long way to go. I will go out and settle accounts with you." With a wave of his hand and a shout, "brothers, go."

"Yes, big brother!" More than 2000 people Hula followed him neatly.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to do it." Wen weak book also a wave of hands, "we also go."

"Yes, big brother!" More than 2000 people followed him neatly.

The two sides even reached an agreement that if they said to go, they would take their own people.

"Hello, soldiers, are you going? If you don't leave, are you waiting for a woman to choose soldiers? " The old man with a long beard turned to the soldiers who were standing at the theatre and cried, "King Shizi is kind to the people, and I admire him in my heart. But in the end, he dotes on women too much, which is really a man's nature. Now such a cold-blooded woman, if any of us follow her, maybe we will die in the next day. "

The soldiers did not speak and looked at each other, as if they were being moved by him, and they seemed to be indecisive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!